As recently as ten years ago in America, the proportion of the general population that perhaps genuinely considered themselves to be a woman stuck in a man's body (or vice versa) might have been as high as a whopping 0.001%, or about 350,000 people (which, I believe, even that were an unrealistically high number). Whereas, today, even a considerable number of prominent state and federal government officials are willing to risk their political careers in order to publicly advance the cause of transgenderism.
Remarkably, leaders of the National Football League (NFL) have thrown the full weight of their support behind the transgender movement! Pro football, one would think, is a sport that preeminently appeals to manly men. Why on earth is a 'gladiator sport' such as professional football taking a stand ~ for transgenderism? And why is National Geographic (Nat-Geo) using their (some would say, prestigious) publication to discuss not the hunting strategies of African lions but, rather, as a propaganda tool for fomenting a "gender revolution?"
Transgenderism is, in fact, but one component of a hugely important revolution. It should be obvious (though it is not at all obvious to most) that the transgender movement is not a grassroots revolution, that is to say, one that is being thrust upon the world by throngs of weirdos with masculine features, wearing high heels and padded bras. But this revolution of which I am speaking ~ and of which transgenderism is one component of that, is a revolution that is being powered by large amounts of corporate dollars.
Whatever may be the reason why the NFL and Nat-Geo ~ as well as PepsiCo, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Qualcomm, and EMC (see this link), together with a significant number of high-government officials ~ have committed themselves to advance the transgender revolution; the fact that that revolution is being financed by large corporations suggests that something far more significant than sexual licentiousness is at stake. But what is that "something," which evidently is very important to an already large (and still growing) number of very wealthy or otherwise influential leaders of corporations, government, and/or of academia?
They are seriously intent on achieving a great leap forward (as they suppose,)
in the self-directed, Evolutionary development of the human species.
"But how does that explain why corporations are pushing for an agenda involving transgenderism?" I'm so glad you asked that question. The answer to that question has to do with the very real connection between transgenderism and ~ believe it or not ~ transhumanism. Here's how it works.
Let us begin by acknowledging that the world's ultra-wealthy elite are none of them Christian. As a matter of fact, they despise the claims of Christianity; for, they are not willing to believe that they are ultimately accountable to a just, holy and omnipotent Creator. Still, though, they want to live ~ for ever. And that's where we must begin to unravel the seeming mystery.
The world's elite want to attain immortality. And not only do the marvelous accomplishments of modern Science tempt many to put their hopes in Science. Moreover, the rate of progress involving technological discovery and invention, tempts many (especially, those who deeply understand science and technology) to believe that immortality may actually be possible to achieve, at least, within the next handful or less not of centuries but of decades.
Already, there are many who are earnestly striving to make advances in a variety of scientific domains ~ all related, in one way or another, to transforming the nature of the human species, i.e.: transgenics (genetically engineered organisms ~ ultimately concerned with modifying human beings); robotics (electro-mechanical prosthetics, i.e., heart, lung, kidney, limbs, appendages, etc.); artificial intelligence - AI (computer software that is not only capable of human/machine interaction, but which software itself is self-learning and self-directed); and, not least, bio-translation (replicating and exporting individual mind/personality to be embodied in, and integral with, a new substrate, or body).
Many extraordinarily intelligent people are fervently laboring, in different ways, to achieve one, common goal: that is, a fantastically great Evolutionary advance; which, as they hope, that through great scientific breakthroughs, humanity shall attain unto a radically new Evolutionary phase ~ one characterized by unimaginably greater human abilities and potential. You really owe it to yourself to check out these videos: here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Then, do a YouTube search using the keyword, singularity.
"It's that human risk to go forth into that unknown frontier, whether it's space exploration or quantum exploration. We do it because we must. We do it because that's what it means to be human." So said one of the commentators in one of the above-linked videos. For those who will not believe that God the Creator exists, there is then nothing left that holds forth any promise for the future ~ except, what they themselves may hopefully be able to achieve by means of science and technology. "We do it..." ~ meaning, that human beings take risks and press "forth into that unknown frontier..." ~ "because we must."
We have been living in the age of synthetic prosthetics (artificial body parts) for at least the past half-century: everything from artificial legs and, more recently, hands, to ear implants, and teeth, and hair, and hearts, name it. What's so extreme about the suggestion that, very soon, people will be getting computer implants in their bodies, which will interface with their own biology and greatly enhance human performance?
The extremity lies in how easy it has become ~ even for many relatively uninformed or otherwise disinterested persons ~ to understand that future technologies are more than likely going to put potentially limitless power within the reach of. . . .
. . . and those people appreciate the implications of where we presently are, with respect to the exponentially rising technology "curve." Importantly, they also appreciate that there are a number of non-technological barriers which must first be overcome, in order to fully (if not at first freely) implement emerging ~ and potentially existential ~ technologies.
Among the most important of those "non-technological barriers" to technological experimentation, is a practically universal, and deeply ingrained, perception, amongst mankind, of what it means to be "human."
Enter, transgenderism.
The transgender "revolution" (I am convinced,) very largely involves the purposeful efforts of powerful actors who are using psychology related to transgenderism as a tool wherewith to alter, on a global scale, people's perception of what it means to be human . . . in order to clear the way for far greater changes that are even now at hand!
If one ~ at will ~ can be "male," today, and "female," tomorrow, apart from any regard to one's anatomical features: then, human anatomy and physiology has successfully been divorced ~ at least, psychologically ~ from any necessary association with human nature and existence.
I believe it was God who opened my understanding to perceive the things I have herein discussed; those are not ideas which I have borrowed from any other source. Although, in the process of writing this essay, I was able to find, on the Internet, a few other sources which describe essentially the same conclusions as I independently arrived at. Below, is a piece of artwork I came across in my online search, today, which graphically represents the intimate connection between transgenderism and transhumanism:
Following, is an excerpt from a very interesting online article titled, "The Trans Evolution Starts" (source, here):
"The rise of transgenderism challenges our precepts about what it means to be male or female. It tests our tolerance and -at times- our patience. With it comes the same resistance that comes with every new and unusual movement, but it's with this new movement toward gender fluidity that we embark on our next voyage as a species. Transgenderism is only the beginning of a dramatic paradigm shift that is about to rapidly change our evolutionary course.
My guess is that amongst the few hundreds of people who meet every year at various forums such as the Bilderberg conferences, for example, or at the multifarious futurist-oriented conferences that are hosted in Dubai (the world's lushest playground for the very rich ~ and which, the proliferation of such conferences in that place, seems to be a phenomenon in itself), there are amongst those powerful and influential decision-makers not a few who advocate for the need to manipulate public opinion, especially in developed nations, to prepare the world for certain transformative technologies that even now are appearing on the horizon.
"The days when we begin redesigning our children, our genetic codes and ourselves is less than two decades away according to scholars, scientists and science fiction writers. By 2025, most households will have robot maids and hearts will be replaced by mechanical contraptions or lab grown replacements. According to Dr. Aubrey de Grey and other renowned scientific minds, the first person to live to be 1,000 has already been born. Ideas like this will begin challenging the precepts of what it means to be human."
At any rate, you can safely bet your bottom dollar, so to speak, that "Caitlyn" Jenner is not the one who started the transgender revolution, nor is it by Jenner's superhuman influence that the transgender revolution is being propagated throughout the developed world.
Rather, you can thank PepsiCo and the NFL and Nat-Geo and the Obama administration and Harvard University and . . . , for that. Big things ~ really big things ~ are coming. Otherworldly things, I do believe...are very soon coming.
Oh, and did I forget to mention the Devil?
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