
what's happening in the West?

In reference to certain tectonic geopolitical changes which have lately occurred (i.e., 'Brexit' ~ Great Britian's withdrawal from the EU; and, Donald Trump's election), Monica Crowley said, in her recent speech given at the David Horowitz Freedom Center's "2016 Restoration Weekend" conference: "Nobody has a handle on what is happening across the Western world."

I beg to differ with Crowley's assessment.  I say that those who understand and believe the Scriptures should very clearly perceive "what is happening across the Western world."  What is (yet) happening is a continuation of what has been happening throughout the past two and three generations at least, amongst Western societies: which is, the progression of the great End-time Apostasy spoken of in Scripture, and the effects of that Apostasy upon society.  By definition, the term "Western" means: those societies whose cultural foundations were derived from and related to Judeo-Christian history and beliefs.  Whereas, the Apostasy just mentioned entails the repudiation of that history and of those beliefs.

It was our Forefather's adherence to Judeo-Christian beliefs (the teachings of the Bible), which positioned our ancestors to inherit the blessings and favor of that God whose Word the Bible reveals.  God promised to bless those who honor Him; as He also promised to judge those who refuse to honor Him.  It really is that simple.  In order as America and other erstwhile Western nations have turned away from following after God, those societies have drifted further and further away from the Source of all goodness and blessing.

The result of apostasy is not merely the absence of God's blessings.  Apostasy from the truth of God results in coming face-to-face with God's judgment ~ which, according to God's mercy, His judgment is intended to restore (individuals as well as nations), through repentance, to God's favor.  In lieu of repentance, however, apostates must inevitably incur God's wrath. 

America has been under judgment for a considerable period of time; a generation at least.  God has by multifarious means sought to bring Western nations to repentance ~ yet without much apparent success, in my estimation.

During the recent presidential campaign, Steve Miller, senior policy advisor to Donald Trump, said:

"When we talk about the American dream dying; when we talk about the American dream disappearing: what we're talking about is that people in this [their] own country are stuck.  They can't find a job.  They can't find a raise.  They can't afford healthcare.  They can't have a safe community.  They can't be secure from terrorism.  Their infrastructure is crumbling.  The airports don't work.  Our political system sells favors to the highest bidder."
He's so right; most Americans (I believe) feel stuck.  The recent Brexit vote, as well as the election of Donald Trump, are both the result of long pent-up frustration with the ongoing deterioration of the quality of life in the West.  Ordinary people are fed up with being downtrodden by the rich and politically powerful ~ and they have lately arisen en masse in reaction against their oppressors.

Now, a great danger appears in the election of Donald Trump.  But I do not mean that in any sense as suggested by the political Left.  I suspect that Trump's personal motives may in some ways be well intentioned.  His policies, especially those related to economics, may tend toward rebounding prosperity.  And rather than provoke world war ~ as those on the Left evidently fear may be the case, I believe that Trump's Administration might instead induce a season of relative peace.  And just there is the danger.

My concern is that Americans are likely to interpret such (a season of relative peace and prosperity) as being a sign of God's favor and blessing being returned to this nation ~ without the people having humbled themselves to demonstrate their repentance toward God.  Whereas I do believe God allowed and, perhaps, even facilitated Trump's election, for the purpose to grant a little time to those who are earnestly seeking God for an End-time Revival whereby a final influx of souls to God's kingdom may be obtained.  Yet, at the same time, I perceive that Trump's election may result in the hardening of many other Americans' hearts; and for the reasons that I just explained.

It is not conjectural to say that the vast majority of church-goers in America have embraced a schema, a model, of liberal, humanistic teachings which is diabolically opposed to the doctrines of Scripture.  Their brand of pseudo-Christianity is anti-Christ in spirit and in fact.  A Trump Presidency ~ cloaked, as that seems to be, in a garb of polite 'Christianity,' may seduce the Apostate Church to believe that their religious beliefs have been vindicated in Trump's victory.  It was, after all, a strong "Evangelical" turnout for Trump, which contributed much to swing the vote his way.  If Trump's victory moreover appears to produce favorable socioeconomic outcomes in the near term, then I cannot suppose that the Apostate Church will thus be motivated to seek more earnestly unto God in truth.

Meanwhile, the wrath of God waits until that God's righteous judgment has at length been spurned.

1 comment:

  1. I see most of what you're saying and agree. I still believe God can deal with the liberals. However as you mentioned, repentance is a far cry from feeling like God has lifted his Hand of Judgement over our past actions, (without) repentance. All people MUST see their sin as it is and THEN turn. I don't see that happening too soon either brother. God help us to see the Light of Love that He is shining in this, the last hour or life on earth... Love you always brother. Thank you for your words.
