
falling stars

(click on picture for short video)

"And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.  And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places."  (Revelation 6:12-14)

When the Apostle John was a prisoner in the island of Patmos, he received a vision from God.  In that vision, John witnessed the events leading up to, and carrying through the time of the judgment of the world at the end of the Church Age, just prior to the Second Coming of Christ.  In the above-quoted verses, John wrote that he saw the 'stars' fall from heaven.  His description of what next happened, as the result of the stars falling, leaves no doubt as to what it was that John saw.  Of course, thermonuclear weapons were still two-thousand years in the future, from John's day.  What John saw was the fiery trails of 'MIRVs', or Multiple Independently-Targetable Re-entry Vehicles, re-entering earth's atmosphere, on their way to their respective targets.  MIRVs are small, rocket-propelled nuclear warheads, launched from intercontinental ballistic missiles that are capable of delivering anywhere from 6 to 14 warheads apiece.  Actually, those small warheads very much resemble a falling star, as they speed through the upper atmosphere, racing toward earth--and, then, explode with a force that could only be compared to, well, an exploding star.

IMPORTANTLY, the timing of that event coincides with the opening of the Sixth Seal -- which, also, happens to be the time of the Rapture of the Church.  I have long believed and taught that the world will not know that the Rapture has occurred, because the Rapture will be hidden by reason of two factors: 1) the Rapture shall likely occur in the midst of a large-scale thermonuclear attack (David Wilkerson prophesied that the USA shall be destroyed in a first-strike scenario); and, 2) the Rapture does NOT involve, in any way, our mortal bodies; those shall fall away from us, as our spirit is translated and glorified.

NOTE to Christians:  This event will not be an experience of torment and suffering to you: but the grace of God that shall be given unto us, in preparation for that moment, shall be more than sufficient to enable us to face it and to pass through it without fear or pain of death.  I know a man - very well, who had a vision in which he saw himself during several seconds, standing and facing a detonation event.  He said that as the intensity of the light suddenly appeared and he felt the heat rapidly increasing, the feeling of it was so exceedingly pleasant, in fact, that he held his arms out as if to embrace the radiant light and warmth.  I don't doubt that the grace of God is able to do just that for us.

Fear not.  But prepare yourselves against that great Day, Church.  It is at the door.  Repent with all your heart, and draw as near to Christ as you can.

If you haven't done so already, go back to the top of this post and click on the picture (but mute the volume - I don't approve of the song that accompanies the video).  Watch the short video all the way through to the end, where you will see a MIRV streak through the clouds before it detonates.  Pay attention to how the mushroom cloud looks like a 'scroll' being rolled up; and, consider how that the mountains and islands are thus moved out of their places...

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