
two paths

In reality there are only two paths between which to choose.  And choose we must.  Neither the choice nor the consequences of our choice can by any means be avoided.  Either we believe that the Bible is true--and that the God of the Bible is who he says he is; or, else, we believe the Bible is false: in which case we cannot know anything with certainty about God.  There is only light or darkness; heaven or hell; life or death; peace or torment: there is no middle ground.
The image I selected, above, does not begin to portray the real consequences of unbelief (albeit the caption is true and relevant).  In searching for a suitable image for this essay, I found many graphic illustrations representing "hopelessness," some of which conveyed such a sense of spiritual darkness that I could not in good conscience reproduce them here.  I mean that the depths of despair, of hopelessness, and of misery which inexorably results from unbelief, is virtually bottomless.  ALL who WILL not believe the testimony of the Holy Ghost in Scripture (for, it truly is a choice, whether or not to receive the "love of the truth"; seeing, that "the measure of faith" has been given to everyone, in order that anyone can, if he will, receive the love of the truth and the faith of Christ): all such, who reject the Word of God, shall ultimately be stripped bare of every shred of hope--and they shall at last find themselves cast into "outer darkness," for ever.  Meanwhile they are dead, though yet living in the world.

Would to God that everyone could see humanity as God sees; for, then would we realize that existence is a 'living hell,' for the vast majority of human beings, that is, for those who are yet in darkness of unbelief.  There is no such thing as a happy unbeliever--whether one calls himself or herself a 'good person,' or even, perhaps, a Christian.  Unbelief is sin.  And sinners have not the joy of the Lord.

But this is not an essay about hopelessness.  Rather, I want to use the just-mentioned description of unbelief and its consequences, in order to discuss that "path" which leads, not to death, but to life.  As I indicated at the beginning of this essay, there are two--and only two--paths between which we must choose at every moment.  Therein is a great secret of power:
Victory, in each and every circumstance of life, is predicated upon one's choice to believe the Word of God.
Truly, it is that simple; although, holding fast to the Word of God--in the face of threatening situations, is not often easy to do.  But God's grace is always sufficient, in order that we may, if we will, do his will.

Now, since in every situation there are only two possible paths to follow, we may conclude with certainty that, if we look stedfastly unto God in his Word, and if we will obediently follow the leading of God's Spirit, then, we may confidently expect "victory--every time!" (as Dee Curtis loves to say).

If there is no god (as so-called atheists suppose); or, if the God of the Bible cannot always be trusted (as many so-called Christians suppose): then, there is no hope!

But if the God of the Bible is who he says he is (truly, he is): then, we have been given--by that same loving and merciful God--a sure foundation for our faith!  Thus, if we will choose to put our faith in him, God will without fail deliver us in peace, according to the goodness of his will.  The declaration of Scripture, which states that "with God all things are possible," thus--when we choose to believe and obey--becomes true for us.  This is the "path that leads to life," of which Jesus so often spoke.

God's self-revelation in Scripture is given to us so that we may know God, his nature, his character, and his will.  Jesus furthermore said, that the 'knowledge of God and of Christ' "is life eternal" (John 17:3).  This path, of believing God and his Word, Jesus moreover said, is one which "few there be that find it" (Matthew 7:14).

God cannot lie, and he cannot fail.  He knows no limitations; "his understanding is infinite".   His power is limitless.  His promises are immutable (unchangeable)--for, God is eternal and unchangeable.  And God is goodness: he is light and love and truth.

Will you believe?  Dare to trust God--no matter what your present situation.  Be instructed, however, that, to believe God, entails your obedience to God.  Then, "All things are possible to him that believeth" (Mark 9:23).  And when you choose to trust and obey Christ, understand that you are indeed walking upon the path which shall lead you to victory.  Remember that there are only two possible paths! and, because that you have chosen to follow Christ, your deliverance is guaranteed by God Almighty!  God created you, not for failure and destruction, but God created you to glorify God in and by your victorious life in Christ Jesus!

Unbelief is not weakness, but it is wickedness (another Dee Curtism, which he says he got from "my buddy" Adrian Rogers).  Don't go there!  It leads to death--every time; just as surely as faithfulness to Christ leads to victory every time.  Do you see?  There are only two paths.  Only two.  One leads to defeat and death--invariably.  While the other path invariably leads to victory and life--guaranteed!

Only believe!  Look to God, set him before your eyes.  See Christ, who has "all power in heaven and in earth," see him as ruling over you and your circumstances.  Look to his Word, the Bible, for your answers.  There, you will find God's will revealed unto you--both his promises as well as those conditions of your obedience which are required in order that God will help you.  And help you he will, when you believe and obey him.

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