
a new leadership paradigm (part 1)

More than thirty years ago, David Wilkerson wrote that America had already then crossed the line beyond which the judgment of God could by no means be averted.  I am in complete agreement with Wilkerson.  Each and every social institution in America is ripe for judgment, since in every case there is no realistic possibility of reform, in the direction of righteousness.  It is corrupt leadership which has brought America to the brink of destruction.

Not in government only, but in every field of human endeavor, as that has been expressed within every social institution, corrupt leadership has at length hopelessly corrupted those institutions.  Preeminent amongst those institutions is Education.  Preeminent, because, Education (as an institution and as a process) more so than any other social institution, is responsible for influencing the development of the world view of the multitudes which have been brought under Education's practically universal reach.

I am currently re-reading Francis Schaeffer's very important book, The God Who Is There (first published in 1968).  Actually, I began thinking about this essay before I started re-reading Schaeffer's book (which I first read at least ten years or more ago).  That book's publication date is highly significant, for the reason that Schaeffer's brilliant analysis, of Western society and culture, explained how it was that within the space of a mere half-century or so (from circa 1913 to 1968), Western society~having rejected (near the beginning of the twentieth-century) both rationality and the Biblical revelationrapidly sank into the abyss of despair due to the hopelessness of discovering any meaning or purpose in life.  (And, no, Schaeffer did not exempt theologians or churchmen, from his analysis and conclusions.)

If that was the situation in the late 1960s (and it was), how can the condition of Western society be described and explained, today?  It is important to note that only one whose own beliefs and thought processes have not been conformed to the Western paradigm (characterized by irrationality, alienation and despair, as Schaeffer described that in his book), may thus be capable to produce a rational and meaningful analysis of the culture in which he or she (now) lives.  And I am quite sure that Schaeffer, if he were alive today, would agree that there must be very few such individuals remaining in the midst of any contemporary Western society.

I have hitherto used the phrase "Western society" not carelessly but purposively, in order to refer the Reader's focus to an historical context involving certain cultures, i.e., European and American ~ pre-1960.  In fact, "Western" society no longer exists as such (Schaeffer, in 1968, referred to European and American societies of that time period as "post-Christian"). I would furthermore argue that even "society," as such, no longer exists either in Europe or in America; in view of the definition of society as being: "the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community".  Both "ordered" and "community" are words loaded with particular meaning; neither of which words seems to fit very well with the actual state of affairs involving human relationships, in what used to be "Western society."

I consider myself to be very knowledgeable in the field of Bible prophecy.  Thus, I very confidently discern, according to a veritable constellation of Bible prophecies, that the return of Jesus Christ for his Church is now truly imminent (about to happen).  Yet, a deep understanding of the spiritual (intellectual, moral, emotional) condition of those cultures which used to be essentially Christian, until a generation or so ago, also forcefully compels me to the same conclusion concerning the nearness of Christ's coming.

I have lately written and spoken much about my unshakable belief that we ~ who say we believe that this generation must be the one which shall encounter the Rapture, ought to be living our lives in every way commensurate with that profession.  To be sure, that requires a great measure of faith and courage.  For, to live as though one truly believes that the Rapture is imminent, impels one to think and act in ways contrary to virtually everything this culture stands for; and that is not an exaggeration.

Which brings me back to what I really want to focus on, in this essay.  Above, I wrote that it is "corrupt leadership which has brought America to the brink of destruction."  Of course, America's problems are much more diverse than that.  Nevertheless, it is a truism to say that every nation's problems or blessings, as the case may be, can basically be ascribed to its leadership, broadly speaking.  I have no hope whatsoever, that America as a nation can be saved from God's wrath.  Thus my concern is for the Church, that is, the true Body of Christ.

The Church needs Godly leadership, more so now than ever before.  Where shall such leadership come from?  From the seminaries?  Absolutely, not!  Those are the very fountainheads of the Apostasy.  Whence, then? from so-called Christian colleges?  Again, no!  For, those also are headsprings of the Apostasy.  Shall we then look to the leaders of well known churches? or, to other well known Christian personalities?  Which of those church leaders, or famous personalities, is diligently exposing and vigorously opposing the Apostasy in all of its forms and at all of its sources?  None that I know of; and I am a watchman of such things.  I cannot call to mind any contemporary, well known "Christian" leader, whom I trust to lead the Church in faithfulness to Christ.

But I do know a few "hidden ones," whom I trust completely, in the Lord.  In no case, however, is their character, or competence to lead, in any way related to any kind of worldly credentials.  In fact, in times past I have often seen very capable and Godly Christians denied leadership positions in the churches, just because those individuals lacked the "proper credentials."  The world is what it is.  But it is appalling to see professing Christians conduct themselves like the world, by kowtowing to persons and organizations whose supposed authority is derived from other men, instead of from God.

Throughout the past half-century or so (since about the time that Schaeffer published his The God Who Is There), every social institution in American society ~ including the denominational churches, has almost exclusively required that leadership positions must be filled with college graduates.  Consider the results of that policy; and you will see that my above statements regarding Christian colleges and seminaries, are not unjustified.

The Body of Christ needs to consider and to embrace a new leadership paradigm.  But that is not all.  As A.W. Tozer long ago prophesied concerning our generation: we need to come together to "build a new Ark, to ride out the storm."  Tozer's prophecy began by foretelling that the time was then soon coming when all of the Evangelical churches would be abandoned by every true Christian.  How visionary~and how true~that prediction has proved to be!  Therefore, we know what Tozer meant where he said that the true Christians, of our generation, would then come together to "build a new Ark."  He meant that the true Body of Christ would create, in the last days ~ not new "churches" (certainly not after the model of the institutional churches).  Rather, that we must conceive of new ways to form ourselves together as a Christian community and, so, to function as a true and holy Body of Christ.

That process will require Godly leadership ~ according to the leadership of the Holy Ghost, of course.  But it will also require that each and every member, of such newly forming groups of Christians, must be capable of exercising Godly discernment and judgment, in that process.  I have read, for instance, that the so-called "Underground Church" in China looks to those individuals, for leadership, who have suffered much persecution in the name of Christ.  The Apostle Paul never based his authority upon any of his scholarly endeavors as a Pharisee.  But he often spoke of his authority in Christ, as he also pointed to his scars and his experiences of suffering persecution, as evidences of his calling of God.

I don't foresee any possibility that this election cycle can have a good outcome.  And given the spirit of lawlessness which already prevails in this country, who knows? what surprising turn of events could transpire in the next few months.

We must not continue as we have been ~ that is, every man doing that which is right in his own eyes.  Some have "come out" of the apostate churches.  I believe there are yet others who need to come out of those churches.  Yet, I do not think it is wise to wait any longer to begin to come together with the express purpose of forming Covenantal relationships, and to talk and pray together about what we may need to do to prepare for the days ahead.

Walking in wisdom means to be watchful and discerning, and to prioritize everything according to the will of God.  Tragically, most professing Christians are still too much influenced in their thinking by worldly ideas and values and by ill-formed opinions based more upon ignorance and wishful thinking, rather than upon due diligence.

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