
alien agenda

Thirty-eight (38) elementary schools; thirteen (13) middle schools; twelve (12) high schools.  Total enrollment in the (public school) district is approximately 45,000 students.  Say hello to the friendly Board of Education members (pictured above) of Frederick County, Maryland (population ~250,000), who ~ with a whole lot of help from the folks who run the local Frederick News-Post (newspaper), just passed an ordinance that....

...allows boys and girls throughout that school district to be whatever "gender" they want to be; and, to use whatever bathroom/shower/locker room facilities they want to use; and, have the right to be called by whatever name (not pronoun, but actual name) they may choose for themselves.

For example, while at school, Billy, let's say, goes into the girls bathroom and changes into a dress ~ and then wants everyone at school to call him Jennifer.  Everyone must comply with Billy's Jennifer's wishes; especially, school staff must comply.  Oh.., and school officials are forbidden to communicate to anyone's parents, anything that students choose to do while at school, related to the aforementioned student "rights."  In accordance with each individual student's request, of course.

Take a really good look at those people in the above photo.  Do they look like aliens, to you?  Ahhh! that's the thing about it: aliens are very clever beings.  It's true!  The Bible says a lot about that.  Check this out, for instance:
"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.  And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.  Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." (2 Corinthians 11:13-15)
What do devils look like?  It doesn't matter a hill-of-beans what they look like ~ whether grotesquely frightening, or radiantly beautiful.  The only thing that matters is their "works" (as indicated above).  Their outward appearance is a faćade.  Only in their "works" is their true nature revealed.

Believe me, the issue of transgenderism isn't going away.  Well, in one sense, at least, it will "go away" ~ and that rather quickly.  What I mean is that the aliens (devils) are in a very big hurry to get on to bigger and better things.  And then the whole transgender thing will just be yesterday's ho-hum stuff.  The following images give us a hint of what is coming (by what is already beginning to appear); though, right now, it is still on the fringes ~ in the same way that two or three years ago, transgenderism was then "on the fringes:"

....uh, no, never mind.  I don't want to trash out this blog.  But I will tell you that a symbol has been created for what is being called "trans-alien."  No joke.  And not funny, either.

The "alien agenda" involves a systematic program of de-humanization.  It has taken many different forms, during the past decades.  But the goal has consistently been to strip humanity of every vestige of the image of God (in man).  The further that human society can be removed from any consensus of what it means to be human, the less cohesive that society will become.  More important even than that: individuals will thus be more susceptible, more open, to demonization.  I believe it is not at all an exaggeration to say that (what used to be called) Western societies have already passed the tipping point.

What?  You want proof that Western society has already passed the tipping point?  Proof?  Didn't you read the first three paragraphs, above?  What more proof do you need than that?  It is not merely the fact that the Board of Education ~ in a county with 250,000 people ~ was able to pass such a heinous ordinance, as above described.  But the local newspaper openly campaigned in favor of that ordinance!  Read it for yourself (here).  But worst of all, at least ~ what? ~ 100,000? ~ parents stood by and let that happen!  In fact, if the truth were known, most of those parents were probably in favor of that ordinance!  Evidently, they were.

I wonder how many of those smiling faces in the above photo are deacons at some local church? or Sunday school teachers? or ushers?  Devils don't just infiltrate school boards.  Oh, no.  Although school boards are their prime target, churches run a close second.

I wonder, too, how many of those 45,000 students belong to "Christian" homes?    Let's do the math.  There are more than 160 churches in Frederick County, Maryland (source, here).  Frederick County (as I stated, above) has a population of approx. 250,000.  Gallup research reports that, on average, about 37% of Americans regularly attend church.  So, that would mean that in Frederick County, about 92,500 of its residents are regular church-goers: of which number, more than 16,000 (kids from "Christian" homes) attend public school in Frederick County!

16,000 kids ~ in a single county ~ in America ~ who regularly attend church! ~ are now going to be subjected to (phase III of) the alien agenda!!  How many "Christian" parents, do you suppose, will ~ finally ~ get their kids out of that hell-hole?  Not many, I'm afraid.

Doesn't the thought of that turn your stomach?  Doesn't it kindle a holy fire within your spirit?
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I've got to tell you an experience that I had several years ago.  (I'll give you what I call the 'Reader's Digest' version of that.)  It was a "holiness-Pentecostal' church.  The pastor had been there for many years.  One Sunday morning, I made the mistake of saying something in  the adult Sunday school class that didn't set very well with one of the deacons of that church.  (I questioned why that any Christian parent would have knowingly put their child in harm's way by putting their child ~ who was killed ~ in a certain, public high school...)  The deacon arose from his seat ~ and sternly rebuked me, openly.

As soon as church was dismissed, I requested a meeting with the senior pastor, the associate pastor, and that deacon (all of whom were present in that class that morning).  For the next two hours, we had a somewhat heated discussion regarding the question of whether it is right, in the sight of God, for Christian parents to enroll their children in public school.  In the course of that conversation, everyone explicitly agreed that the public school system is "antichrist in nature."  After two hours, the senior pastor moved to end the discussion.  But I wanted to know where they ~ as leaders of that church ~ stood.  "We've now invested a good amount of time to discuss this important subject," I said.  "And I would just like to know where each of you stands on the matter.  If we, as a church body, are in favor of having Christian children attend the public schools, then we ought to get behind those schools and support them, 100%.  But if we believe that Christian parents ought not to subject their children to the public school system ~ which, you all agreed, is 'antichrist in nature,' then we need to say so, and take a firm stand against that practice."  At that, I asked each of those men, in turn: "What about you?  Are you for it? or against it?"

Senior pastor:         "I'm for it."
Associate pastor:    "I'm for it."
Deacon:                    "I'm for it."

I've never been back there, since.
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I'm telling you, Church, God is going to utterly destroy the alien agenda ~ and all who go along with it!  All, I say, who so much as tolerate it!!

"We need to pray for them," I can almost hear some marshmallow (or is it "snowflake?") whimper in my ear.  Oh, alright then.  Let's all bow our heads (and don't forget to close your eyes; we wouldn't want to embarrass anyone by actually praying):
"Dear Lord God, Almighty Creator of the Universe and all that therein is; the "high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy" (Isaiah 57:15); "Who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth!" (Psalm 113:6): hear our humble prayer.  "O our God, wilt thou not judge them? for we have no might against this great company that cometh against us; neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon thee" (2 Chronicles 20:12). "Give them, O LORD: what wilt thou give? give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts" (Hosea 9:14). For, they bring forth children as fuel for the furnace: they "cause their sons and daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech" (Jeremiah 32:35), in the valley of the dead.  "Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth: break out the great teeth of the young lions, O LORD. Let them melt away as waters which run continually: when he bendeth his bow to shoot his arrows, let them be as cut in pieces. As a snail which melteth, let every one of them pass away: like the untimely birth of a woman, that they may not see the sun. Before your pots can feel the thorns, he shall take them away as with a whirlwind, both living, and in his wrath. The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked. So that a man shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous: verily he is a God that judgeth in the earth" (Psalm 58:6-11). 
Amen. Amen.
(post script)

Within minutes after I published this blog, I came across the following:
"The American Medical Association (AMA), the country's largest association of physicians, took several steps this week to support the transgender and gender-nonconforming community.  
"At the 2017 AMA Annual Meeting in Chicago, the organization adopted a resolution titled “Access to Basic Human Services for Transgender Individuals," which opposes controversial state "bathroom bills" that prevent transgender people from accessing public facilities that align with their gender identity." 
(The full article is here)
Well, now that the American Medical Association is on board with the alien agenda, you might as well count it as the law of the land.

Same-sex marriage is a done deal.  Transgenderism is in the bag (consider how quickly that occurred!).  Lately, pedophilia and bestiality are both making rapid strides towards being de-stigmatized; before too long, those practices will be legalized.

Do you still think that Christ is not coming anytime soon?

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