
What is coming ~ and when?


Think, if you will, about how much, and how rapidly, the world has changed over the course of the past forty years or so.  Thousands of years ago the Bible foretold that in the end of this present Age knowledge would be phenomenally increased.  But merely forty years or so ago - in the days before there were personal computers and cell phones and robots - who then living would have thought they would themselves live to see so many breathtaking, world-changing advances in science and technologies such as we have in fact seen during the past few decades?  And I'm not even referring to the creation of cell phones and robots.  But there exist ~ right now, today! ~ technologies that . . . well, I'll come to that shortly.

Now, consider this: Over the course of the next two to five years, the world is going to change . . . far, far more dramatically than it has during the past forty years.  For, that explosion of knowledge that the Bible foretold is now occurring at an exponential rate!  Mankind is not today starting from the point at which we stood forty, nor even twenty, years ago.  Oh, no.  Rather, humanity now possesses the combined powers of ALL of the following (and more):
  • Very highly developed computer technologies - including the rapidly emerging field of quantum computing
  • Artificial Intelligence ~ which Elon Musk (the world's richest man and a world-class technocrat) openly admits that he fears this technology presents an "existential threat" to the human race
  • CRISPR technology ~ which, according to its discoverers and developers, this technology can be used even by college-level Chemistry students . . . to modify, in any imaginable way, the DNA of virtually any living organism (plant or animal) AT WILL  (that one idea, alone, has earth-shaking implications)
  • Synthetic Biology ~ very closely related to the above: Scientists are working very aggressively to create living organisms . . . from scratch . . . by putting together, in the laboratory, their own custom-designed DNA sequences.  At least one such organism has already been produced.
  • Nano technologies ~ functional 'machines' constructed of sub-microscopic elements
  • Satellites (now numbering many thousands) and other space-related technologies
I could identify a host of other breakthrough developments that, when taken together with the foregoing, put god-like powers into the hands of mortal men.  Which brings me a step closer to the real point I want to make in this essay.  Let us continue.

The 1/10th of the 1%  (0.001)

The phrase, "The One Percent", is another way of denoting the uppermost group of the world's so-called elite: that is to say, the wealthiest, most powerful and influential people on planet earth.  Still, an even more select group than that is referred to as "The One-Tenth of the One Percent".  But have you ever stopped to consider that one-tenth of one-percent (0.001) of the global population (nearly 8,000,000,000) is still 8,000,000 people?!  That is a lot of multi-multi Millionaires, including not a few multi-Billionaires!  If we expand that group to include the top one-percent, then the number of super-rich is approximately 80 Million people!  That is more than the entire population of the United Kingdom, or of France, or more than the combined populations of Canada and Australia!  That is quite a large number of very, very rich people; though it is a very small number when compared with the entire world's population.

Why is that perspective important and relevant to my thesis?  It is because, the super rich live in world that is very different from the one that everyone else experiences.  The super rich know nothing about pushing a cart around WalMart at 10:00pm.  Their knowledge of WalMart has rather to do with stock prices and board meetings.  Furthermore, a large proportion of the super rich are incomparably more knowledgeable of developments in science and technology than are the world's billions of less privileged masses.  Not one person in a thousand, of average persons 'on the street', as it were, can speak intelligently about CRISPR technology.  Whereas a very considerable number among the global elite are actively involved, in some way or another, in the development of such technologies.

How, then, does the world appear to the world's elite?  More to my point is the question: What does the world of, say, five years from now look like to such persons? ~ who are almost exclusively empowered to direct and shape future developments.   How, might we infer, do they perceive the world as it is today, and, how might they imagine (and desire) it shall be a few short years hence?  Following, is my characterization of the world ~ five years from now, as seen through the eyes of "The One Percent".
  • Factory workers, service workers, and most other jobs that entail low-skilled labor will not be needed; as robots will render all such work obsolete.  Yes, five years from now.
  • Food production will be radically different: It will largely consist of plant-derived and/or lab-produced foods.  In five years or less.
  • Transportation will change dramatically in the next five years:  Electric, self-driving vehicles ~ made by robots ~ will with the click of a mouse arrive at one's doorstep and provide point-to-point transport.
  • Restructuring the control of planetary resources ~ including human populations ~ will be achieved in accordance with a radical agenda focused on "Sustainability".
  • Man/machine interfacing will be significantly advanced within the next five years.  In other words, the elite will be committed to a path whereby they will become cyborgs.
Let me come more directly to the point.  The explosion of knowledge that the world has experienced throughout the past half-century or so, has produced a constellation of technological wonders; miraculous discoveries and inventions, one might say.  Today, with such miracle-working power at their command, the world's elite (none of whom, evidently, is submissive to the will of God) have been seduced, by such powers as they now seem to possess, to believe they are not only the Masters of the world but, indeed, Masters of the Future.  They are quite ready and willing to become gods.

Of course, none of the unwashed masses has the resources or access to avail himself or herself of the powers and privileges that belong to the elite.  Whereas it used to be the case that the ruling class of elites needed farmers and factory workers and servants of all kinds, in order to serve the needs of those then-as-yet-mortal elites.  A mere five years from now, the elites could have many if not most of their needs supplied by non-human entities.  At any rate, they must already view the masses as being relics of a bygone Era, dinosaurs whose time upon the earth has fulfilled its Evolutionary purpose; and, now, it is time to move on.  But what to do with so many billions of worms, consumers, polluters....?

Elon Musk ~ as well as a fast-growing number of The One Percent, believes that the only way that humanity may be able to survive in the soon-coming Age of The Machine, is, to become One with The Machine: literally, physically, to merge, to integrate, man and computer.  Musk and others have explicitly said so.  

I believe it may now be possible to get a glimpse of the coming "great deception", which is mentioned in Scripture as being connected with Antichrist's appearing.  Already we are witnessing that spirit of lawlessness and rebellion overtaking the world.  We deeply sense that profound change is even now taking place around us, behind our backs, as it were.  So it is - taking place.  But not really behind our backs so much as it is taking place right in front of our sleepy eyes.

The elites are planning and preparing to become cyborgs, meanwhile as they try to figure out how to reduce the global population by about 90%.  The time is at hand, too, when that a certain "beast" shall "ascend out of the bottomless pit" and demand the submission and allegiance of everyone on earth.  

Excuse me, are we still talking about....(fill in the blank)....?

1 comment:

  1. Very well placed words and warnings my friend. I've known (in a more terse sense :)) that these things were coming, but you can be relied upon to be exacting and explanatory in translating and describing in detail things that are to occur in terms understandable perhaps more so than the Word of God. Not to distract from the Word at all, but kudos to your abilities that He gave you. Thank you for your thesis. I would love to see you debate some of these elites on the policies they have set forward and their (to them) reasoning both concerning the Word's revelation of them, and their own reasoning as it relates to the position of the enemy wanting to take the throne of God.
    At any rate. Thank you again for an excellent article. Love you brother.
