
the curative for society (part 2)

Revival is the only cure for society's ills.  Yet, I am certain that very few people, including most Christians, really understand what Revival is.  How many, for example, would understand the above image as a symbol of Revival?  By far the most compelling proof that Revival is very little understood is the fact that nowhere in America is Revival occurring.  Not understanding the nature and the imperative of Revival is the condition of those who do not rightly understand the Gospel message.

America is rapidly imploding.  The forces of darkness ~ alarmed but not defeated by Trump's win ~ are driven by their own madness to intensify their efforts not only to subvert Trump and his administration.  Nor is the objective, of those forces, merely to regain lost power.  Trump's victory has brought to light a long concealed, though shockingly deep and wide, socio-political divide in American society.  In order as the true condition of that divide is now being revealed in daily spectacles of hideous insanity and violence, those same forces which have long sought to destroy America's Judeo-Christian heritage, now appear desperate and determined to achieve ultimate victory for their antichrist agenda.

The rules of the game have dramatically changed.  Which is to say, that large numbers of Americans appear increasingly willing to renounce all rules whatsoever.  The spirit of lawlessness is prevalent thoughout American society.  Whereas, those who are charged with protecting the civil order seem not to appreciate the seriousness of the threats confronting this nation from within.  Worse still, if there may be some in positions of authority who do have a good understanding of those threats, yet they evidently have not the courage to implement policies and practices sufficient to turn the tide of the battle which is raging for the soul of America.

Notwithstanding Trump's boldness (thus far), yet his policies do not even come close to restoring true liberty in American society.  Numerous, large and powerful agencies of the federal government need not new leadership but, rather, to be completely dismantled forthwith.  But if Trump or anyone else were to attempt to shut down, for example, the U.S. Department of Education (DoE) ~ to name just one of those agencies which needs to be dismantled ~ there would likely be civil war.  Meanwhile, the corruption of America's youth continues apace thoughout America's public school system.  News articles appear daily, which plainly demonstrate the wicked culture of that system (see these examples, here, herehere, and here).

Revival is the only cure for society's ills; there is no other curative.

I direct your attention, again, to the above image: wherein a lone woman is seen to be struggling not merely to hold back, but to turn back, if she could have, a floodtide of aggressors who appeared for the purpose to uproot her and her family, as well as her neighbors, from their homes.  The aggressors, in that case, were policemen that had been ordered by the Israeli government to permanently expel all Jews from Gaza.  In defiance of which, that Jewish woman put herself in harm's way and struggled mightily to resist ~ both physically and ideologically, such inhumane order of her own government, as well as to resist even a small army of law enforcement personnel sent against her by her government.  This, I say, is a picture of Revival.

Though I do not mean to suggest that political revolt is Revival.  Rather, I mean that that Jewish woman's brave struggle to repel evil and, so, to protect her family and her community: that is a picture of Revival.  Doubtless she had known beforehand of her government's plans to force the evacuation of all Jews from Gaza.  Perhaps, she even campaigned against those plans.  Yet, when militant forces actually came against her community, no doubt the nature of her resistance suddenly changed: her passion and determination to resist the will of the government, in order to protect her family, was greatly intensified; her love and courage moved her to bold action; her convictions bore powerful witness, in the moment, to the rightness of her judgment ~ which approved, in her own mind, her conduct ~ even as her judgment also condemned the unrighteous conduct of her own government.

Dear Christian Reader, do you not yet perceive that demonic forces have already breached the walls, and battered down the gates, and set fire to the watchtowers, that once safeguarded American society and culture?  Are you so spiritually dull that you cannot understand that America is in grave danger of being completly overrun by the devil and his legions of demons ~ mostly because the churches in America long ago sold their collective soul to Mammon (worldly prosperity)?

Are you also yourself asleep to the incessant drumbeats of spiritual war?  It is a real war we're in!  All the niceties, conveniences, and grudging courtesies, of contemporary American culture, serve the devil's strategy to camoflage his tactical warfighting.  So long as most folks can afford to keep the lights on, and keep food on the table and gas in the car, then, life may not seem too bad.  Besides, Revival was a thing of the past ~ if it ever really was a thing at all (as most suppose).

How is it that Revival is a curative for society?  Revival (the outpouring of God's Spirit) can only come when there appears amongst Christians those who, in true humility and repentance, set their hearts to seek unto God in prayer, desiring to be wholly given to the will, and to the glory, of God.  Revival is God's response to those who devote themselves fully to honor God.  Thus, Revival begins as a process whereby (even a very small number of) Christians seek, together, to become so yielded to God that he may then work and move unhindered in and through their lives.  The cure for society must begin with the deep spiritual healing of Christ's own disciples.

But the most amazing thing about Revival is what happens when God begins to move in answer to the prayers of such, sanctified persons.  The reality of God's Spirit condescending, in response to the prevailing prayers of his people, to bless a community, a region, or an entire nation, history reveals that ~ without fail ~ wondrous transformations occur in the hearts and lives of multitudes wheresoever that God's Presence is manifested.

I have repeatedly said that Revival is the only cure for society's ills.  In fact, God himself is the one and only cure for mankind; whereas,  Revival speaks of Christians' privilege and duty, as priests of God, to make intercession for mankind, according to the express will of God.  Revival is what happens when Christians really get down to business with God, in prayer and in an obedient life; and, then, God moves.   In lieu of which, all our religiosity is a charade, and a stench in the nostrils of God.

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