

When it comes to saving lives, time is critically important.  Relatively few people are in a line of work which regularly brings them face-to-face with situations in which seconds matter when attempting to rescue people from life-threatening circumstances.  Such life-savers must come to work with a prepared mind, knowing that sooner rather than later what they do may be the deciding factor in a life-or-death scenario for someone else.  The hardest part of such work is ~ failure.

Meanwhile, it seems that everyone else goes on about their normal business, day after day, giving practically no thought to the kinds of emergencies which life-savers prepare themselves daily to confront.  In most people's experience, death is encountered only rarely (that is, at least until one's own generation begins to pass away).  Thus, the mindset of most people, where that involves being mentally prepared for life-threatening situations, is very different from the mindset of those whose vocation is directly related to saving lives.

I am alluding to what ought to be the mindset of every Christian person.  Biblical Christianity preeminently has to do with being a life-saver.  It is Christians who profess to believe the Biblical revelation concerning such things as: the eternal nature of man's spirit; the reality of conscious torment in hell, for those who die without Christ; and, the life-saving grace and power of the living Savior.  In view of which every Christian ought to wake up every morning full of a sense of urgency to fulfill an infinitely important mission, that is, to save souls.

It is dumfounding to see how little real concern there is for soul-winning, amongst the majority of professedly Christian churches.  To my mind, that is the strongest evidence, as it also is a reliable gauge, of how far advanced is the Apostasy.  A faithful and alert Christian can discern the essence of the spiritual condition of any congregation, by observing a single church service (oftentimes, it doesn't require even so much as that).  It is impossible to conceal a true and passionate concern for the spiritual condition of souls.  Although, there is an abundance of activities which are intended merely to suggest that such concern for souls exists, where in fact it does not.

Likewise, the spiritual condition of each professing Christian is revealed in the context of his or her mindset with respect to soul-winning.  Genuine concern for souls, and true love towards Christ, is manifested as a readiness and willingness to hold forth the "word of life" and to witness for Christ.  There is in all of us a natural tendency more or less to refrain from speaking with unbelievers about spiritual matters, especially, about Christ.  For, not only is that repugnant and unnatural to the "flesh" (the carnal mind) but, furthermore, there is the awareness of the fact, that to be identified with Christ brings a reproach upon oneself.  But to withhold from witnessing for Christ, for fear of the reproach that brings, were to love oneself more than Christ ~ who gave his life to save souls, among which you are one of those souls.  He saved you.  Now, Christ wants to use you to save others.  And there is no substitute for opening your mouth to speak, as God leads.  Placing a sizable check in the envelope marked "Missions," is not an acceptable substitute for your refusal to bear public witness for Christ.  Nor is your "personality" an acceptable excuse for your timidity ~ which, timidity, is really nothing else but fearing to be reproached, while also loving your own reputation more than Christ.  I know, because I've been there.

In view of the fact that apostasy invariably has the effect to prevent or at least to pervert the ministry of soul-winning, both personally as well as corporately; we must understand that true Revival therefore entails an earnest returning to Christ, and a willingness to revive every aspect of the ministry of soul-winning.  Those who truly have been born-again should recall how zealous they were to witness for Christ, as a direct result of their own salvation experience.  That is what the Lord Jesus referred to when, in his address to the church of Ephesus (Revelation 2:4-5), he reproved them for having "left [their] first love," and he commanded them to:
"Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent" (verse 5).
To those who walk carelessly and they are thus lukewarm, the spirit of Apostasy says:
Don't worry, take it easy.  You are under grace.  You are loved of God.  You're a good person.  Your lifestyle is the real witness; you don't need to shove Jesus down anyone's throat.  Nobody likes Bible-thumpers: they drive people away.  Be friendly and courteous.  If a door opens of itself, then perhaps you can invite someone to church.  But it's not your job to preach to people.  That's why there's preachers and churches.  Besides, you need to think about how that could cause trouble for you at work (or school, etc.)....
But to those who strive to please the Lord, a different lying spirit is sent to war against them, saying:
You're a loud-mouthed, know-it-all, busybody!  Nobody wants to hear what you've got to say.  Everybody knows what a loser you are!  Who are you to tell anyone else how they ought to live their life?  What makes you think you're so right about everything?  People hate that, you know; they hate you!  You've got a reputation: everybody sees you coming, and they avoid you, because you're such a goody-two-shoes.  Nobody wants to be like you ~ they don't even want to be around you!  If they only knew how weak you really are!  Why are you in pain? why are you poor? if you're such a 'good Christian.'  Ha!  Oh, boy, if they could just see....  Well, they do see!  Everybody does!  So, just keep your sanctimonious sermonizing to yourself!  Because nobody wants to hear it anyways!!!!
If we were able even for a moment to see into the spirit-world, as God sees that: our gaze would be fixed in wonder upon an awful scene:
A virtual torrent of souls, like a mighty river, rushing toward and cascading down into the black furnace of hell; while their mingled screams and cries combine to form an indistinct but horrifying roar.  But then a bizarre curiosity draws our attention toward a host of others, professing Christians ~ milling around upon the banks of that great river of souls, mindlessly occupied with everything else, but apparently oblivious to the helpless plight of those caught in the river's deadly current.  (What a surreal place this is!)  At last, almost unnoticed amongst the throng, a few scattered individuals appear to be pressing their way through the zombie-like crowd on the banks of the river, urgently trying to awaken those zombies as they go.  Then, upon reaching the river's edge, those same people seem desperately to be trying to get the attention of those in the river, even pulling some of them from out of that raging stream. 
Suddenly, both banks of the river collapse! and all are swept away into the abyss.  Except, those life-savers, together with the souls they rescued ~ were safely carried on angels' wings upward and away from the gaping mouth of the abyss.
"Follow me," Jesus said to a group of young fishermen, "and I will make you fishers of men."  In America, today, it has become very difficult to find a good fishing-hole, that is, one that is not strictly controlled by private owners or by the State; or, one that is not so polluted that it cannot support life.  Spiritual America seems a lot like that.  The rivers and streams which flow through media and/or through public institutions (including most churches) are strictly controlled by demonic powers.  Whereas the ponds and lakes ~ the neighborhoods, rural communities, and city districts, are so polluted that they cannot support life.  

Yet, we ~ the Church of the living God ~ are still here; which gives me great hope that God still has a purpose and a work for us.  That purpose, and that work, must ever be focused upon being Christ's witnesses.  God help us to be bold witnesses.  God help us truly to care about souls, and sincerely to love Jesus Christ and his kingdom.

We say that we want real Revival.  Then, let us repent of our lackadaisical attitude concerning soul-winning.  Let us ask the Lord to help us to recover our "first love:" which expression speaks for itself concerning its meaning ~ if we will hear it.

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