
change is coming

The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?   (Jeremiah 5:31)

Those, who foresaw the judgment of God coming afar off, warned as many as would listen.  Tragically, not many cared to listen.  Now, a sense of alarm and dread seems to grip the mind of everyone in this nation (America).  Still, there appear to be few who understand that the real cause of judgment against this nation has little to do with what goes on in Washington, D.C..

Contrary to the opinion of many, politicians are not the cause of judgment; rather, they ARE the judgment!  So, what is the underlying cause for which God has allowed America to be destroyed by wicked rulers?  In a word, it is Apostasy:
The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.(Psalm 9:17)
How did it happen--within the span of ONE GENERATION!--that abortion-on-demand, and homosexuality, came to be legally protected 'rights'?  Merely a generation ago, both of those behaviors were criminalized in all fifty States of America.  In that same generation, public schools ceased from providing sound academic instruction and they instead became the primary means of radicalizing American youth.  But how were such extreme changes in American society allowed to occur?  Answer: apostasy.  In proportion as erstwhile Christian churches turned away from the doctrines and authority of the Bible, American culture and society degenerated.  The fall has been precipitous.

But this brief essay is not about the Apostasy (concerning which I have previously written a great deal).  Nor yet is it about the increasingly disastrous effects of judgment.  But I want to say something about another change that is coming--concurrent with that judgment.

God has been preparing a remnant of Christians, who have remained true to Christ, through whom God is going to move and work mightily, in these final days leading up to the Rapture of the Church.

Keep in mind that however difficult circumstances may come to be in America, yet those cannot compare with the eternal reality of Hell--which awaits all who persist to reject Christ;  while we who are saved are called to live as those who were "crucified with Christ": all of which means that if you are part of that sanctified remnant of true disciples of Jesus Christ, then, you are to be motivated by the "high calling of God in Christ," and not to be moved by the fact that "this world is passing away, and the lust thereof".  It is no game we play at, who purpose to be faithful servants of Christ; but we are instructed by God in His Word concerning the realities of spiritual warfare.  We must daily "take unto ourselves" and "put on" the whole armor of God, that [w]e may be able to withstand in the evil day" (Ephesians 6:11-13).  The Holy Spirit is willing to enable us to possess the "mind of Christ," but only in order as we will diligently seek to be possessed of that mind.  We are further admonished that "the fearful, and unbelieving...shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone,"--together with murderers, whoremongers, sorcerers, and liars (Revelation 21:8).  Thus, we must understand that the teachings and admonitions of Scripture are not optional--if we desire to live in and by Christ.  Tribulation (in the general sense) serves, through God, to purify the soul of those who yield themselves to God.  In all others, tribulation serves to harden their hearts.

Change is coming to America and to all who dwell therein.  None of that change is going to be easy.  Most assuredly it shall not be easy for those who--for whatever reason--come short of the grace of God.  Even for those who wholeheartedly seek to follow the Lord change shall not come easy.  But for those, when it comes, change shall result in their being made more and more conformable to Christ.

Are we not in truth being prepared for eternity with God?  We say we are sure that the Rapture of the Church is now imminent.  Do we really believe it?  The Apostle Paul had a very good grip on reality involving the challenge of living as a Christian in this present evil world.  His parting words, in his first letter to the church at Corinth, were:
Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong (1 Corinthians 16:13).
Amen.  And as we do so, we shall see the glory of God revealed!  For, thus saith the Holy Ghost:
For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him   (2 Chronicles 16:9).

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