
scholarship, and the New Millennium

Either it's all true, or none of it is true; the Bible cannot be only partly true.  If none of it is true, then we are each and all of us utterly lost in a sea of his or her own imagination.  But if the Bible is true, then that has unspeakably profound implications for our very near-term future.  Which, in turn, means that our present condition ~ in light of how breathtakingly little vision is manifested amongst even most professing Christians (who are supposed to know something about what the Bible teaches), is more deplorable than perhaps anyone realizes.
I have been involved, for the past year or so, with teaching children and young persons, in the context of a large and professedly Christian home-school co-op.  For the most part, the administrators and staff of that organization appear to be sincere Christians.  There is the occasional, brief prayer that is offered in the presence of students.  And, yes, there are a few (mostly elective) classes that are geared toward inculcating basic Christian beliefs.  Aside from those factors, however, there does not appear much else about that organization and its program that is distinctively Christian.  Importantly, there does not appear to be anything like a genuine effort, on the part of that co-op, to develop those (150+?) children and young persons as visionary Christian leaders and culture change-agents.

Instead, it seems to me that the defining characteristic of that co-op is a pervasive concern amongst the majority of parent-teachers and administrators, to prepare students for college.  College: a bastion of antichrist philosophy and hedonism; a teeming cesspool of demonic ideologies; an asylum for lunatics (Progressive professors) masquerading as intellectuals and scholars; a hotbed of carnal passions run amok.  College: the gateway (as that is supposed) to participation in the present world-system ~ that is to say, the requisite pathway to a decent-paying job.

And there's the rub: one doesn't get to join the Big Boy's club and play the game, without the proper credentials ~ which, college is in business to supply.  

College, together with the public education system in America, has been wholly subverted by ungodly powers.  (Even the handful of professedly Christian institutions of higher learning, are deeply infiltrated and compromised.)  Thus, throughout the past forty years at least, colleges have been amongst the principle sources and causes of moral and social degradation, wherever the influence of those corporations has reached.

Nevertheless, such is the future unto which so many self-professed Christians aspire for their children to attain, namely, a college "education."   

Record high numbers of "Christian" youth attend college; yet, America is further away from God than ever before.  College has not helped to bring Americans back to God, but the very opposite is true.  College is not the answer to reverse America's decline.  There is no reason to believe that American society and culture can be reformed, apart from there first arising a powerful working of the Holy Ghost in Revival, within the true Christian Church.  Even so, there is probably not sufficient time to reform this nation's multifarious social institutions, before the Lord will come.  The objective, then, should neither be to overthrow the secular government nor to dissolve the existing social Order, but, rather, to vigorously (zealously) ~ and wisely ~ strive to rescue, by the Gospel of Christ, a generation of young persons that, meanwhile, is hopelessly lost.

But how shall genuine Revival come to this generation of youth?  Shall the (older) generation ~ which is responsible for the current state of Apostasy in the churches, somehow, magically, fuel the fire of Revival in the hearts of the young?  Not in a million years.  Whom, then, shall be the ones that God will use in these final hours, to prepare this generation of young, for Christ?

I believe it shall largely be young believers, whom God will use to reach their own peers.  But they first need to be helped to come to possess that Vision and faith, and then trained and equipped to do that work.

The title of this essay was derived from my thinking about what, of this present world Order, shall survive the coming Tribulation and persist into the New Millennium, when Christ shall then reign on earth; a time that, according to Scripture, cannot be very far distant.  Mathematics, as such, shall survive ~ because, such knowledge is grounded in God's own Being.  But even the principles of Physics (as those are presently understood), for example, are very soon going to be superseded by a higher Order.  But one thing is certain, namely: nothing of the house of cards which postmodern Academia has built, shall survive the coming Apocalypse.

Most professing Christians, probably, would give their right arm in exchange for their child/ren to attend Harvard, Yale, Princeton, or Oxford.  But there is not enough money in the world to persuade me to subject my children to such wicked institutions as those.  Well, how about Liberty University, then?  Watch this video (here), and then you tell me.  Or, how about Regent University ~ the self-proclaimed "America's premier Christian university"?  Check out this video (here), where the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) ~ on the Regent University campus, and part of Pat Robertson's empire ~ promoted Todd Bentley's demonic circus in Lakeland, Florida . . . and you'll have my answer.

If the Church of Jesus Christ really believes that the coming of our King is actually at hand, then why don't our priorities and our works demonstrate that that is what we truly believe?  There are real and deep needs that can and should be addressed by the Church of the living God ~ not the least of which is the promotion and work of Revival.  But with very few exceptions, most professing Christians are content to go through the motions of attending "church," thereby deceiving themselves, supposing that that is what it means to be a Christian.

God has His eyes on this generation of youth.  He is going to have a People ~ even if they are all of them children and teenagers.  "Of these stones," Jesus warned the unbelieving generation of his own time, "God is able to raise up children."

"Except ye be converted, and become as little children," Jesus furthermore said, "ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 18:3).

Wake up, Church.  Or be left sleeping when Jesus comes.

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