
preparing the world to receive

There once was a time when I didn't fully grasp the meaning of the following passage of Scripture:
"And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over [Babylon]; for no man buyeth their merchandise anymore: the merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and of fine linen,...and slaves, and souls of men" (Revelation 18:11-13).
Slavery had practically been abolished in the world; or so I once believed.
 Lately, as I've been earnestly following current developments in the news ~ that is to say, in the few REAL news sources I've been able to find on the Internet, my eyes have been opened WIDE, if only to see a glimpse of what horrific things are going on the in the world...behind the scenes.  Everyone of course knows that all kinds of crooked deals involving criminal activity are regularly transacted behind closed doors.  But probably very few are aware of the immense volume of HUMAN TRAFFICKING that occurs every day.

Though reliable statistics are understandably difficult to come by, yet best estimates from a variety of sources consistently suggest that at least 600,000 - 800,000 persons, annually, are forced into slavery ~ at least half of whom are teenagers or younger.  A large percentage of that number involves children who are sold as sex slaves; many of whom are subjected to still other forms of torture, and murder.  One source reported that the sex-slave market generates an estimated $99,000,000,000.00 ($99 Billion) per year (link, here).  While still another source made the important observation that sex-slave transactions typically amount to less than $100.00 each.

Yes!  A thousand times, YES! I want to draw your attention to the global problem (including the United States) of human trafficking.  Until very recently, I had no idea of how great that problem is, throughout the world.  While I'm on the subject, let me tell you just how sick those people are: In the past couple of days, some in the mainstream media (MSM) have accused President Trump of contributing to the problem of child sex trafficking!!!  When, as a matter of fact, President Trump is the ONLY President in U.S. history who has made a very straightforward commitment to fight against human trafficking, worldwide!

Yet, to bring to your attention the problem of human trafficking, is not the main purpose of this essay.  Rather, I want to ask and then answer another important question, namely: Why is the truth ~ concerning human trafficking, together with so many other revelations pertaining to corruption at all levels of society ~ why is the truth, I say, suddenly coming to light, at this time???

Consider, if you will, the judicial process.  Criminal acts are perpetrated under the cover of darkness.  Only if and when such acts may be discovered, is it then possible to begin the process of investigating those crimes, for the purpose of identifying, and then executing judgment against, those who committed criminal acts.  After that suspects have been identified, they are then brought to trial, at what time evidence is presented to establish their guilt (or innocence, as the case may be).  Only when such evidence indicates "beyond a reasonable doubt" one's guilt, does the judicial process then move to carry out judgment against the guilty.

Of course, God knows the truth of all things, and at all times.  God Himself is the righteous Judge.  Nevertheless, God being the One who ordained civil government among men, it stands to reason (as well as it appears in Scripture) that God Himself employs something not unlike what I have just described as the "judicial process," in the course of governing His own kingdom.  God's kingdom is neither without Law; nor, then, is it without Judgment.

Not too long ago, I wrote a series of articles, titled, "Between Two Ages" (here), in which I discussed a paradigm shift that had then recently occurred in my perception, pertaining to the days in which we are now living.  That is to say, we are now living in a very brief albeit an epochal time period ~ between two distinct Ages, i.e., the Church Age, and the Millennial Kingdom Age.

We are moving very rapidly through a time of great transition.  Think about what that means.  All that we have known in this present world, during this the Church Age, is quickly coming to an end.  But the terminus of this present Age MUST INCLUDE A PREPARATORY PHASE, to prepare the world in order to RECEIVE THAT NEW ERA WHICH IS NEXT TO COME.  In other words, God is right now moving to prepare the earth to receive the soon-coming Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

And, I believe, it is not unreasonable to suppose that God must be moving in accordance with some "judicial process" of His own design ~ though, in principle at least, not unlike what I have described, above.

God is uncovering the crimes of many, for all to see.  God is furthermore presenting evidence upon evidence, in order to demonstrate the guilt of the accused.  All in preparation . . . .

For Judgment that soon will follow.

Judgment is surely coming to this present world.  And swiftly.  God is going to put down all rebellion, in preparation for the Second Coming of Christ (which itself is central to subjugating the nations, to Christ's authority and reign).

Right now, the Court of Heaven is in Session.  Evidence is being presented before the Throne of God.  Witnesses are coming forward to be heard: The host of Martyrs is crying out: "How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?" (Revelation 6:10).

God is not going backwards.  The revelations that have lately come forth like rivers, shall neither cease nor shall they be diminished.  But God is brining to light the hidden things of darkness, like a flood to cover the earth, in these days just before the Rapture of the Church. "The path of the just," the Bible says, "is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day" (Proverbs 4:18).  More and more light . . . unto the perfect day.

I'll say it, again: God is not going backwards.  He has set His hand to prepare the world to receive the soon-coming Kingdom of Jesus Christ on earth.  To be sure, all that shall entail the coming of the Antichrist, as well as the so-called Tribulation, is integral to that great preparatory phase which we have already entered into.  Meanwhile, be assured that God is in full control.

For true and faithful Christians ~ though these are very difficult days for the body of Christ, yet we can be greatly encouraged by the realization that God is moving, right now, to prepare the world to receive the great King who will rule and reign in righteous, for a thousand years (and for ever thereafter).  And we shall have the "honor" to be a part of that great work ~ which shall involve our judging the world, subduing the nations, and "execut[ing] the judgment written" (Psalm 149).

"Q" has often written: "This is not a game;" and, "Enjoy the show."

True.  True.

1 comment:

  1. Great wisdom, as we are seemingly a voice in the wilderness. But God is never confused or bewildered. May God keep giving us the knowledge and insights of the enem2
