
remodel, replace - or remove? (part III)

Notice, in the above image, the first step down from the topmost level.  The first step downward away from true -- that is to say, Biblical Christianity, begins with abandonment of faith in the infallible (without error) character of the Bible itself.  Tragically, the vast majority of professing Christians, today, believe not only that the Bible does contain errors but, furthermore, that the Bible MUST contain error.  That statement is very easily proved, by reason of the ongoing proliferation and pervasive use of multifarious so-called Bible "versions" -- no two of which, versions, agree with each other.  How can they all be the pure Word of God?  For, it is demonstrably true that they do not all "say the same thing" (as many naively and wrongly claim).  Deuteronomy 32:4 says, of God:
"He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he".
If there exists (and there does exist) a pure and true record of Scripture, then the Church does not need any other text; most certainly the true Church does not need any fabricated imitation of God's Word.  Faith in the infallibility (without error) of the true Word of God is the bedrock of genuine Christianity.  Conversely, belief in the fallibility (with errors) of the Bible is the bedrock of the modern Apostasy.
What was it which brought about the Protestant Reformation?  Answer: The restoring of the pure Word of God, to the people: which, that Word of God, illumined the minds and hearts of many, who, consequently, turned away from the Apostate Harlot Church of their day, to seek and to serve the true and living God according to His own Word.  The Church today is in need of another great Reformation.  Bible-substitutes (modern Bible 'versions', so-called) are largely the cause of gross darkness amongst the churches.  Those must be put away, in oder that the true Word of God (in the English language, the King James Bible is the true Word of God) may be restored to its rightful and needful place -- ruling supreme over all.

Some foolish and simple-minded persons will doubtless object that 'Christ himself, and not the Bible' rules supreme over all.  Yet, how does any know the mind of Christ, except, in and through the Word of God?  Moreover, Christ will never contradict His own Word; not unimportantly, Christ, in fact, is IDENTIFIED with the Word of God, in Scripture.  Especially, Christ rules over every Christian person, in and through the text of Scripture - as that is quickened to the heart and mind by the Holy Ghost.

Now, what has any of that to do with the theme of this current series ("remodel, replace..." etc.)?  It simply means that, unless and until individual churches return to honor -- by believing and obeying -- the true Word of God -- to the exclusion of all imposters, there can be no real Revival among those churches which refuse the true Word of God.

A cardinal sign of an apostate church, is, the use of Bible-substitutes.  "The King James Bible is the true Word of God, in the English language."  If your pastor uses - or condones the use of - any text besides the King James Bible, then you must confront that pastor, concerning the need to return not only to the true Word of God but, furthermore, concerning the need to return to embrace the principle of Biblical infallibility.  That principle does not require a blind leap of faith, to validate it. Rather, the principle of Biblical infallibility is capable of ample proof.  God is no one's fool.  By His wisdom and grace, God has given unto Christ's disciples a wealth of evidences testifying of the veracity and trustworthiness of the record of Scripture - just as we have that, in the King James Bible.

But if your pastor refuses to honor the true Word of God - and to defend its exclusive use in the Church, then I admonish you to leave that assembly forthwith, and to seek God to lead you to fellowship with a faithful Body of Christian disciples.

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