
Babylon's coming out party

Today (Tuesday, October 24, 2017), involves a notable event associated with Babylon's "coming out" party.  Numerous leaders of so-called Evangelical "Christian" churches are gathering together in Kansas City, with certain high level representatives of the Vatican, to announce the end of the Protestant Reformation ~ and the rollout of a new global religious system that has been in preparation for at least the past twenty years or more.  That new system will be headed up by none other than the Pope of Rome ~ a character whom (I and many other prophecy teachers believe) the Bible calls, the "false prophet."

The three day conference which starts today and runs through Thursday the 26th, is named, "Kairos 2017"; which, kairos, in Greek means "opportunity, or appointed time."  But this is no ordinary conference.  Here is a list of the speakers.  Along with a Catholic Cardinal and some other Archbishops and several "Father" so-and-sos, some of the other, more well known (to Evangelicals) speakers will include: Kenneth Copeland, Gordon Robertson (head of the Christian Broadcasting Network ~ CBN), and Billy Wilson ~ president of Oral Roberts University.  Of course, a gaggle of New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) leaders will be there, too.  Though it is not revealed on that website, one of the speakers, H. Vinson Synan, for many years was a professor at Regent University (Pat Robertson's school).

Watch this short video clip (here), where Kenneth Copeland (one of the Kairos 2017 speakers) declared (at the 3:28 time marker) that the Protestant Reformation ended in 1999.  Unhappily, most non-Catholics don't even know what the phrase, "Protestant Reformation," means.  That vastly important history has not been taught to this present generation; it has been purposefully concealed both by the schools as well as by the churches.  The darkness of ignorance which now pervades the professing Christian Church is appalling ~ as it also is exceedingly dangerous.

It is more than interesting to note that the two men (James Robison and Kenneth Copeland) appearing in the above photos, are both on President Trump's "Evangelical Executive Advisory Board" (list of members, here).  Though Copeland and Robison are by no means the only apostates and friends-of-Rome, who are members of that presidential Advisory Board.

I am not often at a loss for words to speak on any particular subject.  But I am dumbfounded by how unbelievably clueless are most professing Christians, concerning how deep and how widespread is the Apostasy in the professing Christian churches!  It is almost to the point that the devil himself could walk right in, undisguised, and be warmly welcomed as a featured speaker, in most churches.  After all, the devil is only barely disguised in the likes of such persons as....  I started to name a few well-known "Christian" leaders, but I was suddenly overwhelmed by the sheer number of them.  Like I said, I am "dumbfounded."

Halloween is the high-holy day for Satanists.  Somehow, the beginning of the Protestant Reformation ~ somewhere along the line, became associated with that same month and day (October 31).  Not insignificant, it was on October 31, 1999, that officials of the Lutheran Church signed a concordance with officials of the Roman Catholic Church, whereby the Lutheran Church agreed, essentially, that the Protestant Reformation is ended and that the Protestant churches have no more meaningful disagreement with Rome.  I very strongly suspect that this coming October 31, 2017 ~ which is the 500-year Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, there will probably be a very important announcement from the Vatican . . . something to the effect that the Protestant Reformation is ended.

Now that the majority of prominent Evangelical "Christian" leaders agree with the Pope that the Protestant Reformation is officially ended, we can all come together to be one, big, happy Apostate-Christian family, under the authority of Pope Francis, whom is blasphemously called the "Holy Father."  That is the same Pope Francis who recently warned that it is "dangerous" to believe that one can have a "direct and immediate relationship with Jesus Christ, outside of the communion and mediation of the [Catholic] church" (here).  You say that you're a Christian who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ ~ but you are not in communion with the Roman Catholic Church?  Then, you're dangerous.

You really owe it to yourself to watch this (1 hour, 42 minutes) video (here), titled, "The true history of the Roman Catholic Church: a woman rides the beast," by the late Dave Hunt.  And (here) is another (difficult to watch) video, which examines a number of torture machines that were used by the Catholic Church to torture and murder untold multitudes (some estimates run into the tens-of-millions).

The Bible tells us that, during the coming Tribulation, the "false prophet" is going to compel everyone to worship the Antichrist ~ and all who resist will be killed.  That is exactly what occurred throughout the Middle Ages, when the Catholic Church demanded allegiance to the Pope of Rome, under pain of death.  That bloody history appears to be coming full-circle ~ albeit with more perfect fulfillment.

Apostate "Christian" leaders ~ such as Kenneth Copeland and James Robison and a host of other such deceivers, are not merely misguided in their beliefs, but they are guided and motivated by exceedingly malevolent demonic powers.  Those who fail to take seriously the implications of that fact, do so at the peril of their own spiritual and, perhaps in the days just ahead, even their physical life.

Every mainstream Protestant denomination has sold its collective soul to the devil; as, also, have most independent Movements, or Fellowships, within the realm of Christendom.  I know that, to many, such a statement sounds absurd.  But truth only sounds absurd to those who are yet in darkness of ignorance and unbelief.  Nevertheless, the Holy Ghost forcefully warned us, in Scripture, about the dangers and the magnitude of the Apostasy that would subvert and threaten to destroy the Church in the last days.  It is the gravest mistake, not to take God seriously.

The single most important sign of Christ's soon coming, is, the Apostasy amongst the Christian churches.  That Apostasy is already full-blown.  Now, the stage is being readied for Babylon to receive her Wicked Prince.

It is well worth reiterating, that America's leading "Christian" universities ~ including Regent University, Oral Roberts University, Liberty University, and Lee University (just to name a few) ~ have been overtaken by that spirit of antichrist.  Yes, "overtaken."  Yes, "antichrist."  If you aren't convinced that is actually the case, then I strongly urge you to set aside a few hours at least, and do some serious research.  Or, at the very least, send me (in the Comments section, below) your email address, and I will direct you to some resources that will assist you in that research.

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