
ELE ~ and the Second Coming

Modern-day scientists believe that some kind of "extinction level event" (ELE) caused the age of dinosaurs to come to an abrupt and catastrophic end about 65 million years ago.  They are partly right.  According to the Bible, every air-breathing creature (excepting, those which were aboard Noah's Ark) was destroyed in a worldwide Flood a little more than 4,000 years ago.

The Bible also foretells of a (yet) future ELE that is coming upon the earth, which shall, in fact, destroy very nearly the entire human species.  Only the direct intervention of Jesus Christ ~ in connection with his Second Coming ~ will prevent the total annihilation of humanity.  The Bible furthermore provides a wealth of detailed information describing the world as it shall be at the time when that ELE shall occur.  Importantly, that description appears to correspond precisely to this present generation.

The term "extinction level event" (singular) is a misnomer.  Even the hypothetical gigantic asteroid, which many scientists speculate was the ELE that wiped out the dinosaurs, would have been but the first, that is the precipitant, event in a series of related events, all of which then would have made life on earth impossible for the dinosaurs; as many suppose.  The actual Flood described in Scripture seems to have involved a number of different factors all of which combined to produce that phenomenal, worldwide ELE in the days of Noah.

Likewise, the ELE that is soon to come shall not result from any single, catastrophic event.  But the entire human race is even now standing at the precipice of mass extinction, in consequence of a number of natural ~ and of supernatural ~ phenomena that are going to occur in a rapid succession of multiple, destructive events.

All of which is a rather wordy way of saying that humanity is facing not imminent threat of extinction, but, as a matter of fact, humanity is very soon going to be almost completely destroyed.

The evidences are already overwhelming in number and in kind.  Consider, if you will, the very real potential for nuclear ~ not to mention chemical and biological ~ holocaust.  Even so-called conventional weapons, today, are capable of mass destruction.  A single electromagnetic pulse (EMP) device, theoretically, could result in the deaths of scores- or even of hundreds-of-millions!  Weaponized microbes/viruses could very easily kill untold millions in a very short amount of time.  Cyber-warfare is increasingly being used covertly, and with devastating results; yet, the full potential of its lethality has never yet been deployed.

Then there are things such as Fukushima (represented in the image at top).  There is no telling how much carnage is still occurring in connection with the still ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima.  I haven't vetted the website titled, "Anonymous"; but >here< is a link to an article appearing on that site, which discusses the Fukushima disaster in terms of being an ELE (which I think is hyperbolic ~ though not unimportant).

Meanwhile, mass animal deaths appear to be spontaneously occurring all over the world.  And who would guess that, in America, the second and third leading causes of death among teenagers, are murder and suicide, respectively?

The ELE that occurred in the days of Noah transpired over the course of many months.  Why should we not suppose that the ELE confronting this generation shall transpire over the course of a handful or so of years?  In the context of human history, the (coming) near-extinction of perhaps as many as 6 to 7 Billion people ~ within the span of one handful or so of years, would be considered an Extinction Level Event.

What Scriptural evidence supports the above statements?  Here are just a few such:

"For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.  And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved..." (Matthew 24:21-22) " 
"Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.  For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.  And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.  I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir [meaning, mankind will be scarce].  Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the LORD of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger...." (Isaiah 13:9-13)
"Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof.... Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left." (Isaiah 24:1-6)
This present generation is right now confronted with two unspeakably important ~ and impending ~ realities, namely: 1) the Rapture of the Church; and, 2) the coming ELE.  There is not anything that anyone can do to stop either of those realities from occurring.  But there is something that each and every person must do to prepare himself for those now imminent realities.

The first ~ and by far the most important ~ thing that each and every person must do is to humble oneself in repentance before God, and to seek the Lord Jesus Christ with one's whole heart.  Get right with God!  Prepare your soul for eternity, by submitting yourself to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and thus allow Him to sanctify (cleanse) your heart and mind, through His Word and Spirit.

Then ~ if you truly believe the Word of God (which, one cannot be saved who does not believe the Word of God), give yourself to warn others of the impending Rapture and of the coming ELE: meaning, in other words, give yourself to warn and to urge others to prepare themselves for the very soon coming of the Lord.  Believe me, the Rapture (and the subsequent ELE) is much, much closer even than what most professing Christians believe it may be.

Tragically, the Church in America is stone-cold-dead asleep to these breathtakingly important truths.  That is not only tragic for those who profess to be Christians ~ but who are not truly ready for the Lord's return.  Moreover, if the Church is asleep, that has the effect to cast a shadow of great darkness over the (rest of the) unbelieving world.

I am amazed by what seems to me to be such pervasive apathy, in the face of worldwide socio-political chaos and of the multifarious situations that portend far more destructive conflicts than what anyone in this generation (post-WWII) has ever seen.  It is as if news related to some possible nuclear attack (think, North Korea, for example) is just another sensationalist story meant to boost viewer ratings.  I suppose that the blame for that, phenomenon, could be attributed to the result of our surreal, Postmodern, fast-paced, game-playing, phone-in-your-face, society.  (See, the preceding paragraph...)

Now, ask yourself: "What must I do, to break out of the reiterative loop?"

Sleeping Church
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                   ↳Apathetic Culture
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The coming of the Lord is at hand.

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