
making way for the new faith

Barely a generation ago, practically every university in America required a course of study in "Western Civilization," as part of its core curriculum.  The idea then being that the values and history of Western Civilization were well worth preserving and perpetuating.

That history is essentially one of long and sometimes bloody struggle to secure certain ideals and values involving personal liberty while also restricting the powers of government.  But in the latter part of the last century, different modes of thought began to radically transform the institutions of learning both in Europe and in America.  Rather than instilling a sense of unity based upon shared values, universities in Europe and in America began instead to advocate the supposed advantages of multiculturalism and plurality.  And rather than defending the virtues of Western Civilization (which was largely predicated upon Judeo-Christian traditions and teachings), those same universities began to question and even to assail the ideals and values of Western culture, as if those were not unifying but divisive.

Anyone who is interested can easily verify the truthfulness of my assertions thus far.  Here is a brief excerpt from a recent article describing the efforts of a few students at Stanford University, to restore the requirement of a course of study in 'Western Civilization,' to that school's undergraduate curriculum (link to article here):
The movement has reignited a decades-old debate over the value of studying a common Western culture.  In the 1980s, under pressure from protesters – “Hey, hey! Ho! Ho! Western Civ has got to go!” – Stanford repealed its longstanding Western Civilization requirement. The aim was to institute a more “inclusive” curriculum that focused on multiculturalism, gender identity, and race.
Not only Stanford but, as I said, practically every university in Europe and America likewise renounced (a few decades ago) Western culture, in favor of multiculturalism.  But why?  The answer is simple.  It was so that a new ideological paradigm could be propagated very broadly and in a highly coordinated manner, which paradigm would then serve as the foundation of a new global order, that is, the so-called New World Order.  The elite who are behind that powerful movement believe that, in order to institute and maintain a system of global governance, it is necessary to break down the barriers of nationalism; which barriers largely subsist as a widely-held predisposition, to prefer one culture over another and to defend one's own culture by efforts aimed to safeguard national sovereignty.

The prophetic scriptures of the Bible foresaw and foretold all of this.  The Bible speaks of a "woman" riding upon a "beast" of certain description; both of which, the woman and the beast, are identified in Scripture.  The Bible furthermore reveals that, whereas the 'woman' would for some time control and so use the 'beast;' nevertheless, the beast would afterwards turn against the woman and devour her.  Whereupon having destroyed the woman, the beast would then seek to devour the whole world.

That 'woman' is not any particular nation or organization, but it is group of nations which share a certain culture: that is, one which embodies (apostate) Christianity led by Roman Catholicism (the 'woman').  That 'woman' (whom the Bible refers to as a "harlot"), in other words, is comprised of the nations of erstwhile 'Western Civilization.'  Whereas, that 'beast' is a barbarous system with its hordes from amongst a region largely encompassing the Middle Eastern and north African nations.  Does Bible prophecy actually fit with current events in those regions of the world occupied by the 'woman,' and the 'beast,' respectively?  Bible prophecy does in fact fit with current events in those regions~and with such amazing precision that it cannot be supposed to be a question merely of interpretation.  

Yet, this essay is not intended to be a study in Bible prophecy.  What I do intend, however, is to expose what I have long perceived to be a great danger especially to young persons (in the Americas and in Europe, erstwhile 'Western' societies); which, danger, obtains in the context of secular 'education'~beginning in the elementary schools and continuing all the way through graduate-level institutions of learning.  The public schools as well as the colleges and universities, in America and in Europe, which once served to inculcate a well grounded understanding of Western Civilization and thus to preserve that Civilization, have all been purposively redirected to eradicate from those societies not only the precepts and history of Western Civilization but, more important, to remove from social consciousness every vestige related to that Civilization.  At the most fundamental level, that means that every secular institution of learning, in America and in Europe, has been committed (for at least the past 30 years or more) to destroy historical Christianity, from the minds, especially, of younger persons~who comprise the generation that will embrace (as intended) the New World Order.

And, yet, by far the vast majority of professing Christians persist to subject their children to (the scientifically-developed programs and methodologies of) those secular institutions (public schools, and universities), all of which are entirely committed to the annihilation of Biblical Christianity and of Christian culture.  A half century ago and more, everyone, including Christians, thought it was important if not necessary to obtain a high school education.  It was furthermore then generally agreed that it was a great privilege and opportunity, to obtain a university education.  But it speaks volumes about the gross ignorance and naïveté of professing Christians who, today, highly esteem a university education, especially, when that is pursued at any of the more well known universities.

Yet, it entails very little effort to discover the true nature of those institutions.  Here are a few links (which it took me less than 15 minutes to find), to help you who may be interested to get started on your journey of discovery:

"Purging the Memory of Our Christian Roots" (link) 
"New Study Shows Radicals Rule At University of California" (link) 
"How 1960s Radicals Ended Up Teaching Your Kids" (link) 
"Peter Singer's Bold Defense of Infanticide" (link) 
"Your Son Living As A Girl At School? Not Your Business!" (link)
"Charlotte Iserbyt: The Secret History of Western Education" (link) 
"College Indoctrination Documentary" (link: warning, some graphic material)  (This video includes a very insightful statement by David Clemens, Professor, Monterey Peninsula College, who said: "If you can get students persuaded of a couple of basic ideas about the nature of Reality, you can go a long way toward succeeding in a social engineering project in which you're engaged.") 
"The College Conspiracy Full Documentary" (link)
"The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America" (link) 
"Indoctrinate U" (link) 
"Brave New Schools" (link)
Secularists well understand the importance of controlling education.  And they have been working hard not only to gain control of social institutions of learning, but then to use those channels to engineer a New Society, one prepared to embrace global governance and a humanistic (though not humane) future.  A maelstrom of anti-Christian ideas has flooded the halls of academia, throughout this generation, sweeping away the old Order of Western Civilization and making way for the new Faith: the faith of Antichrist.

Western Civilization is history.  Now we are in the throes, the birth-pangs, as it were, ~ I dare not say of a new "civilization," but of a new Dispensation.  Yet, the momentous changes which have been signaling the end of Western Civilization (and of the Church Age), do not herald the emergence of some worldly Utopia (as that is hoped).  Rather, they indicate the imminent train-wreck of human societies, globally.

The 'beast' is even now turning and ready to devour the 'woman' which, until recently, used the beast to her own purposes and advantage.  Apostate Christianity thus shall soon be devoured by the very system and its adherents which Western governments presumed they were able to control.  Do I need to spell out what that means?

It means that the Apocalypse is at the door.  Tragically, it is multitudes of professing Christians whose hands have undone the latch, and let in the beast . . . .

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