
when Truth will Stand
(c) 2007 dr wills

When black is white, and wrong is right,
and truth is fallen in the street;
when sunny days are dark as night:
a throne is ready for the Beast.
When churches fill to overflow
(but not to hear the Gospel preached),
Laodicea—hard as stone—
will place a crown upon the Beast.
When, all at once, the good shall leave,
and faithful martyrs cease to die:
Apollyon will turn the key
and fill with Death the blackened sky.
When fear and horror from the pit
arise to feed on wicked men;
when saints on thrones of Judgment sit:
the reign of Antichrist shall end.
When trumpets sound earth-shaking blast,
and Heaven’s army Jesus leads:
the kingdoms of this world, at last,
will fall before him on their knees.
When horses' bridles, wet with blood,
no longer drive their steeds to war;
when peace the earth shall over-flood:
then, truth will stand for evermore.

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