
Christianity that kills

"I came to this work rather deliberately....  I became an obstetrician-gynecologist knowing that providing abortions was an integral part of the care that women require and deserve....  I was also raised in a Christian home in Lexington, SC.  My family went to church regularly, [and] said prayers before meals....  The compassion and empathy I learned from my Christian faith are fundamental to my work."  Dr. Sarah Wallett (sources: here and here).

Well, it's a good thing that her family prayed before meals.  Otherwise, Sarah might not have any compassion or empathy at all while she tears unborn children's bodies apart in their mother's womb.  "[M]y faith teaches me to withhold judgment and to extend acceptance to all," Sarah reportedly said.  That sounds about right ~ coming from any one of the apostate Christian denominations of which Sarah and her family may be aligned with.  Sarah's parents evidently don't see anything wrong with what she does.  Nor, apparently, does Sarah's pastor see anything wrong with killing unborn children.

I suppose that Sarah Wallett's beliefs would not be considered as being very exceptional, amongst virtually thousands of so-called Christian churches in America.  If anyone wonders why it was that a Republican-controlled U.S. federal government was 'unable' to overturn abortion law in America, the answer is not hard to discover: it lies in the Apostasy.  Sarah Wallett is a product of that Apostasy.  So is the desperately lost condition of American society and government a product of the Apostasy of the Christian churches.

And so is the coming wrath of God a result of that Apostasy.

Oh, and while I'm speaking about compassion and empathy and apostate Christianity and fluffy kittens; I want to share with you this tidbit of information.  World Vision is a well known, tax-exempt organization which supposedly provides humanitarian relief around the world.  It appears that the man (Mohammed Halabi) who for years has been in charge of that organization managed to siphon off at least 60% of all donations received by that organization, throughout a number of recent years.  Of course, he didn't keep that money for himself, but he reportedly gave it away ~ to Hamas (source: here).  Yes, that Hamas (link).  I wonder how many bleeding-heart Christians, with their undiscerning charitable giving, have unwittingly been funding the murderous activities of Hamas via World Vision International?

But, really, I don't see that is very different from putting money in the offering plate at a local Southern Baptist church, for example, which appears at least indirectly to be supporting mosque-building efforts right here in the U.S.A. (link).

It's all a matter of semantics, actually.  You see, since the Christ of the Apostasy is against (or anti, for short) mean-spirited, judgmental, fundamentalist, bible-thumpers, it is just a whole lot easier to refer to him as the "anti-Christ."  That just kind of sums it all up in one, convenient term.


  1. Bless the God of Heaven and earth. Bless the house of the man who will love the Truth and hate evil.
