

I am very literally watching Bible prophecy unfolding rapidly before my eyes.  How rapidly?  At the speed of technological development ~ which is occurring at an exponential rate.  Tonight (08 Nov., 2017), I heard someone who seems to be fairly intelligent say that the "Singularity" is going to arrive . . . next week.  "Most people won't even realize that anything happened," he then said.  I possess enough understanding of computer technology to have a gut feeling that he's right ~ on both points.

Before going any further, may I suggest it is really important to watch this brand new video (here).  I don't agree with everything that is said in that video.  Still, a lot of what is discussed in that video does seem to line up with Bible prophecy ~ especially, in connection with what the Bible very cryptically alludes to as the "mark of the beast" and an "image" (simulation, model, replication) of the "beast," etc..

The Technology Revolution has now reached the point beyond which humanity is going to be left sitting in the dust of our own ruin.  Increasingly throughout the past quarter-century or so, technological development has significantly contributed to the dis-integration of (technology-based) human societies.  But we are now at the point of experiencing a veritable explosion of what remains of our already-threadbare social institutions and networks.  I would say that the first hints of that imminent explosion have lately been foreshadowed by the prolific breakdown involving popular perception of reality ~ especially, due to the increasingly chaotic (mis)representations foisted upon the public by means of various mass media.  What is real?  What is not?  It is becoming more and more difficult to tell the difference.  That is especially true when attempting to deal with abstractions.

That is also why it is that so many people have a growing sense of foreboding about the future.  Indeed, that is an important reason why suicide has become pandemic across all so-called civilized societies.  We have reached the point at which the precarious balance that broadly existed between Order and Chaos, has been irrevocably tipped toward Chaos.

I could of course go on for days, talking about the what, and how, and why, regarding the collapse of human civilization.  But I really only want to say that I clearly see that the rise of Antichrist's ephemeral kingdom is emerging right before our eyes.  Ezekiel's War?  Any day, now.  Mark of the beast system?  Any day, now.  Rapture?

In the words of A.W. Tozer: "Let me go out on a limb a little, and prophesy."  Things are only going to get crazier and crazier, from this point forward.  If you think we're seeing bizarre occurrences now, you ain't seen nothin' yet.  The Bible says, prophetically, that when men shall have thrust away from themselves the knowledge and fear of God and, so, they have cast off all restraint pertaining to their conscience: "then shall that Wicked be revealed" (2 Thessalonians 2:7-8).  Multitudes, now, have quite literally lost their minds.  They have been "given over" to a reprobate mind.  They are no longer capable of thinking rationally, nor are they constrained by any sense of morality.

Importantly, that exceedingly serious problem just mentioned, is not limited to the drug addict or to the mass-murderer-psychopath.  But it crosses all socio-economic and cultural lines.  Which means that those "multitudes" of senseless, heartless, demon-possessed individuals are present ~ everywhere amongst the world: in government; in the schools; in law enforcement; in business; in entertainment industries; in the malls and grocery stores; and, yes, even in the churches.

Like I said, I could go on for days.

They will cast their gold and silver to the bats and to the moles ~ when they shall go into their dens and caves seeking to hide themselves from the wrath of God.

Get ready, Church.  Everything is getting ready to change in ways we've never imagined.  And only those who are truly rooted and grounded in the Word of God, and are living in close fellowship with Jesus Christ, by his Spirit, shall be able to stand.

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