
seismic shift ~ or cosmic upheaval?

The above photo portrays the effects of a "seismic shift."  Unusual ~ yet far from unknown, seismic shifts can cause extensive damage and prolonged disruption in localized areas.  But what the whole world is experiencing now is mind boggling.  The phrase "seismic shift" cannot begin to convey the sense of proportion associated with the scope and rate of changes that are occurring, practically on a daily basis.  The idea that "something big is coming," has gone from being a commonly heard expression, to become an unspoken axiom of our perceived reality.  Meanwhile, a lot of phenomenally big things have already transpired ~ though much of that has escaped the attention of the masses, who are preoccupied with the mindless trivia dispensed to them by their puppet-masters.  But the Scripture says, of Christ's true disciples: "But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief" (1 Thessalonians 5:4).  Furthermore, the Bible says: "[W]hen ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors" (Mark 13:29).

Evidently, some must be capable of "seeing" ~ certain things ~ "come to pass."  (I have written extensively about what are those things.)  Though few such persons would call themselves "prophets," doubtless all of them would claim to be divinely enlightened by the Word and Spirit of the living God.  Call them "seers," if you will; nevertheless, men and women of understanding (through Christ) are present in the world ~ and they are speaking . . . to all who will hear.

Below, is a graph showing the Dow Jones Industrial Average (stock market), over the past ten years:

Important to note, the current level is twice as high as it was in the months preceding the "crash" of 2008.  Recently, the stock market has been experiencing an unprecedented season of phenomenally increasing prices ~ which every financial expert warns that stocks are already crazily overvalued.  Compare that with what has been happening with BitCoin ~ which has skyrocketed from a price of around $6000.00 just one month ago, to its current price over $11,000.00!   What can such seemingly irrational behavior mean? 

What does it mean?  It means that people with money are fleeing the U.S. dollar; it means that the days of the dollar ~ if not, rather, that the days of the U.S. as a global economic superpower ~ are over.  Done.  Folks with real money are desperately looking for a way to convert dollar reserves either to hard assets, or even to wildly speculative enterprises such as BitCoin.  And whatever else may be signified by the recent and still ongoing debacle in Saudi Arabia, involving the mass roundup and incarceration of scores of Saudi princes and other government leaders; the release of one of those princes ~ in exchange for a $1,000,000,000.00 (1 $Billion) ransom ~ reveals that the global economy is in upheaval, to say the very least.

Yet, the imperiled world economic structure (that is to say, the "imperiled" Old Order of global economics), pales in comparison with the dangers that are now appearing in the world, by reason not of mere "climate change" (which is a euphemism for a series of recent unprecedented climactic and/or geologic phenomena), but of changes that are rapidly occurring throughout our entire solar system!

I strongly recommend that you should watch the following videos:  here,  here,  here and here.

Do the warnings stated in those videos have any meaningful correlation with Scripture?  Indeed, they do.  The Bible says that, during the soon coming Tribulation, "power" will be given to the sun, to "scorch men with fire.  And men were scorched with great heat" (Revelation 16:9).  Put that revelation together with the fact that earth's magnetic fields are rapidly weakening; and, in view of a host of other prophetic indicators which point to the fact that we are now living at the very threshold of the Tribulation: it is entirely reasonable to conclude that the predictions and warnings contained in the above-linked videos are almost certainly spot on.

Earthquakes.  "Great" earthquakes in "divers places" (Luke 21:11) shall be one of the signs pointing to the soon return of Christ.  Throughout the past half-century or so, there has been a phenomenal increase in the number and size of "great" earthquakes, around the world.  Lately, that trend appears to be increasing exponentially.  (I am a very studious observer of earthquake data.)  Believe me when I say that the world is now entering upon a period of unprecedented earthquake activity.  Does that warning have any correlation with Scripture? Indeed, it does.  The Bible indicates, in more than one place in the Revelation, that the earth is going to experience some of the greatest earthquakes ever ~ during the soon coming Tribulation (see, Revelation 6:12; 8:5; 11:13-19; 16:18).  All indicators are already pointing in that direction.  (Sorry about the purple color. "Blogger" editing software doesn't work well.)

The "great shaking" foretold in Scripture is even now beginning to rattle the foundations of the world.  And the world of humankind is not exempt from that shaking.  In fact, it is the world of humankind that is the focus of that.  The root cause of social upheaval is the proliferation of sin; which is affecting the earth itself:
"The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.  Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left" (Isaiah 24:5).
Sin is a killer.  Sin is destructive.  Sin is abhorrent to the holy God.  Sin has eternal consequences.  Sin shall never go unpunished.  No one is 'getting away with' any kind of sin.  Christ died to "put away sin" (Hebrews 9:26) ~ not merely to forgive sin.

The great shaking is at hand.  And the Bible says that only that which is firmly anchored in God is going to be able to withstand (Hebrews 12:27); all else shall be given to destruction.

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