
End-time events on fast track (part 1)

Caroline Glick just produced a must-read article (here) which, while arguing for various changes in Israeli policies, her article reveals how dramatically and how rapidly circumstances in the Middle East have recently changed; which changes prominently affect Israel.  That latter fact alone is prophetically significant: for, the Bible declares that Jerusalem will be a focal point of the world's contention involving the Jews, in the days immediately preceding Christ's return (see, Zechariah 12).  We're there, and in a very big way.

Just this past summer I presented on this blog site a series of essays titled, "Between Two Ages," in which I described an important change in my understanding and perspective regarding the Tribulation period.  My understanding of that now-imminent time period ~ which shall be less than a decade at most in duration, lately appears to be coming into very sharp focus, in my view.  In the light of which (my understanding of the Tribulation), I can clearly see how that the great confluence of current events is perfectly aligning circumstances in such a way as that they must soon, and then quickly, 'unfold themselves' to reveal the prophesied events of the Tribulation.

The so-called Tribulation, strictly speaking, shall entail a period of approximately seven years.  As Jesus warned, that shall be a time of trouble unlike anything the world has ever known or shall ever know.  To begin with, no member of the Body of Christ shall then be present in the world; the Church having previously been removed from earth, at the Rapture.  Can you possibly imagine how that singular Event must profoundly affect the spiritual atmosphere of the entire world?  From the moment of the Rapture, doubtless will then suddenly occur a feeling of darkness and dread that will shroud the world like a thick blanket of impending doom; for, indeed, that is precisely what the world shall then face.

Just before that time, though, there shall appear ~ as if the sunrise of hope to the world, a very brief time during which certain momentous events shall suggest (to some, or perhaps to many) that a real opportunity for world peace may then be at hand.  Those events evidently must transpire before the soon-coming Ezekiel's War.  I suppose I should here explain why I believe that is so.

The aftermath of Ezekiel's War is what shall prepare the stage for the appearing of the Antichrist and the complete re-shaping of Europe and the Middle East.  Although the Antichrist will ~ at the conclusion of Ezekiel's War ~ agree to what the Muslims call a "hudna" (a seven-year peace treaty); yet, that peace treaty shall not initiate a season of real peace, as such.  Rather, that peace treaty is what signals the beginning of the Tribulation.  And here's what follows, from the onset of the Tribulation:

  • The Church shall then be gone out of the world;
  • The "two witnesses" shall appear in Israel, at a time soon after the beginning of the Tribulation.  Those "two witnesses" shall not come to do the work of Evangelists (as is commonly albeit wrongly supposed); but they will bring plagues upon the earth ("as often as they will"); and, furthermore, to provide a covering to the "144,000" Jews which shall be "sealed" and thus protected during the Tribulation.
  • The system involving the "mark of the beast" shall be implemented worldwide.
  • A number of judgments shall begin to fall upon the world, in the form of what, in the early stages at least, appear as natural disasters ~ although, those shall be very exceptional and exceedingly destructive (the Seven Trumpet judgments).
Thus (and for other reasons too), I believe that that brief, euphoric sense of "peace on earth" must precede, rather than follow after, Ezekiel's War.  "When they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them...." (1 Thessalonians 5:3).  That passage in 1 Thessalonians definitely is related to the onset of the Tribulation.  The only question about that in my mind, is, whether that false sense of peace comes just before, or just after, Ezekiel's War.  For reasons just given above, I think it must be the former case, that is, before Ezekiel's War.  Let me further explain.

I can see, given the suggested character and policies of a Trump presidency, that multitudes of Americans ~ especially, of many professing Christians! ~ are ready to receive their pseudo-Messiah in the person of Donald Trump.  (The "other half" of apostate America already has its pseudo-Messiah in the person of Barak Obama).  There is a palpable feeling of hopefulness amongst a very large proportion both of Americans as well as of Israelis, with respect to a Trump Administration.  I can imagine that, if Trump may actually be inaugurated, there could then follow a brief period of time wherein could occur certain events that might appear as if a time of real peace may then be at hand.

But I'm getting bogged down in too many details.  Let me simple say, that in the persons of Obama, and now Trump, (practically all) Americans have embraced their respective false Messiah.  Very soon, (practically all of) the Jews shall have occasion either to embrace or to reject their false Messiah.  Those expressions of faith (in man) are not at all insignificant in the sight of God.  America and Israel are both in the "valley of decision;" while judgment awaits the results of their respective choice.

Although that prophesied cry of "peace and safety" seems likely to be fulfilled soon after the inauguration of Trump; nevertheless, the storm clouds have already gathered over Israel and the entire Middle East.  Whether at a time shortly before, or immediately after, Ezekiel's War, in either case, Ezekiel's War is right at hand.  Then, so too is the Rapture even now at the door.

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