The Singularity is indicated, in the above graphic, by the point at which the green line and the red line intersect. The green line represents the slow and steady (linear) increase (as that is supposed) of "human intellect." Whereas, the the red line indicates the very rapid (logarithmic) increase of "machine intelligence." Of course, human intelligence created machine intelligence (intelligent machines, i.e., computers). The most important thing about the above graphic, however, is the blue line (labled, "Trans Humans?") ~ which begins at the point of the Singularity and then tracks alongside the steeply inclined red line.
The point (in time) indicated by the Singularity is neither a known nor yet a fixed point in time; although, a very significant number of scientists and philosophers believe that we may be within a mere decade or two, at most, of arriving at that point in time ~ when computers shall then be more than mere logic-machines, but they shall be truly "intelligent" machines, that is to say, they shall be capable of self-learning and of iterative self-development. (Think carefully about what that implies.) At that point (the Singularity), intelligent machines shall thenceforth furiously outpace the cognitive abilities of humans, by many orders of magnitude. While we can imagine many possible implications of that scenario, both good and bad; yet, many other implications related to the (as-yet-hypothetical) Singularity are probably beyond even our ability to conceive.
Eight months or so ago, the inventor of the world's first quantum computer, Geordie Rose (founder of a company called D:.WAVE, which manufactures $20M quantum computers), gave a speech in which he said the following:
"I'm going to tell you a little bit about quantum computers and why people care so much about them. There are literally tens-of-thousands of some of the brightest people in the world, today, trying to build these machines and understand them."That 20 minute speech of Rose's, in which he discussed the world-changing power and promise (as he sees that), of quantum computing, can be viewed at this link (here). The following quote contains Rose's concluding remarks, from that speech:
"I believe that humanity is on the cusp of the most important technological, societal revolution that's ever occurred: and that's when we get to the point where the machines that we build outpace us [human beings] in every respect. I don't mean that they're better calculators; I don't mean that they're better at searching; I mean, everything. And I think that we're very close. And my prediction is that, within fifteen years, we will have machines that outpace humans, in...everything."Rose was alluding, of course, to the Singularity. He should know something about that. "Literally tens-of-thousands of some of the brightest people in the world," said Rose, are "trying to build and understand" quantum computers. But that number doesn't begin to account for the untold thousands of other scientists and engineers that are working in myriad other ways to create what is commonly referred to as Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).
Many have speculated about why no one seems to care anymore about sending astronauts to the moon. The answer is that those who have access to global resources are focused on an incomparably loftier goal than merely going to the moon; been there, done that. Now, the most challenging and (to some) the most promising objective that mankind has ever yet conceived involves the creation and development of super-intelligent machines. But even that is not the ultimate goal. In fact, the ultimate goal has to do with integrating that technology (super-intelligent machines) with human biology; the result of which is typically called, transhumanism (which means, "augmented human"). One could use a different term for such, hybridization of man and machine, namely: humanoid.
Remarkably, many of those who are trying to develop advanced AGI systems, as well as many others whose work is related to that, appear to welcome the notion that such technology implies very radical change to humanity ~ as a species. For example, Dr. Ted Chu ~ former chief economist for General Motors Corp., and currently chief economist for Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, in an online interview (here) in which he discussed a number of ideas contained in his book titled, "Human Purpose and Transhuman Potential," said:
"For me, 'Co-Be' [Cosmological Being] is the being that is on the cosmological, evolutionary frontier.... I believe, today humanity is the Co-Be, because we stand on the frontier of the cosmic evolution. But in the future, that is going to change. And our aspiration ought to be: We will be the creator of the next Cosmic Being; that it's going to be more advanced, more capable, do more things that we cannot do, and accomplish more things than humanity has ever, ever dreamed of accomplishing.... We are [the] Co-Be right now. But, at some point, we will no longer be the Co-Be. And that point is when we have the post-human future."
(INTERVIEWER: "What you're saying, in another way, is that humanity is going to go extinct.")
(Chu:) "Not quite.... What is important is not that we're going to be extinct or we're not going to be extinct, as a specific biological species.... The bigger question is, Can we create the next Cosmic Being?"Chu's vision of the future of "post-humanity" sounds eerily similar to what the famous futurist Ray Kurtzweil (author of "The Singularity Is Near") said, when he was asked whether he believes that "God" exists. To which question Kurtzweil tersely replied: "Not yet."
It is not difficult to perceive that what is implied by the Singularity is the ripened fruit of Darwinism; the Singularity is the penultimate step on the path to becoming immortal, omnipotent gods.
In view of the phenomenal achievements and rapid development of science and technology, during the past half-century or so; and, in view of the current, sophisticated level of technological knowledge and capabilities: the idea, of the Singularity, seems plausible. And just there, I believe, is the trap which may soon be employed by Satan to ensnare human souls.
We know, according to Scripture, that the appearing of the Antichrist involves demonic manifestation and activity ~ entailing powerful deception ~ of a kind and on a scale perhaps unknown in human history. We further know that Antichrist is going to require, on pain of death, that every human being must submit himself or herself to Antichrist's authority as supreme. Many futurists have insisted that, in the very near future, the only way that human beings are going to be able to keep up with rapidly developing technology, is, to integrate (merge) with it (technology).
And then I think about the possible meaning of what the Bible calls, "the mark of the beast:" something that will be (embedded? implanted? inscribed?) in the forehead or in the palm of the right hand of those who submit to Antichrist. I think, too, about the fact that Antichrist is going to appear, literally, from another realm; the Bible calls him "the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit" (Revelation 11:7). Moreover, I recall that the Bible says that Antichrist "as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God" (2 Thessalonians 2:4). Finally, I remember that the Bible reveals that Satan seduced Eve to rebel against the commandment of God, by telling her: "[Y]our eyes shall be opened [omniscient], and ye shall be as gods [omnipotent]" (Genesis 3:5).
Ted Chu and Ray Kurtzweil ~ together with those "tens-of-thousands" who are trying to build and understand quantum computers; and, thousands of others who, in various other ways, are trying to develop intelligent machines and Artificial General Intelligence: Who will doubt that such visionaries foresee a time on the near-horizon when that they shall then be "as gods?"
But in order to participate in that great Evolutionary leap forward (as they will doubtless claim), one must then need to become part of the 'machine.' Then, they, too, can become as gods.
"...whose [Antichrist's] coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders..." (2 Thessalonians 2:9)
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