
a new leadership paradigm (part 4)

I was compelled to write this essay, after reading a new article by Dennis Prager.  As far as I know, Dennis Prager is not a Christian.  Yet, he does impress me as being a man who is both "moral" and sensible (one cannot be moral without being sensible ~ and vice versa).  I will give you the the link to that article (here), which is well worth reading.

I am not the only one who sees the education system in America as being a huge, I mean a huge problem not only for America but for the whole world.  I will go on to say I believe that Dennis Prager, though a very smart guy, yet because that he is not a Christian, it is very doubtful he can perceive the still more dangerous aspects of America's colleges and universities, than even those dangers he described in his article.

Prager concluded his article titled, "Why Do People Still Donate To Universities?" by saying:
"But if you love America, among the worst things you can do is contribute to 95 percent of the country's universities.  America would be better off if you burned that money."
I believe Prager was extremely generous in his assessment.  According to the Association of American Colleges and Universities, there are 2,618 accredited 4-year colleges and universities in America; 5 percent of which number, is 131.  I absolutely do not believe there are 131 colleges and/or universities in America, which are worthy to be supported.  America's institutions of learning ~ perhaps without any exception, are cesspools of wickedness.  Even the vast majority of church-based institutions are unfit for anything but to be judged by God.

Do you suppose that my judgment is too harsh, too severe?  Think it not so; for, my judgment is nothing compared with the judgment of God that is ready to unleash from heaven God's wrath against all the works of man.

The Church desperately needs Godly leadership ~ right now!  I do not mean to exalt myself in anyone's estimation of me.  But I must say that I am lately driven by a sense of urgency which compels me to do all that I can, as quickly as I can, to help to move individual Christians and churches into position where that God can pour out His Spirit to us in Revival.  In the course of which I am also finding that I am bolder than ever to confront compromise wheresoever I discern that.

We are forbidden at any time to dance with the devil.  The devil knows that the only thing which can come between God and His people, is sin.  And it is sin, which has hindered the Holy Ghost from having His own way in the lives of God's people in America.  Still, God is working mightily to remove sin from the lives of everyone who is willing.

A couple of days ago, I was so blessed as I beheld a magnificent sunset, which seemed virtually radiant with divine power.  In that moment, it occurred to me that that awesome display of God's glory and power ~ was totally silent.  The evidence of the reality was there; it could be observed; yet, it did not make a sound.  Then the thought occurred to me that that is just like what I have been "seeing" in the spirit: which is to say, that notwithstanding God's power and glory is "there" and can be "observed" (in the spirit), yet, for now at least, that inner working of God's Spirit appears in a sense to be "silent."  Oh, but the power of the Holy Ghost is not going to be silent for much longer!

Church, pray, pray, pray that God will raise up Godly leaders ~ in and to the Body of Christ!  Better yet, as you are praying for that, give yourself to God that He may so work in your own life as to use you, in whatever measure according to His will, to provide Holy Ghost-led leadership whether to your own family, or to some whom you may not even yet know.

Meanwhile, we must turn our minds away from old ways, worldly ways, of thinking about leadership.  Worldly education does not Godly leaders make.  Nor can any apostate seminary produce Godly leaders.  As far as I can tell, every seminary in America must be apostate; otherwise, we who are earnestly looking for a real move of God in Revival, surely by now would have heard of men and women whose hearts are all on fire for God, coming out of this or that seminary.  But it just ain't so.  

And where is there a local church that is a flaming fire of Holy Ghost power?  We need individual men and women whose mind has been renewed according to the mind of Christ and whose spirit has thus been transformed by God!  We need men and women in whom lives and breathes the spirit of Nehemiah, who will dedicate themselves to rebuild the old waste places and to raise up the walls that are fallen down.  We need those with the spirit of Elijah, who will not cease to pray until that God sends the rain of Revival.  We need some with the spirit of David, who will courageously defy the Goliaths of apostate religion.  We need some Deborahs and some Jaels, who will not stand idly by and wait for some weak-minded, backslidden preacher or husband to step up and fight the enemy at the gates.  We need some Apostle Pauls, who will not allow even stoning to keep them down or shut them up.

Where are we going to get men and women like that?  From heaven, that's where: from the inner working of the Holy Ghost.  What must we do to have such leaders?  We, the Church, must be found on our faces before the Throne of Grace, if we hope and intend to receive grace.  How will we know those leaders?  We will know them by their fruits.  But be very, very careful that you do not confuse "signs and wonders and miracles," with "fruits."  For, there is very powerful movement of deception in the land, whose leaders boast themselves of all kinds of "signs and wonders and miracles."

Dennis Prager revealed that Yale University has $25 Billion in endowment funds.  All that money! for what?  What is Yale University doing to advance the kingdom of God in America and in the world?  Oh, God, give us men like Peter and John who boldly said: "Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up...."

Rise up, Church!  In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up!  Will you fear man, or God?  Will you seek to please man, or God?  Do you seek the honor of man, or of God?  

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