
a new leadership paradigm (part 2)

A little more than a year ago, on June 26, 2015 (has it been that long already?), the White House in Washington, D.C., was fired up in rainbow colors to celebrate the U.S. Supreme Court's ignominious decision to put its stamp of approval on homosexuality.  "Prior to 1962, sodomy was a felony in every state, punished by a lengthy term of imprisonment and/or hard labor" (Wikipedia).  Do you suppose that Francis Schaeffer's warnings about the collapse of Western civilization during his lifetime had any merit?

The Federalist Society recently published an article online (here), titled, "The ABA Plan to Politically Purify the Legal Profession."  According to that article, The American Bar Association (ABA) is moving to amend that Association's rules of professional conduct in order to accommodate not the "rights of conscience" of that Association's members but, contrariwise, in ways which would require practicing attorneys in America to comply with laws and rulings related to "the new sexual order" invovling same-sex unions, gender-identity, transgenderism, etc..

American society has been so radically transformed, throughout the past half-century or so, that true Christians are now unable to serve in any of the professions (law, medicine, education) in America, without the likelihood of having to confront situations which would require them to violate their conscience, in order to maintain their employment.  The hostility of this culture to the doctrines and practice of Biblical Christianity, has been enabled throughout the course of the past generation and more; so that, today, it is Christianity~and not secularism~which is overtly and systematically suppressed.

American society and culture has not always been secular, even though the principle of religious freedom protected the rights of Americans to live as non-Christians.  Could it be that the "rights of religious freedom" have effectually protected unbelievers as well as believers?  Of course, that was the case.  But now that secularism, instead of Christianity, permeates American society, secularists have acquired the political power sufficient to quash "religious freedom" in practice and, increasing, in law.  So long as American society was largely Christian in nature, religious freedom was broadly upheld.  But that is no longer the case.

Which brings us face-to-face with some vitally important questions, namely:

  • How did secularism become dominant in American society?
  • What are the implications for Christians who live in the midst of a secular society?

The first of the above questions, while it is historical in nature, yet it is relevant to the present as well as to the future.  The secularization of American society is an accomplished fact.  For the sake of brevity, I will merely assert that, in proportion as the Apostasy (of the Church, in America) did proceed throughout the past century and more, secularism was thus allowed to gain ground in every social institution.  That was particularly important in the public school system; especially, early on in the process of secularization (beginning around the turn of the twentieth century).

Meanwhile as the public school system was rapidly being secularized, the denominational churches were largely silent ~ if they were not sometimes even complicit in undermining the Christian nature of education in the public schools.  At any rate, the vast majority of Christian churches continued then ~ as they still do, today ~ to support the State-controlled public school system.  That is the principal means whereby American society has been secularized, that is, by and through the public school system.

The Church in America has reaped ~ and is still reaping ~ the bitter fruit of its betrayal of God (in subjecting its children to be taught by unbelievers).  For, now those churches are filled both with leaders as well as with congregants, which themselves are the product of secular society.

Above, I said that the answer to the historical question remains relevant to the present as well as to the future.  I mean that, understanding the ongoing treachery of the apostate churches, with respect to the complicity of those churches in empowering and facilitating the secularization of society, should be vitally important to those Christians who purpose to be true to God.  Such Christians must not support any church or denomination which persists to support a State-controlled education system.

The second question, above stated, though very broad in its implications, yet it is very specific in terms of its focus.  There is in Physics as well as in Psychology and (most important for this discussion) Sociology, a principle which is commonly referred to as "the tipping point."  That principle describes the tendency of an entity to undergo abrupt change, once that a "tipping point" has been reached.  In Physics, for example, a pile of sand shall suddenly collapse in height and increase in width at its base, when even a few grains of sand are added to the pile which has reached its "tipping point."  Similarly, in Psychology, a 'nervous breakdown' may suddenly occur when a person reaches a "tipping point," beyond which he or she is incapable to effectively handle stress.

In Sociology, a society may undergo very rapid transformation ~ even with what may appear to be a minimal input of change to the 'system,' when that society reaches a "tipping point."  Of course, due to the great complexity of relationships which comprise human society, it is extremely difficult to define, and so to identify, what is the "tipping point" for any given society.  Nevertheless, that difficulty does not preclude our ability to make reasonable forecasts, based upon true principles.

In American society, the antichrist spirit ~ explicitly described in Scripture ~ has long struggled to gain ascendancy, firstly, in American culture: in order at length to secularize, and thus to gain supremacy of power in, American society.  Whereas the process of secularization of American society has lately been made complete; thus, American society now stands perilously close to the "tipping point:" at which point great changes are likely to occur, and very rapidly so; although, it may not require very significant factors in order to effect a rapid transformation.

We're there.  The weight of "political will," in American society, is overwhelmingly on the side of the antichrist spirit ~ and the people know it, and they want it.  Tragically, they neither know the lessons of history (the public school system has made sure of that), nor do they know (much less do they believe) the testimony of Scripture.  Thus, they cannot even fathom the consequences of their foolish choice.

What does that mean for true Christians in America?  I have intensively argued that Christians have no portion in the apostate churches, and that true Christians should have no affiliation with those organizations.  But how are true Christians supposed to live in the midst of an ungodly, Christ-hating society ~ one in which even the churches are opposed to Biblical Christianity, which is to say, to Christ (which is rapidly becoming more and more evident)?

Let me describe the situation as I see it.  I have long studied the history of the Church in China.  Prior to the nineteenth century, Christianity was practically unknown in China.  During the mid- to late-1800s, great missionary efforts with accompanying great outpourings of God's Spirit in Revival, laid the groundwork for what became a very strong Christian Church in China.  Of course, Satan worked hard to oppose the progress of the Gospel, in China.  Throughout the very same time period (1900-1970) which Francis Schaeffer identified in his The God Who Is There, secular powers struggled to gain ascendancy in Chinese society.  In the process of which struggle, the Christian Church suffered great persecution and, at length, was forced "underground," so to speak.  By the late-twentieth century, Communism had obtained a stranglehold on Chinese society.  So that, today, there are two "Christian" Churches in China: one is "visible," that is to say, it is tolerated and tightly regulated by the Communist State; while the true Christian Church is "invisible" ~ which means it can only function covertly or "underground," as it is continually hunted and persecuted by the secular Chinese government.

I see the Christian Church in America going through a process similar to that just described; though there are some important differences.  Because that America first began as a largely Christian nation, the Christian Church was then strong enough to withstand against the spirit of antichrist.  Whereas, prior to the missionary movement above mentioned, Chinese culture had long been pagan, though not strictly secular (even the Emperor was venerated).  Nevertheless, among both societies, Chinese and American, respectively, the struggle between Christianity and secular counter-forces, for supremacy in society, ultimately reached a point at which secularism gained sufficient popularity among the masses to prevail both socially and politically.  That "tipping point" has only recently been reached in American society.

Another important difference between the Chinese and American experiences, respectively, has to do with the occurrence and timing of Revival.  In China, the Revival movement flourished in the period before secularism gained supremacy in Chinese society.  Whereas, America has not experienced any substantial Revival movement for nearly a hundred years.  In the event that Revival may soon occur in America, that movement will necessarily confront head-on a secular society and its anti-Christian government.

I have observed what seems to me has been a gradual separation between the true Body of Christ and the visible, apostate churches.  I have yet to discern, however, anything like a purposeful coming together of members of that Body of Christ, to gather themselves in well organized groups.  I believe that the lack of purposeful union and cooperation, on the part of what already is a small and scattered number of true Christians, is a hindrance to Revival ~ as well as that is to say it is a hindrance to the ministry of Christ.

That is where we are, as I see it.  Where do we go from here?  The answer is both simple and clear.  Which is to say, we must be seeking and striving to more perfectly do the will of God, as He has already shown that to us in His Word:
A united, local body of true disciples of Jesus Christ, plainly is the will of God. 
Revival plainly is the will of God.
Let us earnestly and faithfully give ourselves to God and to each other, in those matters ~ and God will surely lead us on from there.

He is waiting for us.

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