
no fake news here. move along.

I just have to try out my brand new "TRUTH-O-METER" on some current news stories.  I have long steered clear of rooting through the muck and slime of daily news headlines, trying to find anything of redeeming value buried somewhere in the morass.  But now that all the Beautiful People are insisting that everyone (else) must speak the truth or forever hold their breath peace, I perceive that a 'safe space' has been created for the likes of us at HEADJANITOR to join the happy, happy, happy throng of truth-telling journalists.

We ain't feelin' no hope, says Obama

As a token of our political correctness, in keeping with this week's cultural guidelines announced by the inebriates at Oxford University; and, in the interest, as ever, of truth-telling; ~ and, especially, given the indeterminate nature of the case at hand (ahem..): all of us here at HEADJANITOR have opted to use the recommended gender-neutral pronoun "ze," in reference to the above-pictured person ~ who reportedly said that 'ze' ain't feelin' no hope, since Donald Trump won the Presidential election.

Imagine that.  The current U.S. Administration has had nearly a decade to restore hope to Americans.  But Donald Trump delivered in eight words ("We are going to make America great, again!") more hope to Americans than the Obamas have managed to deliver in eight years.   The self-professed purveyors of Hope (and a whole lot'o Change) haven't even left Office, yet.  But already they're lamenting their experience of "what not having hope feels like."  That's probably as close to a confession as they may ever come.

It certainly was a long time a comin'.  But the American people finally figured out that Obama's campaign slogan, "Hope and Change," meant: hope for the Obamas, and change for everybody else in America.  
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Trump is going to lose. No, really.

Harvard University law professor Larry Lessing is working hard to subvert the results of the recent U.S. Presidential election.  (Isn't that what Leftists are accusing the Russians of having tried to do?)  Lessing is trying to encourage members of the Electoral College to not cast their votes for Trump (source, here).

He works for Harvard University!  That should tell you all you really need to know about this squirrelly character.  Can you say, "U.S.A.I.D.?"  Or, how about "Edmond J. Safra Research Lab?"

Lessing founded the above-named Research Lab at Harvard University, for the purpose to: "address fundamental problems of ethics in a way that is of practical benefit to institutions of government and society around the world."  Apparently, Lessing is not only a law professor but he's also a self-styled expert on the subject of "ethics."  Here is Lessing's own published definition of "Institutional Corruption:"
"Institutional corruption is manifest when there is a systemic and strategic influence which is legal, or even currently ethical, that undermines the institution’s effectiveness by diverting it from its purpose or weakening its ability to achieve its purpose, including, to the extent relevant to its purpose, weakening either the public’s trust in that institution or the institution’s inherent trustworthiness."  (source, here)
Funny; that sounds exactly like what Lessing is trying to do with respect to the Electoral College ~ that is, to "divert[] it from its purpose...[and to] weaken[] the public's trust in that institution or the institution's inherent trustworthiness."

Law professor.  Harvard University.  But that doesn't necessarily mean that Lessing is capable to think rationally.  Consider if you will, that in the context of his above-quoted definition of "institutional corruption," Lessing suggests that "corruption" may be "ethical."  Such an idea is hardly rational.  More important, his own offensive (and, perhaps, criminal) behavior ~ in reportedly attempting to subvert the Electoral College voting process, is not only unethical but it is immoral: that is, if it be unethical and immoral to engender strife unto probable bloodshed.

Even the Leftists' champion, Lyin' Hillary, conceded when the bell sounded.  One would think that, surely, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania recounts would have given Lessing a clue.  But, then, he's a Harvard prof ~

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The folks at National Geographic (Nat-Geo) have a reputation for capturing images of the rare and bizarre in Nature.  Now, they've done it, again.  There is perhaps nothing in the world that is rarer or more bizarre than prepubescent children (and their parents) who actually believe that gender is unrelated to anatomy and physiology.

Of course, conventional and ordinary doesn't sell magazines.  In this case, Nat-Geo has taken the bizarre a big step further, by portraying it not for what it is ~ an aberration, but instead identifying transgenderism (and that amongst children!) as a "revolution"!  

Never mind that even a superficial perusal of the Internet reveals a host of relevant facts to the contrary, including: 1) transgenders represent a less than minuscule percentage of the general population ~ while the number of transgender children doesn't even move the needle on the chart; and, 2) there is a rock-solid consensus of research data documenting the fact that 8 (or more) out of 10 professedly "transgender" persons eventually come to their senses and revert to embrace the reality of their biological makeup.  But facts are inconvenient things, especially when one is attempting to sell a revolution.

Judging from the cover photo (and the article itself, here), the editors of Nat-Geo may not be interested so much in a cultural revolution as they appear be in pedophilia.  Why make children the focus (as they did in the article) of their perversely imagined "revolution?"  Are children ~ really? ~ the driving force of the so-called transgender revolution?  I am sure they are not.

The power-brokers of the political Left want to eradicate "Fake News" reports and the sources of those ~ because, they say, it is malicious and hurtful to people.  The above is an example of what the Left considers to be "Real" news.  It's real, alright: real sick.

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Now, some real news

Jesus Christ is coming very soon to judge the world and to rid the earth of sinners.  "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye," as Scripture says (1 Corinthians 15:52).  And all the signs (of which there are many) point to this present hour as being the time of his return.  Even so, "come Lord Jesus."

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