

God of Love

The God of Love did not then in me live,
when once my heart was dark and full of sin;
the host of which I never will forgive!
but on His mercy cast myself, again.

What grace of God, that He to me did come
to show me where the end my path would lead,
unless, I would confess the wrong I’d done,
and kneel before the Savior’s wounded feet.

He touched my eyes and opened them to see
what suffering my life, to others, brought.
In searching pain my heart began to weep.
Then, through the watery veil I saw ~ the Cross.

Christ’s body hung there, bloody, beaten, bruised;
a human form, one hardly recognized….
Above his head was written: “King of Jews.”
Between two thieves, God’s king was crucified.

It was so I could live instead of dying,
Christ took my place and suffered for my sin!
The God of Love at Calvary bravely trying,
my lonely, broken heart, to Jesus win.

O God of Love, to You I do surrender!
Your grace has vanquished all my wicked pride!
You hold my soul in loving hands so tender,

the scars of which your love still testify.

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