
being an overcomer

Who hasn't confronted obstacles in life, such that the temptation just to give up seems to be the only option?  Who hasn't surrendered, at some point in his or her life, a project, a hope, a dream--because the obstacles to success appeared to be too great to be worth the effort?  Such experiences and feelings are common to all.  What is not common, however, are real-life examples of some who, against all odds, overcame, in their private battles.  In the short video, below, is a beautiful example of one such person....

After watching that video, I hear a voice within me, asking, "What's your excuse?"  What have I allowed to discourage me, so that I am tempted to stop believing, stop hoping and, ultimately, to stop trying?

But, perhaps, all is not finally lost.  For, those same probing questions also prompt me to inquire of myself: What is it that, deep down inside, I truly desire to achieve in my life?  What is it that I am trying to (or would, if I thought I could) create, or build, or accomplish?  What am I doing, after all, with this life which I have received as a gift from God?

Has he given me no gifts at all?  No abilities?  No desires?  Or is it, rather, that I believe I have been denied opportunity, or resources, or help of some kind?

I've witnessed enough true testimonies which all seem to agree that opportunities and resources and help somehow, and at some time, come to those who first commit themselves to pursue--against all odds--their chosen goal.  How can it be otherwise?

This whole process of soul-searching--if given due attention, I believe, may actually serve to clarify and refine my own vision, my own values and, not least, my own purpose.

A typewriter! in the gyrating hands of one profoundly afflicted and 'disabled' -- but not discouraged.

And that, I'm convinced, is the most important reason why Paul Smith's art (not to mention the inspiration of his life) lives, and is even more beautiful by reason of the truth it embodies.

In this present world, life and beauty must of necessity confront the forces of death head-on, and prevail, if they shall in fact overcome those forces.

"For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." (1 John 5:4)

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