
train wreck

Does anyone think it strange that some unknown number of Congressional (Republican) lawmakers ~ together with their respective family members! ~ were all together on an Amtrak train going to some unnamed "retreat"?  Who ever heard of such a thing?  Stranger still, that train was attended by either one or more government helicopters and/or drones, which went in advance of the train, in efforts to ensure the secure passage of that train.  Not only that, but all crossroads were supposedly closed to traffic, ahead of the oncoming train.  And, yet, a large dump truck somehow not only made it through the roadblock but then mysteriously stalled right on the train tracks!

Coincidence?  Yeah, sure.

Here's the straight scoop.  Reportedly, those same Republican lawmakers just happened to be the same ones who had just earlier voted to release the Nunes Memo ~ which includes information devastating to the Democratic Party.  It was also reported that those Republican lawmakers ~ with their family members, were being taken to a high security area, probably due to death threats that were levied against those Congress persons.

It was also reported that President Trump may also have been relocated to a high security facility....

Here is one website that reported the story.

It seems to me, at least, to be a far more plausible explanation of those very strange events.

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