
"Prophesy unto the wind . . ."

I love the above painting by H Mandel.  It is a representation of the account of Ezekiel's Vision in the 'valley of dry bones' (Ezekiel 37).  In context, the Biblical narrative is a prophecy concerning the restoration of Israel as a nation (which began to be fulfilled in 1948).  Yet, I believe it also has a deeper meaning.

The Bible further indicates that the restoration (physical and spiritual) of the nation of Israel shall positively and powerfully affect the Church and the world (see, Romans 11).

But what is the deeper meaning of the above image -- in addition to its just-stated meaning, pertaining to the restoration of the nation of Israel in modern times?  It means the coming to life, again, of a body of people long dead.  In 1 Corinthians 15:46, there is a clue which may be significant in this instance: "Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual".  Furthermore, in light of many parallels in Scripture, between natural Israel (natural Jews) and 'spiritual' Israel (the Body of Christ), may we not surmise that the restoration of natural Israel, depicted and prophesied in Ezekiel 37 -- the fulfillment of which indisputably belongs to this present generation -- may we not surmise that there is yet another aspect to that prophecy, that is to say, one which parallels the restoration of natural Israel with a restoration of spiritual Israel?  Moreover, seeing, that "that which is natural" comes before "that which is spiritual", may we not further surmise that the restoration of 'spiritual Israel' (the Body of Christ) must follow after the restoration of natural Israel?

One of the deepest concerns in the minds of many Christians today, involves the question of whether (as well as when and how) there may be anything like real Revival, from now until the Rapture.  For, to say that nothing else is needed so much as Revival, were a gross understatement.  In America, at least, it is truly as if the Body of Christ has long been 'lifeless', 'formless', 'disjointed' and 'scattered', no less than were those bones lying scattered about in the 'valley of dry bones' in Ezekiel's Vision.

In a recently published book titled, "The Seven Seals in Prophecy and in History", it was convincingly demonstrated that the Rapture of the Church shall occur prior to the beginning of the so-called Tribulation; a period of seven years during which God shall once again deal with the nation of Israel in ways distinct from God's dealings with the Gentile nations.  Thus, if the Body of Christ shall be taken out of the world prior to that time period, must not the restoration of the Body of Christ - to a spiritual condition befitting the Bride of Christ - be accomplished before the Rapture of the Church?  That certainly does seem to be the case.

Ezekiel's Vision, then, may well be a prophecy concerning not only the (still-ongoing) restoration of the nation of Israel.  No less important, it may also be a prophecy indicating a (soon-coming) spiritual Revival of massive proportion, involving 'spiritual' Israel, that is to say, the Body of Christ.

At any rate, such should be the heart's desire, as well as the daily prayer, of every true child of God.

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