

The devil is a liar.  He wants you to believe it is hopeless; that things are so far gone there is no longer any reason to expect anything good will come.  The truth is that a great, new Day is now breaking upon the world.  The Light of the dawning of that Day has already crested the horizon, sending forth brilliant beams of promise and hope to dispel the darkness that for too long has shrouded the world.

Christ is coming to take full possession of what rightfully belongs to him: "The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof" (Psalm 24:1).  Jesus Christ is coming literally to take over the world, at which time he will put down all rebellion ~ including every demonic power in the spiritual realm.  Satan cannot triumph, for he has already been defeated by Christ: "He [Satan] knoweth that he hath but a short time" (Rev. 12:12).  The devil knows his doom is certain.  Meanwhile, wherever the authority of Christ and the power of the Holy Ghost is rejected by man, the devil works in the void of that darkness to do as much harm as he possibly can to God's Creation.  

But all of that is about to change: "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye" (1 Cor. 15:52).  Yet, I believe the way is already being prepared for that great event involving the sudden disappearance from the earth, of every true Christian.  Evil is being exposed on every hand ~ in the churches as well as in government and in society.  And if God is moving to expose evil, should we not also expect that God is moreover willing to reveal the righteousness of Christ, to this the last generation of the Church Age?

The sun does not instantly appear full orbed in the sky, at the dawn of a new day.  Rather, the first sign of dawn always appears as diffuse light coming from the direction of the rising sun.  We know that daybreak is at hand, even though the sun itself cannot yet be seen.  Likewise, we perceive that the appearing of Jesus Christ is now at hand, though he himself has not yet appeared.  And similarly as the dawn rapidly progresses until the actual appearance of the sun, so, too, I believe, are we about to see the glory of God begin to shine more brilliantly amongst the saints of God until that Christ himself appears.  

Daybreak signals that the Sun is at the horizon, and a new day is at hand.

Daybreak signals that nighttime has come to an end.

Daybreak at first appears very faint, but its brilliance and power increases rapidly; and just as rapidly dispels the darkness.

Daybreak is a time of brief transition, from darkness to light, from night to day.

Daybreak cannot be mistaken, when it comes.

Daybreak has come.

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