
postmodern crybabies

Throughout the past generation, children in public schools across America have been systematically indoctrinated to embrace the irrational precepts of Postmodernism.  "There is no such thing as truth"; and, "Reality is whatever each person believes that to be"; are two of Postmodernism's main ideas.  Modern-day scholars, so-called, priests of the religion of Science, extrapolated Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle to mean that no one can know anything with certainty~ except, of course, they are certain of the rightness of their own ideas.  "There is no such thing as truth," they pontificate ~ even as they criminalize the teaching of anything other than Darwinism, in the public schools.  (What they really mean is: There is no such thing as truth...other than their own truth.)

Lately, postmodern crybabies have got their diapers in a knot over "fake news."  But how can that be?  Their very objection to "fake" news betrays the fact that those same crybabies evidently believe there must be something to the idea of truth, after all.  Of course, in their heart of hearts they understand that truth is that which actually corresponds with reality ~ and, that reality is not whatever one wants to pretend that it is.  Still, they are more than a little confused.  On the one hand, if they renounce the tenets of Postmodernism, they will then have to denounce the gods of Academia, as being frauds and charlatans; which is all the same as admitting that the disciples of such fools are really the biggest fools of all.  On the other hand, if those postmodern crybabies persist to advocate the tenets of Postmodernism, then they are confronted with an insoluble dilemma, namely: How to justify their objection to storytelling of any kind whatsoever ~ including so-called fake news.

Alas! they have only to fall back, for their support, upon the Gilded Principle of Postmodernism, which is, that in a postmodern world, nothing makes sense.  Theirs is thus an Alice-in-Wonderland experience, where they are free to create their own version of Reality...employing whatever devices and means they may deem necessary.

Including lying.

And brute force.

Which, by the way, the Bible foretold it would be this way ~ right before Christ returns....

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