
revealed: true location of the Jewish temple

The Jews had waited for centuries to return to the land of Israel; a dream ~ and a prophecy of Scripture ~ which began to be fulfilled in the year 1948.  The culmination of that dream entails yet another important prophecy of Scripture: a Jewish temple shall be (re)built in Jerusalem, in the "last days."  But why has that temple not yet been (re)built?

The Jews have had possession of the city of Jerusalem since they conquered that city, in a defensive war, about fifty years ago.  According to their tradition and belief, the Jews must build their temple on the exact spot where two previous Jewish temples stood (in succession) millennia ago.  And the place (as they have long believed) where they must locate that structure, is on the so-called "Temple Mount."  The problem for the Jews, however, is, that the Temple Mount is presently occupied by Muslim buildings (the Dome of the Rock, and the Al Aqsa mosque).

But relatively new information suggests that the ancient Jewish temple(s) did not stand on that plot of ground which today is called, the Temple Mount.  I've spent enough time looking into that information ~ the body of which has been slowly but steadily growing throughout the past quarter-century, but which has, at last, gained widespread acceptance only within the past three years or so ~ to say, that I feel very confident that the actual location of both the first and second Jewish temples has now been correctly identified.  Overwhelming evidence suggests that there never was a Jewish temple on the highest peak of Mount Moriah ~ which, today, is the site of what is commonly referred to as "the Temple Mount," in Jerusalem.  Rather, the first and, later, the second Jewish temple was located about 600 feet (equivalent to the length of two football fields) due south of the Temple Mount, on a plateau just below the peak of Mount Moriah (see the above image).

Most important, the actual site of Solomon's Temple (later referred to as Herod's Temple) lies entirely within land owned by the Jews.  Which means that other factors notwithstanding, the Jews could begin to build their so-called Third Temple, today!

Of course, there still remain some serious socio-political obstacles to rebuilding the Jewish Temple.  Yet, it appears that multifarious events are converging and accelerating toward a day when, very soon, the Third Temple shall be built.  In fact, it now appears that the only thing left for the Jews to do, in order to re-institute their ancient practices involving the Jewish priesthood together with all of the rituals related to temple worship, is, to construct the building itself; virtually everything else associated with that temple and its services having been prepared already.  Even the architectural plans for the "Sanctuary" ~ the most significant part of the Third Temple, were finalized, and made public, fully a year ago.  You can even take a visual "tour" through that soon-to-be-built edifice, here.  (Every time I watch that video, I want to weep: knowing, what suffering is coming to the Jews ~ at the hands of a false 'Messiah.')

This is a fascinating area of prophetic study, which signals ~ like a lighthouse on a dark night, just how near we now are unto the return of Jesus Christ.  Below, I have included several links to videos which explain where the actual site where the ancient Jewish temple was located and the reasons behind that belief.

"The Coming Temple - full documentary"  (here)

"Searching for the REAL Jewish Temple Location! QA 18th May 2016"  (here)

"Temple Mount, Dome of Rock, Real Site Over Gihon Spring"  (here)

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