
making sense of the signs

There's an old saying which states: You can't see the forest, for the trees.  Meaning: It's possible to observe a great many things or events and yet not be able to perceive or understand how those things or events are all interrelated to form a much bigger picture.

That seems to be the condition of most people, where it concerns the rapidly approaching time of Christ's return.  We are privileged to be living witnesses to a singularly momentous period in history, when Bible prophecy is being fulfilled at an unprecedented rate.  No previous generation since the time of Christ's first coming has experienced anything comparable to the scope of Bible prophecy that has either been fulfilled during this present generation or, which only this generation is now capable of discerning that certain prophecies have recently been fulfilled.  How ironic and tragic, then, is the following prophecy of Scripture ~ which itself is one of the more important signs of Christ's soon appearing:
"[T]here shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation."  (2 Peter 3:3-4)
Notice, if you will, that the above passage explicitly states that "scoffers" will appear "in the last days."  They will not merely object that the time of Christ's return is not yet at hand.  Rather, they will mock at the very idea of Christ's return.  They will point to what seems to themselves to be the more or less unchanging character of human life on the earth, throughout millennia past.  Even though they will have the greatest opportunity of any generation to witness the fulfilling of Bible prophecy!

The widespread indoctrination of Evolutionary theories, throughout the past century or so, has at last brought forth an entire generation which actually believes that energy and matter appeared from nothing, exploded to make the infinite Universe, and then ~ over eons of time, random particles mysteriously formed atoms which somehow randomly arranged themselves to form Michelangelo, the International Space Station, orchids, the Scanning Electron Microscope, hummingbirds, the worldwide Internet, Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, quantum computers, and even (the historical) Jesus Christ ~ all on one speck of dust called Earth.  An entire generation.  And not only of Americans.  How can such a generation be saved? I continually wonder.

Only by the outpouring of God's Spirit: that's how.

But just talking about that will never bring it to pass.

Seeing that none of the unbelieving ~ whether in the world or in the Church ~ are at all capable to perceive the fulfilling of Bible prophecies as being "signs" of Christ's soon coming; therefore, who are those "signs" for?  Evidently they are for the small Remnant of believers who are diligently looking for those signs; which, when taken together and in the light of Scripture, those signs illuminate a clear path through the thick darkness of this evil world: not only to discern the reality of the Rapture but, no less important, very nearly the time of that miraculous event.

It therefore seems to me that an awful responsibility has thus been laid upon true believers.  I mean, if the Remnant are the only ones who are capable of discerning and understanding the signs of Christ's soon coming: then, believers ~ knowing that the Rapture is now so very close at hand, have an even more urgent need to seek God for the outpouring of His Spirit in Revival power.  I believe with every fiber of my being, that it is a very dangerous thing to know that the Rapture is about to happen and, yet, not to be deadly serious about preparing oneself to be received into heaven literally at a moment's notice.

The Bible says that Christ is returning to receive unto Himself ~ what? ~ a Bride which "hath made herself ready" (Revelation 19:7), "not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing" (Ephesians 5:27).  Think of a perfectly clean dress, or a dress shirt, which does not have even one wrinkle!  Spotless purity!  Is that quality of spiritual life even possible to attain?  It must be!  If not, then when Christ returns, He would have no one to Rapture.  

Now, consider this.  How could it be that a believer who is walking very close to God ~ in every way seeking to prepare himself or herself for Christ's appearing, would not in that high state of spiritual readiness be continually seeking God for Revival and an End-time harvest?  It is an absurdity to suppose that one is truly ready to be instantaneously, miraculously translated to be with Christ in the heavens ~ yet: who gives relatively little time to prayer and the Word; and, who only occasionally (or rarely) witnesses to unbelievers; and, who does not hunger to see the glory of God revealed, Christ's name vindicated, and the works of darkness destroyed; and, who does not desire Christ's coming, more than the pleasures of this world.

If you have no vision of, no hunger for, and no real commitment to, Revival; then, studying Bible prophecy will do one of two things for you: it will either lead you to be consumed with a vision and hunger and commitment for Revival; or, it will harden your heart, if you approach the study of prophecy for the purpose to stimulate your intellect.  Believe me, there are a lot of people like that.

If you are looking for "signs" of the Rapture, I urge you not to neglect to carefully examine the "signs" which are in your own heart and life.  Are you, really, ready for the Rapture?  No, I don't mean: "Are you ready to get out of this troubled world?"  But I mean, when that trumpet sounds ~ which only truly sanctified spirits will be capable to hear, do you believe that Jesus will judge you worthy to be translated and, so, to escape both death and the Tribulation?  That's a very serious question.  But the most serious question is this:

Does your life in every way show that you're ready?

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