

This is what human life means to the vast majority of America's law-makers - and to multitudes of American citizens.  Scores of millions (as many as died in all of WWII) of unborn children - and many who actually were born alive - discarded, like so much unwanted trash.  Yet, many still believe that Americans may nevertheless preserve their own liberty and prosperity, notwithstanding this still-ongoing holocaust of the Innocent.  Such is the madness which possesses the popular mind in America.

Who can believe that America's law-makers and policy-makers care anything about the well-being of the elderly, the disabled, the unemployed, the homeless: seeing, how willing they are to allow the most defenseless among us to be indiscriminately destroyed without mercy?  The US Supreme Court decision in Roe-vs-Wade made abortion-on-demand an American Institution . . . fully a generation ago.

Exceedingly rare(!) is the medical emergency which requires that an abortion must be, or at least should be performed.  Rather, it is greed - feeding upon promiscuity, selfishness and godlessness, which fuels the abortion machinery.  Importantly, the entire abortion industry operates under the auspices of the American MEDICAL PROFESSION.   Doubtless this is an important reason why America's healthcare system - once the best on earth, is broken beyond repair.

And where is the voice of America's pastors, whose vocation and calling of God it is to "show [God's] people their transgressions...and their sins" (Isaiah 58:1)?  The Lord says: "Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have trodden my portion underfoot, they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness"; wherefore, "the sword of the LORD shall devour from the one end of the land even to the other end of the land" (Jeremiah 12:10-12).  This prophetic Word is as true today, concerning America, as it was in the time when God brought severe judgment against ancient Israel.

Americans have good reason to fear that the abundance of peace and prosperity (which recent generations of Americans have enjoyed by reason of inheritance: the result of God's blessing and favor upon the faith and obedience of our Forefathers) MUST soon be devoured by an overflowing horde of 'locusts', as it were; both spiritual and physical.

Where are the walls of defense that can withstand against God's decreed judgment?  Whereas many are perfectly willing to attribute the cause of America's decline to certain enemies 'within' (as within America's social institutions), nevertheless, few are interested or willing to acknowledge that the real enemy is indeed within -- the heart of unrepentant Americans themselves.

"Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people" (Proverbs 14:34).

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