
The Evolutionists' god

Most people have a basic understanding of theories associated with Evolution, so-called. Generally speaking, Evolutionists do not believe that God created all things, but that everything in the material universe came into being by means of what they call the 'Big Bang'. Of course, from the time that Charles Darwin published his On the Origin of Species, until Albert Einstein conceived his Theory of General Relativity, Evolutionists had no answer whatsoever to explain the origin/s of matter in the physical universe. After all, where did all that 'stuff' come from that comprises innumerable planets, galaxies, and solar systems? Einstein said in essence that matter and energy are interconvertible. Voila'! All the matter in the universe must once have existed, simultaneously, as pure energy! Since at that time there was no 'space' (for there was not yet the universe), that incomprehensibly large concentration of energy was somehow bound up in an infinitesimally small 'point'. How long had it been 'there' in that state? Why, it must always have 'been' . . . 'there'. At some 'instant' in the eons past ('time', furthermore, is an insurmountable problem for Evolutionists), and for some unknown reason, all of that pent-up energy simply exploded. That is what they call the 'Big Bang'. The result? Man. Well, not at first. Oh, and 'man' is just one more unknowable and unexplainable something-or-other on the way to becoming some other thingamajigs. There, you have it: the Evolutionists' god. What? You don't recognize their god? He--excuse me--IT is right in front of your eyes. Yes, the Evolutionists' god is that infinitesimally small little thing ('point' of energy) that was eternally self-existing; IT was subject to no power but ITself; IT was the origin of all that is; IT was the first cause of all things; IT was the prime mover, setting all things in motion. As anyone can see, IT exhibits attributes that uniquely belong to 'God'. Sadly for Evolutionists, the one and only time their infinitesimally small god ever did anything at all IT simply blew ITself up. To be sure, Evolutionists do believe in god. No wonder they say, though, that god is dead. Theirs died in a terrible explosion.

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