
remodel, replace - or remove? (part II)

It was brought to my attention that I ought to explain what are those things which characterize an "apostate" church.  I can think of no better place to begin than to discuss the subject of TAX-EXEMPT STATUS for churches and pastors.
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...".  What that means, among other things, is that the government is prohibited, by the Constitution, from interfering with the business of the Church.  It does not mean, however, that the Church is prohibited from involving itself with the business of government.  For, the institution of civil government is the ordinance of God; the functions of which institution, as well as certain qualifications pertaining to civil magistrates, are explicitly defined in Scripture.  Regarding the latter, the Bible states:
"He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God" (2 Samuel 23:3).
God is not a whit indifferent to the character and functions of civil government.  Jesus Christ is the God of truth, justice, order and peace: thus, He is imminently concerned that civil government, including those in authority, must serve to uphold standards of godliness in human society.  But how is it possible that any kind of society - comprised of sinful creatures - could be self-governing and, at the same time, comply with the requirements of Scripture, with respect to civil government?  How, indeed: except, by virtue of the service and influence of regenerate (Christian) persons both in and through the Church, as well as in government itself?  Unsaved men and women - apart from the compelling influence of a godly body politic (a largely Christian community or nation), cannot reasonably be expected to observe and obey the teachings and Authority of Scripture.  Therefore, the Church's oversight and influence is absolutely needful, in order to sustain anything like genuinely "civil" government and society.

Which brings us to consider the effects of TAX-EXEMPTION for churches and pastors.  Although the U.S. Constitution prevents the federal government from making any laws "prohibiting the free exercise" of religion, nevertheless, about one-hundred years ago, Congress crafted a work-around that prohibition - in the form of a bribe to churches and pastors.  That bribe consists as "tax-exempt status", which - as the phrase suggests, exempts both churches as well as pastors, from having to pay taxes on income.  However, being as it is in fact a bribe, the government requires something in exchange for granting tax-exempt status.  Namely, those who (voluntarily) accept tax-exemption, must agree to abstain from any and all efforts to influence the outcomes, of political campaigns as well as of legislative initiatives.  In other words, tax-exempt churches - if they want to keep their tax-exempt status, must not attempt to influence either the character or functions of government.

Thus, for example, if a local school board were to invite public debate related to a proposed school-board policy, tax-exempt churches are prohibited from participating in or contributing to any such debate.  Furthermore, when it comes time for a school-board to vote on whether to adopt any proposed policy, tax-exempt churches are prohibited from any effort aimed at influencing the outcome of such a vote.  If a school-board, let us say, were to invite public debate on the question of whether to allow boys to use girls' bathrooms and vice-versa, (which is actually happening across America,) tax-exempt churches may not be involved in such debate!  Of course, individual members of tax-exempt churches are permitted to participate - albeit not in any sense as representing the will or intentions of any (tax-exempt) church.  Nor may a pastor or any other church leader attempt to influence church members to participate in, or to influence the outcome of, such a debate.

So, the Church - which is supposed to be the Voice of God in the world - remains SILENT, by reason of TAX-EXEMPTION, in the face of every effort of ungodly men and women who may then wield the awful power of civil government - without any spiritual light or moral restraint being imposed by the Christian Church!

How did American government and society - which once upheld basic standards of morality - come to be so wicked as it is today?  The answer is simply that America's church leaders, throughout the past century at least, have sold Christ for 'thirty pieces of silver'.

TAX-EXEMPT STATUS is a sign of an apostate church - and of a greatly deceived, if not in fact an apostate, pastor.

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