
the last Revival

There is going to be one, last Revival.  And it must be coming very soon.  For, after the Rapture, there will then be no more Revivals.  But there must come one, last Revival: for God did promise that "it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit..." (Acts 2:17).  The phenomenal, worldwide, outpouring of God's Spirit throughout the lifetime of that generation that lived about a century ago ~ wonderful though it was; yet, those were not the "last" days, but these days in which we are now living are the last days.

Unspeakably important it is to God, that there are hundreds of millions of kids and young persons now living who have never had the opportunity to be touched by a real move of God!  If Christ lives in you, then you must know that God is not going to remove a (comparatively small) number of Rapture-ready adults and, yet, leave multitudes of helpless youth on the earth, to be destroyed in the Tribulation.  But God can't take even youth to heaven, in a spiritually unwashed condition.

Although, I greatly fear for most grownups.  I don't see, in my spirit, that the coming Revival is going to bring in a great harvest of adults (at least, not in America).  It was an unusually young generation which God permitted to enter the Promised land, under Joshua's leadership; all of the older persons having died in the wilderness, because of their unbelief.  It absolutely feels like that sort of thing is happening right now in America!  There has definitely occurred, throughout the past forty years or so in America, a long, slow process of spiritual decay (death), which has left America practically bereft of mature men and women who are truly Christ-like.

Thus it seems to me that we have arrived at a point in time not unlike it was, concerning Israel (in the wilderness), in the days right after Moses and Aaron died.  There is now a generation of youth waiting in the camp; whilst God is preparing some Joshua(s) to lead one, last Revival, before taking this young(er) generation into Canaan.  Did not the Lord command Joshua to perform a mass ceremony involving circumcision, before that God would allow that generation to enter Canaan (Joshua 5:1-7)?   The ritual of circumcision is symbolic of spiritual regeneration (salvation).  Thus there appears to be a precedent in Scripture, for the idea that there will be a prophetic fulfillment of that Biblical type ~ involving mass circumcision just prior to Israel's crossing over Jordan (a figure of the Rapture).

In other words, there will be one, last Revival before the Rapture; which will involve mostly younger persons.  I wholeheartedly believe that.

All of those youth that are going to be touched by God during the soon-coming Revival: their earthly lives must be fulfilled before they leave this world in the Rapture.  This present generation is the "terminal generation," that is to say, this is that generation that will be suddenly cut off by the Rapture; which event shall mark the absolute end of the present Church Age.  God is going to move in such a way so as to allow those who will, among this present generation of youth, to be prepared by means of Revival, for heaven.  I don't know how more plainly to say it than that.

The only question that remains in my mind, is: What am I going to do, seeing that I believe such things?  I'm doing it, already.  I'm praying and working for that Revival ~ amongst the youth!  That's where the "gold" is, I am convinced.  Their hearts are yet tender, and their minds are yet open, to receive the Word of God.  Unlike the vast majority of adults, even of professing Christians, in America: most children and young persons have not yet become calloused and bitter and cynical and self-righteous.

But the time is now very short.  And the need is overwhelming in the extreme.  Only God can undertake to bring about such a working of His Spirit that will produce a great, End-time harvest of souls.  But that fact does not absolve anyone of us from doing all that we can to earnestly pray and to work for such a move of God.

I will share something very personal with you.  About a year or so ago, as I was praying about these very ideas that God was then revealing to me, it seemed that I could very clearly see, in my spirit, what God is soon going to do amongst the youth.  I poured my heart out to God that He would bring it to pass.  At the same time, though, I became very concerned, because I also perceived that the coming Revival is largely going to pass by most grownups in America.  I cried out to God: "Lord, I desperately want Revival for the youth.  But I don't want to be left out of that!"   The Spirit of God immediately impressed upon my mind, that if I will be faithful unto Christ, I will be as a Joshua and as a Caleb, in this generation.

If you don't know what that means ~ I feel impressed to tell you it is time for you to get down to business and get to know what the Bible has to say to you.

But I will tell you this one thing.  If you are, say, twenty years or older, and you don't want to be left out of the coming Revival: then you urgently need to seek to be a Joshua and a Caleb, before the Lord.

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