
revealing Antichrist -- part 2

WHY is Antichrist coming?  That is a question not often asked.  Is God sending him?  No.  God sent His own Son, Jesus Christ, to be the Savior of the world.  And Christ said that he did not come to destroy men's lives but to save them.

But the world did not, and still does not, want Christ.  Nevertheless, the world does want a savior, of sorts.  Jesus said, in John 5:43, "I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive".  The world, in other words, will "receive" Antichrist.  They want him to come.  The whole world wants a savior--as long as that savior is not the Christ of God.

Muslims want their Mahdi.  New Agers want their Super-man.  Buddhists, their Fifth Buddha.  Hindus are looking for their Tenth Avatar.  And Satanists want...

What do Satanists want?  They want what their master, Satan, wants.  And just what does the devil want?

Christians have a measure of true insight into unseen worlds, by means of the Bible.  The Bible reveals true knowledge concerning the devil and his (fallen) angels.  The Bible moreover has much to say about what it is the devil wants.  Satan wants all of God's creatures to worship him, that is, the devil.

Most people--including most professing Christians, do not really understand what "worship" means.  Worship does not mean to lift up one's hands and sing praises to anyone.  Worship consists in the outward expression/s of one's allegiance.  Every kind of act which demonstrates one's allegiance to some one or to some thing, is an act of worship.  The devil wants men and angels to worship him.  In other words, the devil wants all of God's creatures to give their allegiance to the devil, to serve and obey him.  That alone is worship.

The devil receives worship every time that someone does the devil's bidding.  Those who offer sacrifices to idols, for example, are worshiping the devil, because they are demonstrating their allegiance to the devil's will and to his works.  Antichrist is an agent of Satan.  Thus, those who one day will worship Antichrist (whom the Bible calls "the beast" from the bottomless pit), shall actually be worshipping the devil together with "the beast" ("And they worshipped the dragon [the devil] which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast..." Rev. 13:4).

Antichrist is coming--for the purpose to deceive the world's inhabitants to give their allegiance to the devil.  IMPORTANTLY, Antichrist will obtain the world's worship BY DECEPTION (at first).  For, even among the unsaved world, there are many who would not knowingly worship the devil.  Yet, they will be deceived--because, they did not embrace the truth of God when they heard it:
"And then shall that Wicked [Antichrist] be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."  (2 Thessalonians 2:8-12)
DECEPTION.  That's the name of Antichrist's game.  Check this out:
"[Then shall] that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition [Antichrist]; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."  (2 Thessalonians 2:3b-4) 
This imposter--from the bottomless pit--is going to BE PRESENTED (by the False Prophet) to the world, AS GOD!  Antichrist is going to work miracles--by the power of Satan.  Furthermore, the False Prophet will also be empowered by Satan, to work miracles "in the sight of the beast"; by means of which, miracles, the False Prophet will "deceive them that dwell on the earth" (Rev. 13:4).

Do you get the picture?  The False Prophet (more about that character, later) will lead (deceive) the world to embrace and to worship the beast from the bottomless pit.  Of course, the False Prophet is not going to tell anyone that the Antichrist is really a demon from the bottomless pit!  Oh, no!  But the False Prophet is going to tell the world that this being (which may even appear human or, at least, humanoid) is the Savior come to help humanity--and with miracle-working power.

Antichrist is coming as a Savior; remember?  The False Prophet--who plays a key role in bringing the beast before the world, to be worshipped--will not, of course, introduce the beast from the bottomless pit as "the Antichrist".  But the False Prophet will probably say that this being [the beast]--is of EXTRATERRESTRIAL origin (not of this world), and is the chosen representative of a race of highly evolved and thus super-intelligent beings which (though unseen,) have watched over the human family throughout many ages of our ongoing 'evolutionary journey'.  The False Prophet will go on to say, that the hitherto unseen extraterrestrials are now willing to work more openly with humanity, due to the urgency of multiple crises which threaten to destroy the human race, as well as to help the human family to take a great step forward in our own evolution.

Oh! the world will eat it up!  They will love it!  "We knew it, all along," they will say.  "The government can't hide any more what we have long suspected to be true: We are not alone in the universe; and, we have been being visited for a long time!"  

Finally, tens of thousands of UFO sightings will have a reasonable-sounding explanation.  And what about the multiple thousands of reports involving alien abductions?  Why, that was nothing more sinister than the friendly extraterrestrials' scientific research necessary to their better understanding of the human species.  Overlooking, of course, the stories told by certain, unstable human subjects whose outlandish tales are not to be believed....  But I digress.

Mainstream Bible prophecy teaching, I am more and more convinced, is a fabricated system purposively and cleverly designed to deceive.  Antichrist will be a good-looking, charming, charismatic, and intelligent human being, who will be an extraordinarily gifted problem-solver and peacemaker; therefore, will he quickly rise to world prominence.  Or, so the misleading story goes--and none of which, by the way, can be found in Scripture.

While some are looking for such a human political leader to emerge in the somewhat still distant future, meanwhile, the False Prophet is ready even now to play his Ace up-the-sleeve, so to speak, whereby he will introduce to the world a figure quite literally from out of this world.  Importantly, the world has been well prepared for the arrival and announcement of such an entity.  Throughout the past three decades and more, there have been hundreds of books and major motion pictures involving aliens from outer space, not to mention a plethora of reports amongst a great variety of printed media, TV and Internet, related to UFOs and ETs (extra-terrestrials).  The announcement by the Vatican, that they have for some time been in contact with "extraterrestrial intelligent life" (as those creatures [demons] are called, by the Vatican), will not arouse any suspicion of Antichrist, in the minds of those who have been conditioned to associate the person of the Antichrist--not with extraterrestrials--but with a mere human being, a political leader.

The Bible tells us that Antichrist is not of this world.  Don't we believe that?  Moreover, while some Christians have tried--as best they knew how--to discern the 'person' of Antichrist, yet, few, evidently, have paid careful attention to the role of the False Prophet in that scheme of deception involving the appearance (and promotion) of the beast.  The beast has promised the False Prophet power beyond his wildest dreams.  Indeed, the False Prophet himself may not be human (as I wrote in part 1).  Whether human or not, the False Prophet evidently believes he has a great deal to gain, by working closely with the beast.

If this perspective, involving present and near-future events, may actually represent a truer understanding of Bible prophecy, contrasted with mainstream teaching related to the coming of Antichrist, we are thus also enabled to make much better sense of current events in the world.

For the first time in history, the Pope is going to address--this Fall--both the United States Congress as well as the United Nations.

What is the significance of that?  Doubtless, this Pope is positioning himself to play a more direct role in the formation of global policies.  But could it be something more than that?

Could it have anything to do with what is lately becoming a worldwide movement--calling for "Disclosure"?

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