

If a man is not a man, then what is he?  Is he then a woman ~ just because he says so?  In America, today, that is now widely supposed to be the case.  (Never mind that from the dawn of Creation, until only a few months ago, it was never that way before.)  But if a man is now supposed to a woman ~ just because he says so, then what is meant by the word "woman"?  Indeed, there are now countless women who deny that they are women, but who insist that they are really men.

It used to be the case (which it still is the case amongst those whom God has not turned them over to a reprobate mind) that gender identity was determined and defined by biological facts ~ regardless of how that one may have felt about those facts.  Even during the millennia before anyone knew anything about genetics or X and Y chromosomes, everyone, including young children, could with a very reasonable degree of certainty tell the difference between a man and a woman just by looking at them.  Simple.

Today, however, a whole lot of folks want to divorce gender reality from biological fact.  There are many serious problems with that.  Not the least of which is that if the idea of gender is somehow divorced from biological fact, then words such as "man" and "woman," "male" and "female," "he" and "she," are thus UNDEFINED.  Not only that, but even the concept of "gender" thus becomes meaningless.  

An apparently large number of Americans ~ including many lawmakers ~ appear to be totally unconcerned or, perhaps, unaware (due to their stupidity) that a wide-ranging social revolution involving so-called "gender fluidity" is being advanced without even considering that, in the context of their own revolutionary program, "gender" is a nonsensical term.

What is a man? if that has nothing to do with everything (not just genitalia, but so much more) that ordinarily goes along with one's genetic and biological makeup?  Likewise, what is a woman?  What is male or female?  How then do pronouns such as him, her, he, she ~ or the fantastically inane "zhe" ~ have any meaning at all?

How is it then that laws are being codified which are being used as weapons wherewith to coerce compliance with a revolutionary agenda; yet, which have zero basis in fact and are predicated upon undefined and undefinable terms?  Uh, never mind; I'm sure that I just answered my own question.

"Undefinable": meaning, it is impossible to define "gender," without reference to traditional terms and ideas related to that.  Go on.  Try to do it.  Good luck with that.

Many innocent people have been, and are being yet being, harmed (losing their jobs, being fined, intimidated, humiliated ~ you name it), because they have failed, or they refuse, to kowtow to the revolutionary agenda involving so-called "gender Identity" (with a capital 'I').  When and where is the madness going to stop?

It will stop when and where that enough people in their right mind will take to themselves the courage to stand up boldly against the insanity of this wicked culture!  Which brings me, of course, to ask the question: Where are the Christian churches??!!  Eighty percent (80%) of Americans profess to be Christians!  The churches appear to be doing fairly brisk business ~ judging from so many palatial buildings and park-like "campuses" adorning America's landscape.  I mean, how much money and effort does it take to put up a 4' x 8' sign in front of the church, which states something like: "We stand against every form of sexual perversion in this community!" ?  I have yet to see any church speak out so much as that against the devil's work in America's neighborhoods.

It really isn't hard to figure out why that is.

That delicate little secret called "tax exemption" would suddenly take wings and fly away ~ with most of the Sunday-morning-Christians along with that little green bird ~ at the sound of the approaching government jackboots hitting the pavement.  

Stand up, Christian!  Or stand down.  Jesus Christ is coming.  And he will take no prisoners ~ and no excuses.

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