

a swarm of locusts

So it begins.  'Locusts' of all kinds are arising in swarms to overflow America.  And those swarms are hungry to devour.  As in so many Biblical accounts of God's judgments against rebellious nations, America has at length come under divine sentence of judgment, evidently, involving invading hordes of...

...foreigners.  Among them, doubtless, shall be a large number of individuals whose main purpose it is to use the opportunity of easy access, in order to wage war against this country; this, in addition to the massive socio-economic burden imposed upon an already struggling American society, by reason of the invading multitudes.

Yet, this particular judgment comes as no surprise, in view of America's decades-old strong-arm tactics aimed at pressuring Israel to allow the so-called Palestinians to repatriate some 12 million persons, by reason of what the Palestinians have termed "the right of return"; which, 12 million, represents a number of immigrants twice as large as the entire Jewish population in Israel.  It were socio-political suicide for Israel, if such an influx of 'Palestinian' immigrants were permitted to settle in the proximate environs of Israel.

Remarkably, the destruction of Israel 'by proxy', as it were, appears to be the covert agenda not only of the current American administration but also of former U.S. administrations, reaching back at least to the time of the elder George H.W. Bush.  Only lately does it appear that this charade is soon coming to an end, as a rapid succession of gestures indicative of deeply entrenched anti-Semitism exposes the lie behind the public facade of friendly relations between the U.S. (government) and Israel.

The Bible informs us that God deals with nations accordingly as they respectively deal with Israel.  God said that He will bless those which bless Israel, and curse those which curse Israel.  What amounts to unbridled and unregulated immigration surely cannot be a blessing to any nation.

America has now very largely rejected the authority of God in His Word.  Notwithstanding that God has been long-suffering toward America, the day of reckoning is now at hand; the evidence of which appears as the thundering sound of an approaching horde of immigrants, while the hedgerows of national protections are being torn down.

National, spiritual Revival appears nowhere to be found.  Yet there is still hope for individuals; it is right where true Hope has always been: in Jesus Christ.

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