
the Second American Revolution ~ part 1

I want to help many of you, who may not have the time to do independent research, to get caught up on certain vitally important, current events.  There is a virtual civil war that is going on in the government of the United States.  It is impossible to unravel and discern the truth ~ in the midst of a tsunami of propaganda ~ without understanding the realities involving this war I just mentioned.

Trump was not "supposed" to have won the Presidential election.  The election was rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton: voting machines were rigged, in many locations; illegal voters were brought in by bus-loads; and many other devices were employed to ensure a Clinton victory.  Yet Hillary could not even win a rigged election, because so few people turned out actually to vote for her.  That is the reason the Democratic criminal cabal was thrown into utter shock and dismay, when it became apparent that Donald Trump was in fact going to occupy the White House.

I am very limited for time, today.  But I will be publishing a lot of information, in the coming days.  I forewarn you: there is a ton of important and relevant information to digest.  The criminal conspiracy that for many years has been at work behind the scenes to overthrow the American government, tragically, was allowed to become very deeply entrenched ~ until now.  Undoing the exceeding harm that has already been done, and exposing and removing many bad actors who remain in positions of power unto this day, will not be a quick nor an easy task.

Without further comment at this time, HERE is one important link with which you may begin (or continue) your own journey of "awakening" to the truth.  (I highly recommend that you should also watch part 1 of that two-part series.  HERE's the link.)

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