The following essay was contributed by a guest Author, someone very dear to my heart. I have published it unedited._________________________________________________________
Those of you reading this blog most likely are very aware of the lateness of the hour and the times in which we live. 2 Timothy 3:1 states: This know also, that in the last days, perilous times shall come. Merriam-Webster describes perilous as dangerous, hazardous, precarious, risky means bringing or involving the chance of loss or injury. Dangerous applies to something that may cause harm or loss unless dealt with carefully. Now imagine you have been told to defuse a bomb. Would you dare attempt defusing a bomb without instruction on how to navigate such a task? Probably NOT. So why do we think we can navigate these perilous times without instruction?
I recently viewed a video that brought me to write this article. The title of the documentary is called Brainwashed the DocuMovie Part One. This documentary deals with the "intentional destruction" of America and I highly encourage you to invest two hours to watch it. Hopefully it will give you a much better understanding of what, who and how our once great nation is coming under siege and ushering us into perilous times. HERE is the link.
While watching this documentary and as the commentator brought out a number of weapons of warfare and tactics used by the enemies of America, the Lord began bringing to my recall of His promises in the Word of God. One of God's promises that I have stood firmly on is 2 Timothy 1:7: For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and love and of a sound mind. Think upon this one promise and take hold of it and contemplate upon this extremely powerful promise in the midst of the ongoing calamity in our world at this hour.
I confess I like my Coke Zero, at least until a few days ago. Thank you so much to the whistleblower employee who was mandated by the Coca-Cola Company to complete a training module Confronting Racism (the story can be found HERE). Through this training their employees are instructed to 'BE LESS WHITE'. What? Needless to say, even though Coke had a serious backlash and has now decided to pull the training, my soundness of mind is telling me to BOYCOTT COKE! I don't need their products and they don't need my money.
Another example is the backlash Mike Lindell, CEO of My Pillow, has received just because he decided to investigate the truth concerning the massive election fraud and spent a lot of money creating a documentary to get the truth in the hands of the people. A number of stores immediately came out of their dark closets to announce they would no longer carry his products. Bed Bath & Beyond and Kohl's just to name a couple. So, again, I say boycott these places that do not support the truth or our Christian values! Will it hurt these stores if I boycott them? Not in the least . . . but there is power in numbers to be sure!
How about Target? Does anyone still shop there? They sell PRIDE clothing targeted to children. Check out the article HERE. I haven't spent one penny there in a number of years. Are they still in business? Of course. But until we band together, these policies will only continue to get worse.
Check out the Pepsi commercial (HERE) and see who's representing Pepsi. I believe this commercial was from 2003. I have been boycotting them I guess for 18 years now!
Does it matter where we shop, what we support? I believe the Lord honors us when we turn from such things. I will close with 2 Timothy chapter 3. Read it when you get a moment and think on these things as the Word says in Philippians 4:8: Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
How do all of these things tie in together? I believe the video link, above (Brainwashed...), will help to clarify the war that we face in these perilous times, how we are to respond and stand...stand firm on the Word of God!
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