
what will it take?

I fear greatly for America.  Honestly, I weep every day for this country.  The most privileged nation on earth has utterly turned its back on God, not in a desperate search for truth, but ~ as Francis Schaeffer warned more than 40 years ago, because of a blind addiction to "personal peace and prosperity."  What will it take for Christians in America to wake up to reality?

I looked through images on the Internet trying to find something that would show how that Christians in other parts of the world are suffering horrific persecution; such images as one can hardly look at without feeling nauseous.  The young men in the above photo evidently know something about what they are up against in their part of the world.  It is not unlikely that their mutilated bodies may soon be added to the roster of martyred Christians, whose numbers in this present generation have already reached historically unprecedented levels and is still increasing.     Meanwhile, America sleeps the sleep of death.

Last year, I taught some Science courses at a Christian home school co-op.  It is a large and well organized group with at least a couple of hundred students.  As my own interest in Revival has lately come to focus on youth, I reached out to the director of that co-op, hoping that the leaders of that organization may be willing to take advantage of the extraordinary opportunity they have to raise up a new generation of young persons dedicated to Christ and who may thus be catalysts for Revival in America.  Following, is the most important part of the response I received back from the director of that "Christian" home school co-op:
"At this point, revival is not a clear facet in our mission/vision....  Revival is not an existing driving force in our mission/vision...."
I can vouch for the fact ~ not only that Revival is "not an existing driving force" at that co-op, but that Revival is not even mentioned there.  What is their focus, then?  It is to teach a range of academic subjects; a few of which, though related to Christianity in general, yet none of the diverse class offerings at that large co-op is in any way related to Revival.

It is almost certain that few if any of those hundreds of young persons are being led either in their respective churches or in their homes, to seek God for Revival.

What?  Shall America then be saved because that Christian home schooled youth may score a few percentage points higher than the national average, in the areas of math, science, and grammar?  What is the point of that?  Even if boom times would return to this nation, so that those kids could then hope to obtain high-paying jobs: yet, America's spiritual bankruptcy has left this generation impoverished of meaning and purpose ~ and of any real hope!  

There is practically nothing of real Christianity remaining in America.  Do yourself a favor and watch this brief video (here), with your children.  It is not necessarily the 'end-all-be-all' description of Christianity, but at least it will bring you much nearer to an understanding of what real Christianity truly is, than what you may lately have heard preached in your local church (much less on television).

I am exasperated with the heinous situation in America!!  I am incensed, especially, at the vast host of church leaders most of whom use religion (in the name of Christianity) as a means to their own financial support.  It's nothing more to them, really, than a job; all of their religious pretensions to the contrary notwithstanding.  Far more important than their own delusions, however, is the fact that they have positioned themselves as the teachers and leaders of "Christianity," with the result that the youth of America are confronted with a giant hologram, as it were ~ a mere image of Christianity which has no substance whatsoever!!

This generation of American youth is as a great flock of sheep without a shepherd.  But they are not actually without a Shepherd, thank God.  Christ has His eyes upon them.  His heart is towards them.  His hands are reaching out to them.  Jesus is already working in mostly hidden ways, at this time, to prepare for a great End-time move of God's Spirit.  But I will be so bold as to say that, tragically, the vast majority of adults in America are going to be passed over in that soon-coming move of God's Spirit.

I can't help but think often of the elderly priest Eli who, when the boy Samuel told Eli of the judgment that God had pronounced upon him and his entire house, Eli simply replied: "It is the LORD: let him do what seemeth him good" (1 Samuel 3:18).  Eli couldn't even fear his own certain destruction.  So it has come to be with the multitudes of Americans who even now are under judgment, upon whom the wrath of God even now abides ~ though yet for a very little while waiting ~ for their repentance which shall probably never come.  Instead, America is heaping to itself more and more wrath, until that shall come in perfection.

It is high time to lay aside conventional ways of thinking, and begin to live as though you honestly believe that the coming of the Lord is now at hand.  That is, if in fact you do believe that is the case.  But even if you don't believe that Christ's return is now imminent: you will still stand one day before Him whose eyes are as a flame of fire; and, in Whose hands He holds the everlasting destiny of your soul; and,Who commands your complete submission and obedience to Him; and, Who with a word shall decree, either: "Well done, my good and faithful servant"; or, else, "Depart from Me, you self-interested, self-righteous rebel."

If you don't hunger and thirst to see God move in powerful Revival ~ it is because there is nothing of Christ in you.  But it doesn't have to end that way....

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