
'scientific' nonsense (part 2)

The above image, reproduced from a book titled, "Smithsonian Intimate Guide to Human Origins" (published in 2005), represents current 'scientific' ideas pertaining to the theory of Evolution and the origin(s) of human beings.  It was published by Smithsonian Books, which is the official publisher for the Smithsonian Institution, in Washington, D.C.  The following excerpt was taken directly from the website of Smithsonian Books:

"Our publishing program covers categories where the Smithsonian's authority is unparalleled, such as history; science and technology; space, aviation, and military; art; and signature illustrated books, as well as works based on museums, collections, and artifacts. For more than 150 years, the Smithsonian Institution has been guided by its mission of “the increase and diffusion of knowledge," and we build on this powerful tradition in our book publishing. We are distributed by Penguin Random House Publisher Services, so our titles are available wherever books are sold."  (highlighting and emphasis added)
Seventy percent (70%) of the Smithsonian Institution's funding is provided by the U.S. government.  Some of the remaining portion of that Institution's budget is doubtless supplied by the sale of literature and other materials produced by Smithsonian Books.  In other words, the information contained in the above image is being funded and propagated by the United States government.  Note carefully, the Smithsonian's claim to "unparalleled authority" in a broad range of "categories," including: "history; science and technology," et al.  In other words, the information presented in the above chart constitutes 'scientific' dogma, underwritten and propagated by the United States government.

In the upper right corner of the above image is the branch of the "family tree" which supposedly corresponds to the appearance (approx. 500,000 years ago, according to the chart) of "H. sapiens," which stands for "Homo sapiens" ~ which is another way of saying, "humans."  The chart further indicates that "H. sapiens" (humans) appeared at the same time as did "H. neanderthalensis" and "H. heidelbergensis."

But according to the above chart, there were even more human-like creatures then living at that same time ~ all of which belonged to the same "Homo" family, though divided into five distinct species.  Immediately to the left of "H. neanderthalensis" there are two more vertical lines, "H. erectus" and "H. floresiensis."  The chart, moreover, appears to suggest a sixth (unidentified) species (during that same time period), which appears as the (unlabeled) stem that branches off of "H. ergaster" to become (nearly 1.5 million years later!) the three branches labeled, "H. neanderthalensis," "H. heidelbergensis," and "H. sapiens," respectively.

But that time period (100,000 - 200,000 years ago) is not the only time period during which (supposedly) there co-existed multiple, though distinctly different, species of human-like creatures (called hominids).  About 1.6 million years ago (according to the above chart), there then coexisted four different species of the genus Homo; all of which species were distinctly different from H. sapiens.

At first glance, the above chart seems to portray a progressively increasing number and diversity of creatures which supposedly evolved from a far less numerous and less diverse lineage, about 7 million years or so ago.  And, indeed, that idea (of ever increasing number and diversity, as well as of complexity, in Nature) is ~

a central tenet of Evolutionary theory.

But a closer look at the above chart reveals something very, very important, namely: the entire, branching Evolutionary chain represented in the above chart, culminated (about 100,000 years ago) in one ~ and only one ~ creature, that is, H. sapiens.  How convenient for us.

If the above chart were in keeping with the (widely accepted) central tenet of Evolutionary theory, as above suggested (which the chart is not in keeping with that); and, if the above chart consistently manifested the same pattern which (the chart itself suggests) preceded the appearance of H. sapiens  (which it does not); then, the chart would not culminate in one, and only one, creature (in that lengthy branch, as shown).

I do not mean to suggest that the chart, merely, is wrong.  Emphatically, I mean that the theory of Evolution is wrong.  Dead wrong.

Where are there any divergent "species" of hominids, today?  Why are there not fundamentally (genetically and functionally) different kinds of human-like creatures (besides actual humans) anywhere to be found?  Is Nature taking a break from creating new things?  Supposedly, throughout millions of years, "Nature," through processes of "Evolution," has been striving unceasingly to create an ever increasing number and variety of differing creatures.  But according to the Smithsonian Institution's chart (above), the Evolutionary "tree limb" suddenly stopped putting forth any more branches, about 100,000 years or so ago!

Yet, without exception, Evolutionists insist that the processes of Evolution not only are still ongoing but, furthermore, that Nature (via Evolution) is ceaselessly, inexorably creating more ~ and more complex, forms.  If that really were the case, then why are those same Evolutionists at all concerned about the extinction of species ~ which, throughout the past century and more, has been occurring at an alarming rate?  Besides, according to Evolutionary theory, extinction of species must be a good and necessary thing ~ since that makes way for more "successful" species to thrive.

Or has Evolution inadvertently brought forth, at this present "moment" in the context of Evolutionary time, a kind of creature, H. sapiens, which now appears capable to destroy everything that Evolution has wrought on this planet, over the course of the past 14 billion years?  If that is the case, then perhaps Evolution is not "progressive," after all....

According to PBS (another U.S. government-funded organization), the most ancient ancestor (Orronin tugensis) of modern-day humans appeared about 6 million years ago (as is also indicated on the above chart).  A PBS webpage claims that O. tugensis may actually be the "missing link" between ancient hominids and other primates (apes).  Importantly, scientists are in possession of key evidence which suggests that human beings evolved from the lineage of O. tugensis.  Here is a quote from the PBS website, which describes that evidence, in full:
"Evidence for this species (O. tugensis) is made up of 13 fossils [not skeletons, but bits and pieces], including a partial femur, bits of a lower jaw, and several teeth." (emphasis added; source, here)
So, there you have it.  You can just throw your outdated Bible away.  Science has an official, U.S. government-approved Chart (above), and 13 fragments of old bones, to prove that Evolution is the generative, creative, all-powerful force in Nature.

In passing, I'll mention that, in the Bible, the number 13 means "judgment."

Multitudes of people ~ including a lot of (otherwise) very smart people ~ speak about Evolution as having "purpose" and "direction" (as in "progress"); as if Evolution were actually some kind of Cosmic Mind or Principle working in Nature to bring forth an infinite bounty of diversity and beauty, a kaleidoscopic cornucopia of intricate form and unsearchable complexity ~ instead of being a mindless, impersonal idea concocted by people who don't want to believe there is an omniscient, omnipotent, personal Creator.

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