
how deep is the pit?

I started playing piano when I was seven years old.  I was composing my own works by age 10 and, by age 15, I could perform a number of works by classical composers, from memory.  In later years, I built a recording studio, where I wrote and produced a lot of good Christian music.  I still play keyboards and sing (mostly in the privacy of my own home).  But I very rarely listen to any (other) music, anymore~especially "Christian" music.  I simply can't bear to hear the empty (if not blasphemous) lyrics and worldly style of the majority of songs in that genre.  Still, I was shocked by what I stumbled upon while doing some unrelated research . . . .

The Internet has a unique way of connecting seemingly unrelated dots, so to speak, by returning a great variety of suggested links in response to any given "search" input.  When I saw the name "Boltz" in the title of a certain video, it reminded me of someone named Ray Boltz, who was a Christian music artist many years ago.  I seemed to recall that something had happened to him, though I couldn't remember what that was.  So, I looked him up.  It appears that Ray is still in the Christian music business ~ only, now, as one who is "out," which is to say, Ray is a self-avowed homosexual "Christian" music artist.

In addition to discussing Ray Boltz, the article I found on the Internet also included a surprisingly long list of other homosexual, and lesbian, "Christian" music artists.  It was then that a light came on in my head.  Suddenly, a number of other, scattered pieces of a puzzle came together for me.  I first realized that by disconnecting myself, a few years ago, from the Christian music "grid," as it were, has resulted in my being seriously out of the loop, regarding recent trends in the realm of contemporary Christian music (often identified by the initials CCM).

Nevertheless, there were those several "scattered pieces of a puzzle," of which I was aware.  One of those puzzle-pieces is a so-called "metalcore" band named "August Burns Red."  Here's one of their "live" videos (an hour long):

Another puzzle-piece is a group named "Skillet."  It will give you some insight into their music, by reading this portion of lyrics from (one of) their hit song(s), titled:
The secret side of me
I never let you see
I keep it caged
But I can't control it
So stay away from me
The beast is ugly
I feel the rage
And I just can't hold it

It's scratching on the walls
In the closet, in the halls
It comes awake
And I can't control it
Hiding under the bed
In my body, in my head
Why won't somebody come and save me from this?
Make it end!

I feel it deep within,
It's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I hate what I've become
The nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster

Here is a video of Skillet performing "Monster" live.  Pay close attention, if you will, to the size of the audience, as well as to the general atmosphere of that venue and performance (you can't miss the lead singer's death-skull podium):

Although I could provide a large number of other puzzle-pieces, I will limit it to one more.  Here is a video of Darlene Zschech performing one of her hit songs at an interfaith event at the Vatican, which included Pope Francis and a retinue of Catholic prelates:

What, you may ask, do Darlene Zschech, Skillet, August Burns Red, and Ray Boltz (and a very large number of others) have in common?  Answer: They are all popular "Christian" music artists.  And they are all apostates.  (Darlene Zschech is, or was, the "worship leader" and principal songwriter for Hillsong Church ~ which has grown to be a worldwide conglomeration of apostate churches.)

Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) is glutted with everything you can imagine, including: homosexuals (link) and lesbians (link); metalcore and hard-rock bands; atheists (link); and, of course, well-dressed, middle-aged moms who like to tease a little (link).  Yep, CCM is glutted with everything you can imagine ~ except Biblical Christianity.  And that is precisely the game.  The devil is flooding (erstwhile) Western societies with music embodying every kind of imitation and perversion, while calling every bit of that "Christian."  And when anything and everything is "Christian," then, that word looses all meaning.

Yet, from the hodge-podge of styles and voices and lyrics, in CCM, there nevertheless stands out a certain message, expressed by a relatively small number of recurring ideas.  But that message, and those ideas, have nothing really to do with Biblical Christianity ~ except, for the smattering of key words typically associated with the Bible, especially, generic words such as "you," and "love."  Much less common, though, are specific terms such as "Jesus," or "Christ," or "born again."  But practically never does CCM include words such as "repent," "judge," or "damnation."  On occasion, when I happen to be in company with someone who may be listening to contemporary "Christian" music, almost invariably I find that those instances present valuable teaching opportunities.

I oftentimes encourage others, especially younger Christians, to turn off all so-called "Christian" television and radio; and, if they want to be spiritually healthy, to pick up the Bible, instead.  We are living in that time which, according to Scripture, "even the very elect" would be deceived ~ if that were possible.  Importantly, it is not possible, but only because that "the very elect" are not careless concerning what the devil tries to present to their mind, by way of their eyes and their ears.  

I don't mean to say that there are no real Christian music artists.  But I will say that I don't know of any so-called Christian television or radio stations which scrupulously monitor their programs' content, to screen out the antichrist filth.  And I judge that it is not worth being bombarded with deception ~ some of which is very subtle, just to hear an occasional song or message which seems to have a measure of truth in it.

But, then, I'm an "old school" Christian.  I've learned how to walk carefully, so as not to fall.

I see broken souls scattered everywhere, tender, young souls, who don't know any better ~ because no one is teaching them.  And how deep is the pit (from their eyes and ears down to their hearts), into which they are fallen . . . ?

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