
exposing fake news ~ about the Rapture (part 3)

You can watch the above (3-1/2 minute) video by clicking on the above image, or by clicking --> here <--.

The most harmful fake news about the Rapture is ~ that it's not real.  But the world shall know very soon that they have been duped.  Only, then it will be too late.

But how can anyone know that the Rapture is really going to happen?  Answer: The same way that one may be saved from sin and from eternal damnation; which is to say, only by believing and obeying the Word of God.

Many object that the Bible is open to as many different interpretations as there are people who read the Bible; and, that that is the reason why there is so much confusion regarding subjects such as the Rapture.  But those who believe such things are wrong.  Dead wrong.

The apostle Peter ~ whom the Lord used to deliver certain prophecies related to the Rapture, wrote: "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation" (2 Peter 1:20).

The apostle Paul wrote the following to the Church, by inspiration of the Holy Ghost: "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment" (1 Corinthians 1:10).

The Bible expressly states that "God is not the author of confusion" (1 Corinthians 14:33).  Whatever the Bible has to say about the Rapture, it is because that God revealed the same in His Word.  And whatsoever God caused to be written in His Word, He intended it to give light (knowledge and wisdom) to those who would read and believe that which God hath said.  Moreover, Christ himself sent the Holy Ghost ~ who is called "the Spirit of Truth" (John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13), in order that the Holy Ghost "will guide you into all truth."

Was the prophet Enoch taken alive to be with the Lord ~ as the Bible plainly states (Genesis 5:24)?

Was the prophet Elijah taken alive into heaven ~ just as the Bible says that he was (2 Kings 2:11-12)?

Did the Lord Jesus ascend up bodily into heaven, after his resurrection ~ just as Scripture declares (Acts 1:9-11)?

Thus we are given in Scripture three examples of real men who were taken alive into heaven, by the power of God.  Yet there are many professing Christians who deny the reality of the Rapture.  They simply don't believe the Word of God.

To be sure, there is a great deal of confusion about the Rapture.  Though not because of any confusion in the Word of God.  Rather, the confusion is due in large part to the way that the Rapture has been misrepresented in the media ~ whether in movies and videos (as in the short video excerpt I included at the top of this post), or in any of a large number of books that have been written about the Rapture.   (By the way, I chose to use the above video because it is a very dramatic enactment of the Rapture; though with regard to certain details, that video is not an accurate depiction of the Rapture ~ as I will shortly explain.)

Unlike that it has been portrayed in virtually every movie and video that has ever been made about the Rapture (and in most books about the same), the world shall never know that the Rapture ever occurred.  The Rapture is going to be a secret, hidden Event.  In the first place, it is going to happen faster than the human eye can perceive ("in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye" 1 Corinthians 15:52).  More important, though, there will be no bodies flying up into the air; no busted-open graves in cemeteries; no discarded clothing scattered about; and, no flashing lights sailing into the air.

The only visible sign there will then be, after that the Rapture shall have occurred, will be ~ dead bodies.  Importantly, in many places throughout the world there will not even be so much of a "sign" as that; that is to say, in places where there are few or no Christians now living.  Christians are not going to be made immortal (in the Rapture or the Resurrection) by means of having their earthly bodies reconstituted.  No.  But the Bible plainly teaches that the new body which the faithful Christian shall receive is (even now) "reserved in heaven" (1 Peter 1:4; 2 Corinthians 5:2).  The apostle Paul (in 2 Corinthians 5:2), wrote: "For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house [body] which is from heaven."

If more folks would actually read and study their Bible, there would not be nearly so much confusion as there is about these things.

So, the Rapture is going to occur suddenly, and no one on earth shall at all know what happened.  Scripture strongly implies that the Rapture is going to occur in conjunction with some (other) cataclysmic events, whether those events may be cosmic or earthly in origin, or both.  The Rapture's occurrence at the same time that other catastrophic events then happen, shall further serve to conceal the Rapture, from the world's understanding.

The Rapture shall not only be an unspeakably great blessing to faithful Christians then living.  But it shall also be an unprecedented and horrific judgment on the world.  The Bible speaks of the Rapture as being connected with the onset of the "great and terrible" day of the LORD.  The Rapture (and the "day of the LORD"), shall be great, for those who will be taken to be with the Lord; but, terrible, for all who miss the Rapture and must then remain on earth to suffer the horrors of the coming Tribulation.

I've sometimes tried to imagine what it will be like for those who will be left behind.  Even though they will not know that the Rapture occurred; yet, soon after all of the saints depart out of this world, there will doubtless then be felt by the world's inhabitants a palpable sense of dread that some indescribably evil change has come upon the world; which, indeed, that shall then be the case.  For not only will the true Church be gone from the world, but the Holy Ghost shall no longer then restrain evil in the world (2 Thessalonians 2:7-12).  The bottomless pit shall be opened, from which hordes of demons that are now incarcerated in that place (or state), shall emerge to torment all those who have rejected God's mercy to themselves, during this present Age of grace.

No one will find any comfort, after the Rapture, in the churches ~ where, perhaps for a very little while, it may still be business as usual.  But all of that façade will quickly be stripped away during the Tribulation: as "the beast" from "out of the bottomless pit" will then ascend and demand to worshiped by all the world.  Or else.

Yes, an alien invasion really is coming upon the world ~ though not from above ~ and not before the Rapture.


  1. Enoch and Elijah were taken alive into heaven. It appears that their bodies went, and Jesus' body was resurrected from the grave. His earthly body rose up as his resurrected body. Wouldn't these be a benchmark for us regarding the rapture?

  2. I will respond to your comments in an upcoming essay; as the answer is much too important and complex to address here. I will title my essay: "the glorified body," so that you will know where to find my reply. Thanks!
