
wise as a serpent

No one knows how long that Adam and Eve lived before they sinned and were put out of the Garden of Eden.  No one knows how long that Adam had been alive before God said, "It is not good that man should be alone."  No one knows, because the Bible gives us no clues.  It is also then true that no one knows how "old" Adam was when God first breathed into Adam's nostrils the "breath of life."  Did God create Adam as a full-grown man possessing all the capacities of a well-developed adult?  Did Adam, within moments of having become sentient, promptly begin to name all of the animals and hold deep conversations with God?

One of my own sons suggested that, probably (as he believes), God made Adam to be a little boy at the first.  The very first thing that Adam saw, when he first opened his eyes, was, the face of God.  Adam knew nothing ~ but God.  God was then Adam's Daddy, who taught him...everything.  Actually, that makes a whole lot of sense to me.

"Suffer little children, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."  "And he took a child, and set him in the midst of them: and when he had taken him in his arms, he said unto them: Whosoever shall receive one of such children in my name, receiveth me...." 

Jesus dearly loves children.  Everyone in whom the Spirit of Christ lives, loves them, too.  Kids are a very special treasure.  What is perhaps the most special thing about children is their innocence.  There is no malice in their hearts; not, at least, naturally.  Their willingness to believe is simple, pure.  In the minds of children, all things are possible: imaginary friends are real, for example.  Certainly, God is real, and close at hand.  And, to them, the world is a fascinating place filled with endless adventure.

How is it that children seem to know more about God than do most adults?  How do children have such peace and joy?  How do they forgive so readily?  How is it that, to them, prayer is simply talking to God instead of, say, to Mom?  Why do they think that God lives "in the sky," and not underground?  Why do kids not perceive that they have not themselves always been alive?  In their own minds, they just "are," and always have been, and always will be ~ part of life, part of the world, part of everything.  Though the world sometimes seems strange and unfamiliar, yet they belong.  This or that "doesn't belong;" something or another "is not right:" children judge all things ~ not by knowledge but ~ by themselves as the standard.  Kids come ready-made with an inner Light.  Only later does that Candle-light grow dim, if it does not go out, in most children as they become "grown-ups."  

"Except ye are converted, and become as little children," Jesus said, "ye shall not enter the kingdom...."

The hearts of children are moved, upon hearing of others' suffering anywhere in the world.  Kids have incomparably more love and compassion in their heart than do most grown-ups.  Most grown-ups grow up ~ in the wrong direction.  The size of their heart shrinks in proportion as their bank account and/or their bitterness grows.  Children are as tender sprouts reaching towards the sunlight.  Whereas, the world of grown-ups is like a dark forest of crooked trees; for the most part.

To most people, children are an inconvenience.  To many adults, children are more than an inconvenience: they are a nuisance.  But to untold hundreds of millions of unwilling "parents," children are a serious problem that needs to be gotten rid of.  In fact, more of those little souls have actually been gotten rid of, by abortion and infanticide, than all the souls that were destroyed in all of the wars of the past century.

The very remembrance of which ought to cause a fearful hush to fall upon the whole world....

"It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!  It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones" (Luke 17:1-2).

Have you ever really thought much about what adults have provided, in the world, for children?  So-called amusement parks are few and far between.  Even so, those exist not so much for children, but for profit.  Absolutely! public schools are not for children; as I discussed in my recent essay titled, "alien agenda" (here).  Of course, there is the rare "petting zoo" ~ usually consisting of a few ducks or chickens, a billy-goat or two, and an old mare, behind some farmers' market out in the "country."  (Now, that's purely for children.)  But when's the last time that you saw a petting zoo in town?  It's no wonder that children ~ when they are old enough to start becoming aware of the real nature of the world, want so badly to hurry and grow up: because, there's so little for kids, as such, in the world.

"[T]hat which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God" (Luke 16:15).

Such callousness toward children; it has not always been so.  Not that it has ever been truly good; just not always so.

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;" the Holy Ghost warned.

If you really think about it, you will realize that, in this present generation, children are of comparatively little worth, to most grown-ups.  But God doesn't view children that way at all.

And neither does the devil.  

Honestly, I don't want to break your heart.  Like I've said, before, I'm not a sensationalist.  But there is massively overwhelming proof that the devil especially wants to destroy children!  What I've written thus far, above, barely scratches the surface.  There are so many things going on in the world, involving the abuse of children ~ things that will never be exposed by those who control the media ~ because, in so many cases, they would thus implicate themselves.

The following two videos will help to open your eyes to the reality of Satan's special hatred of children (the videos contain no obscene images).  The first video (here) is the first in a four-part series.  (You owe it to yourself to watch at least the first 28 minutes of that video.  You will then know why I included it.)  The second video (here) ~ if you don't have the time to watch an hour-long video, then at least go to time-marker 33:00 and watch from that point on.  

Why would the devil most want to target children?  The answer, I believe, is rather simple to understand: which is, that children represent, in themselves and in a comparatively pure form, the (as yet) uncorrupted image of God (as I suggested, above).  Which the devil desperately wants to destroy that.

Of course, children do not possess vast stores of knowledge.  Nevertheless, they do possess knowledge of a certain kind ~ (not too unlike the kind of knowledge that Adam had, when he early looked into the face of God).  Or, perhaps, I should rather say that that "certain kind" of knowledge (which is to say, the knowledge of God) ~ which every human is born with, has not yet in children been suppressed or destroyed by means of other ideas and/or by those children's own existential experiences.  Therefore, the devil makes it his business to destroy by all means the knowledge and image of God, as that is embodied and expressed in human persons (i.e., in children) ~ and the devil wants to destroy such, at the earliest possible time (when that may most effectually be done).

But most grown-ups have failed to perceive the reality of things, in that light.  So, the neglect, and worse forms of abuse, of children, continues ~ even in the midst of many supposedly Christian homes.

But this is a special generation; special, not only for the unprecedented scope and intensity of the devil's campaign against children.  Yet, this generation of children and young persons is special for another reason ~ which requires a little explaining, as follows.
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I believe the Rapture shall consist largely, if not mostly, of children.  Think about it....

But young persons oftentimes feel "cheated" when they hear about how close is the Rapture.  They want a chance to "grow up" and enjoy the privileges of adulthood.  Though they are not in any way going to be "cheated," by going out of this world "prematurely," as it were, in the Rapture.  Jesus is not coming to take anything away from them but, rather, to fulfill them.

I firmly believe that kids who go to heaven continue to grow until they become fully developed.  People believe there is no "time" in heaven.  That is not the case.  Heaven is not static, but dynamic, full of life.  Young girls and women who go to heaven without having had the opportunity to be a Mother, I firmly believe, will have abundant opportunities to "mother" children in heaven.  At least, that is how I counsel (and comfort) young ladies (and young men), when I speak about how near is the Rapture ~ and what that will mean for their lives in this world.  Yet, there is more.

What about the spiritual gifts and calling which God invests in each and every soul which He brings to life?  Shall those be wasted because there shall neither be time nor occasion for those gifts to be used, and for that calling to be fulfilled, in the lives of children and young persons who will be taken in the Rapture?  God doesn't waste anything.  Rather, I firmly believe that, somehow, God is going to use, and so fulfill, all of those gifts and callings in all of those children and young persons' lives ~ before they will be taken in the Rapture.

If I am correct (though I have too many reasons to discuss, here), then what are the implications of such an idea as that?  It suggests two important and related things, namely: that God is going to move mightily, prior to Christ's return; and, that He is going to use Christian children and young persons in very extraordinary ways during that (brief) time!  Not only do I believe that, but, because I do believe it, that is a very important aspect of my own prayer-life and work.

I will conclude by sharing a powerful insight which, to me, seems to confirm what I just said about a great End-time outpouring of God's Spirit amongst youth.  Remarkably, I've never heard of such an idea, neither has it ever entered my own mind ~ until only a few minutes ago.  It is this.  Every major dispensational transition has been attended by a preemptory effort, on Satan's part, involving large-scale massacre of children:

  • the climax of the Antediluvian Age (before the Flood), without a doubt in my mind, involved the widespread practice of child-sacrifice (though we have no direct evidence of that);
  • the birth of Moses was preceded and attended by the wholesale slaughter of Hebrew children;
  • the birth of Christ entailed the mass-killing of Jewish infants and children;
  • Now, here we are rapidly approaching the Rapture ~ and what has been happening throughout this present generation?  Satan has never unleashed such an onslaught of the murdering of children, as he has during this generation!
This is a generation of adults which are hedonistic, pleasure-seeking, selfish, apostate, unloving.  Whilst the children and the youth, of this generation, have borne the brunt of this wicked Age.  Oh! but God has seen it all!  And He whose heart must verily break with grief, at every moment as He beholds the suffering of the innocent, will not fail to answer this generation ~ both the wicked, as well as the children.
And I fervently want to be a part of what God is ready to do amongst His children, and His young men and young ladies.  That "old Serpent" the devil has his eyes on the children.  But so does God.  And so do I.  And I am wise as that old serpent: because, I have the mind of Christ.  I'm focusing like a laser beam on the children and the youth, for Christ's sake.
"And he came and touched the [funeral] bier: and they that bare him stood still.  And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise."  (Luke 7:14)

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