
revealing Antichrist -- part 3

The revelation of Scripture provides, to those who are indwelt by God's Spirit, that body of absolute truth which is indispensable for making sense of the world in which we live.  Bible knowledge--especially true knowledge of Bible prophecy, is the lens, as it were, which brings an otherwise blurred and uncertain image of world events into razor-sharp focus.  Seemingly disparate events spanning decades, or even centuries of time--as well as certain events which have not yet occurred, are thus capable of being understood within a much larger conceptual framework, one which explains those events in terms of their relationship to (all) other events.  All of which, events, are working together to bring to fruition, on the one hand, an ancient and diabolical plan of Satan and, at the same time but on the other hand, a much more ancient albeit a divine plan of God.

The devil has long been seeking to rule the world via his unholy regent, Antichrist.  Meanwhile God perpetually and skillfully employs the devil's own devices and schemes, as instruments whereby to frustrate, humiliate and, ultimately, to destroy the devil and his kingdom altogether.  It is a thing of wonder to behold: when human history is scanned from beginning to end, and compared with the writings of Scripture, to observe how that such a vast panorama, involving innumerable personalities and events--spanning six-thousand years, bears faithful witness to the supernatural and flawless character of the record of God's written Word.

There is no other worldview, besides Scripture, which is capable of providing a coherent, consistent and comprehensive explanation of historical world events.  That gives us great confidence, then, that we can, by means of Scripture, understand a great deal concerning events yet future, namely, those things which are prophesied in Scripture.

That being said, I want to speak particularly about UFO/ET (Unidentified Flying Object / ExtraTerrestrial) sightings, which, since around the end of WWII, have continued to increase phenomenally in number and frequency of occurrence.  Notwithstanding the now tens of thousands of eyewitness reports involving UFOs and/or extraterrestrial creatures, their real nature and purpose still remains a profound mystery.  But how can that be?  Surely, no mere human agency--no matter how well financed and organized--were capable of maintaining such a wide-ranging and effectual cloak of secrecy such as has long been the case regarding UFOs/ETs.  Even granting the stipulation that government agencies (especially, those of world powers) have a vested interest in safeguarding information pertaining to advanced technologies supposedly obtained directly and/or indirectly from contact with ETs and their UFOs; still, ordinary experience compels us to believe that a far greater amount of factual information involving UFOs/ETs than is anywhere available, should have found its way, by this time, into the domain of public knowledge.  But that is not the case.

How has such knowledge been so successfully concealed and for so long a time, notwithstanding the very large number of claimed sightings and other kinds of interactions with UFOs/ETs?  Must there not be--as it is increasingly supposed--a supernatural aspect to UFOs/ETs?  If so, then, how can such things possibly understood by humans, except, in the case that Scripture may have somewhat to say about such things?  Does the Bible, in fact, have anything to say about UFOs/ETs?

Actually, the Bible has a lot to say about UFOs and about otherworldly (extraterrestrial) beings. Importantly, Scripture states that one of the prominent signs pointing to the soon return of Jesus Christ shall involve "fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven" (Luke 21:11).  UFOs (and ETs, at least by implication,) answer very well to that prophecy.  In other places, the Bible indicates that there shall come a great increase of demonic activity on the earth, as the time of Christ's return approaches.

We know, from Scripture, that holy angels sometimes appear among human beings, and as human; as the following passage illustrates:

"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares" (Hebrews 13:2).
If holy angels have that ability, may not fallen angels also have such ability?  Or, in the case that demons are something other than fallen angels, it is at least true that demons have the ability to occupy and control the personality of certain (unregenerate) individuals, so that demon spirits are thus capable to interact with and among humans, and to do so in human form.

The relevance of Scripture, to this subject, involves far more revelation than can reasonably be presented in this space.  Nevertheless, I mean to show that we can derive meaningful and substantive insights and conclusions regarding UFOs as well as ETs, from a mature knowledge of Scripture.  Admittedly, I came to perceive this truth only within the past six months or so.  Yet, during that time, my understanding both of UFOs/ETs and, more important, of Bible prophecy, has increased wonderfully--ever since I (cautiously) opened my mind to allow the Holy Spirit to teach me concerning these things.

Significantly, I have come to believe that such knowledge--and the perspective which that knowledge entails, is needful in order to rightly understand Bible prophecy pertaining to the real nature of Antichrist's person, as well as that knowledge and perspective informs us about the real nature of Antichrist's appearing among the world, in connection with the soon coming Day of the LORD.  The role of the False Prophet, too, is made more intelligible to me, by reason of this still-unfolding mystery invovling the relationship of Bible prophecy to the phenomenon of UFOs/ETs.

Although to some this post may seem rather vague in its meaning, that really is very far from being the case.  On the contrary, perceiving, that a deeper understanding of Bible prophecy depends, in a real measure, upon one's willingness to enquire concerning ongoing worldwide phenomena involving UFOs/ETs; then, to evaluate that latter information in the light of Bible prophecy: I have found is an important key for unlocking some of the deeper mysteries of Bible prophecy--as well as it is important to a better understanding of those multifarious signs which Scripture reveals are indicative of the fast approaching Rapture. 

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