
America ~ without Revival (without God)

America.  2017.  All-time record high numbers of Americans are checking out ~ without the usual hassles related to having to obtain a passport, or be strip-searched by the TSA Gestapo.  The rate of drug overdose deaths in America has nearly tripled, compared with just fifteen years ago.  Suicide rates in the U.S. increased by 24% during the 15-year period from 1999-2014, and are now at a 30-year high (which, in light of a 14% population increase during that same time period, in the U.S., represents a phenomenal increase in the actual number of deaths by suicide).  Presently, on average, in America, every twelve (12) minutes someone dies by suicide.  Which is three times higher than the rate of homicides.  What does that all mean?  It means that massive numbers of Americans have lost all hope.

Following, is an excerpt from a recent article published by Foreign Policy magazine, titled, "America's Suicide Epidemic is a National Security Crisis" (source, here):
"Imagine that the rate of terrorism deaths in the United States had risen dramatically over the past 15 years.  Imagine that this rise in death dad been remarkably widespread, affecting almost all identifiable demographic groups.  Imagine if more than 40,000 people a year died from terrorist attacks in this county, rather than a bare handful.  Imagine if terrorism was one of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States. 
"It's almost an impossible hypothetical; the impact would simply be too massive to really grasp.  After all, though the impact of terrorist violence on the United States has been negligible since 9/11, we've already made massive changes to the basic functions of our system to combat it.  We've tortured; we've jailed people without trial for a decade-and-a-half; we've undertaken a system of vast warrantless surveillance; we've built an immense, and immensely expensive, infrastructure for combatting terrorism.  All in the face of a threat that kills a negligible number of people. 
"Yet the conditions I outlined above accurately describe another killer, one that attracts far less attention: suicide. 
"The National Center for Health Statistics recently released a major study examining the national trends in suicide.  The results are grim: The age-adjusted suicide rate in the United States increased a staggering 24 percent from 1999 to 2014.  Increases were seen in every age group except those 75 and above and in every racial and gender category except for black men.  The national rate rose to 13 deaths per 100,000 people in 2014.  Contrast that with homicide, which killed 5.1 Americans per 100,000 in 2013.  We instinctively fear the murderer hiding in the bushes, but we are at far greater risk from ourselves."
Each and every year, for the past several years, well more than 100,000 people died in the U.S., from drug overdose or suicide by other means.  

Here is a short list of U.S. cities with a population of about 100,000 people:
Independence, MO 
Springfield, IL 
 Clearwater, FL 
Carlsbad, CA 
Westminster, CO 
Gresham, OR 
Cambridge, MA 
North Charleston, SC 
Lansing, MI 
Waterbury, CT 
Broken Arrow, OK 
Pearland, TX 
Davenport, IO 
South Bend, IN 
Billings, MT  
Green Bay, WI 
Everett, WA 
Rochester, MN 
Provo, UT
The number of suicides (by drug overdose or by other means) that occurred in America during the past decade, is equivalent to the combined populations of all of the above highlighted cities  ~ including every man, woman, and child in those cities.

Let me put that in a different perspective.  It is estimated that approximately 500,000 people have been killed during the past six (6) years, in connection with Syria's still ongoing civil war.  But during that same time period in America, more than 600,000 died from drug overdose or suicide by other means.  In other words, there is an ongoing catastrophe in America that is far more deadly even than the Syrian civil war!   But there is no end in sight, to America's civil war.

Who's weeping for America?  Who's even talking about the decades-long civil war in America?!!

Who even understands the real nature of that war?  True Christians do; that's who!!  We know who are the casualties in America's civil war; and, we know how they were (and yet multitudes more are being) killed: they died as the direct result of their HOPE having first been destroyed.  Which means that the weapons that the enemy has been using to kill vast numbers of Americans (of all ages) are spiritual weapons.  

There are three major fronts in America's ongoing civil war, namely:
  • Churches
  • Public schools
  • Government (and mass media, which colludes with government)
Satan uses the churches, public schools, and mass media to poison the minds and dull the senses, of Americans.  Satan also uses government to crush Americans beneath mountains of hurtful laws and regulations.  All of which has the effect to cause the dis-integration of society; which results in spiritual and material impoverishment for millions of people.

The following is a quote transcribed from a recent radio interview of Patrick Wood, author of Technocracy Rising: the Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, who said:
"Psychological studies...have demonstrated [that] the level of loneliness in cities is at record levels.  And people feel isolated, even though they're surrounded by people everywhere they go....  The level of loneliness is skyrocketing.  Now, if you multiply that by a couple of orders of magnitude ~ where smart cities is [sic] going: where everybody will be completely surveilled and micromanaged as to what they can do, and where they can go, and what they can see; it's going to be like Brave New World, literally, from Huxley's book, from 1932....  When you see the end result of this: Are people going to be happier ~ as they promised?  Or are they going towards a soulical [sic] vacuum, where their souls are going to be destroyed, if you will, from a practical point of view...?  The lie is going to become more evident, as people realize how completely empty their lives are.  This is tragic!  In my mind, this is absolutely tragic!  Because you're going to have a whole generation of people in these giant, smart cities that are all connected together under the auspices of Utopia.  You're going to have, basically, a bunch of mental and soulical zombies walking around, pretending they're alive (which they are, physically)...and they may even learn how to smile when appropriate.  But inside, they're going to be absolutely empty.  Of course, this brings a Christian to think about the emptiness that exists in every person's soul when they're born, because, God put a capacity into every person to relate to Him.  And when you refuse to relate to Him, you have nothing but vacuous spaces of emptiness" (interview, here).
There it is, Church: "emptiness," "loneliness."  Witness the consequence of the Apostasy in America's churches and society: hopelessness and emptiness and loneliness that has swept over this nation like a monstrous tsunami, heaping waves of Despair, destroying everything in its path!  

I want you to take a close look at the picture I posted at the top of this post.  I re-posted it, below.  I want you to look at the face of the child in the back seat.  I can hear him so clearly in my spirit, saying something like this:
"Is there any hope for me in life?  Do I have anything to look forward to? What is the world going to be like ~ that you are leaving to me?  Are you a Christian?  Did you tell my Mommy and Daddy about God?  Did you pray for them?  Are you praying for me?  Does God even hear your prayers?  Where is your God?"

Never mind.  We don't need Revival.  Not anymore.

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