
are you living FOR God, or BY God?

The woman depicted in the above cartoon does indeed have her feet on the scales.  And she is certain to obtain a number in the scale's display showing a 'weight' that is favorable to her own wishes.  Funny.  But there is an important message conveyed by that cartoon.

Of course, the message centers upon the idea that the woman - though going through certain motions associated with measuring her weight, yet she is obviously willing to deceive herself.  She doesn't really want to know the fact of her weight, but she only wants to feel good about herself just the way she is.  Many professing Christians are like that.

So, they go through certain 'motions' associated with Christianity.  They go to church.  They may dress a certain way.  They say certain words...to certain people...at certain times.  But they are not really interested to discover themselves to themselves, in the light of God's Word.  They don't really want to know their true spiritual condition in the sight of God.  Rather, they are willing to deceive themselves because, in fact, they are really only interested to feel good about themselves - just the way they are.

Such folks suppose they are living FOR God.

But not only pew-sitters are among that number.  There are not a few church leaders - even some who are very well known - who are supposed (by many) to be living FOR God.  There are many pastors, evangelists, teachers, and 'Christian' authors who are living FOR God..., doing their own thing in their own way, while offering their works up - if not to God, exactly, at least for public consumption.

Now, do not misunderstand me.  I am not suggesting that there is anything wrong with living FOR God.  Every soul should desire to live FOR God.  But I want to show you that there is all the difference in the world -- indeed, it is the difference between heaven and hell -- that is, the difference between living one's life FOR God and, on the other hand, living one's life BY God.

Let me give you an illustration.  Imagine, if you will, a wealthy householder and his servant.  The wealthy householder (let's call him the 'Master') owns several expensive automobiles.  His favorite one is a dark blue sports car.  The Master goes away for a month or so on a business trip.  When he returns home, he is shocked to discover that while he was out of town, his servant took the liberty to have the Master's dark blue sports car painted candy-apple red!  When the Master objected to his servant that he had no right to do such a thing, the servant replied:
"But, Master, that paint job cost me $5,000.00 - which I paid for out of my own pocket!  It's beautiful (don't you think?).  I hired the best painters in the country, because I knew you only like the best.  And I did it as a gift to you, to show you my affection!"
Recently, I shared that same illustration with someone who, afterward, objected to me that the Master should have been grateful to his servant because the servant did what he did out of a well-intended motive.  But the point was missed.  Should the Master have been grateful to the servant?  The servant was neither instructed nor even requested by his Master to change the color of the Master's car.  The Master (I say - and it is my story) HATES the color red.  Did the servant, therefore, please his Master, by having his car painted - notwithstanding it came at great cost to the servant?  Did the servant do according to his Master's will?

We find in Scripture where Jesus revealed the following:
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.  Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?  And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity [self-will].  (Matthew 7:21-3)
That is the tragic outcome of those who supposed they lived FOR God, instead of having lived, in truth, BY God.  All their works were done of their own will and power -- and then offered up to God as if God should be pleased with their efforts.  They are as the servant in the above illustration.  Actually, their works - which originate in their own minds and will - are not only OF themselves but those works are FOR themselves.  That is to say, that, just like the servant in the illustration, their true aim was not to please the Master, but to obtain to themselves the Master's favor and recognition for their own supposed goodness.

Those, who are living FOR God (but not BY God) are really going about to establish their own self-righteousness.

Consider what else Jesus said about this subject:
"As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that earth me, even he shall live by me" (John 6:57).
"For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me" (John 6:38).
Whose will are you doing?  Are you living FOR God (in the sense explained herein), and thus deceiving your own self to believe you are pleasing the Lord by your own 'good works'?  Or, are you living BY God? that is to say, are you living to do the will of God as best you understand that, according to His Word and Spirit?

Put the scales down, Ma'am.  That's right.  Now, step right up.  Come on, you can do this.  Let's get to the truth of the matter.

Are you, Christian, thus standing on the Word - seeking to know your true spiritual condition, and seeking to understand what is the will of God concerning you -- so that you can do that, BY God?

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